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Kushinada Legend




    The story of Susano-oh's birth and arrival in Izumo are told in the Kojiki.  Susano-oh is the god of storms and of the sea; he is called the Brave-Swift-Impetuous Male and he was known for his highly volatile temper and impetuous ways before he came to earth.  Susano-oh came into being while his father, Izanami was purifying himself, preparing to go into the Underworld and reclaim his wife, Izanagi.  Susano-oh sprang forth from his father's nose (from the breath of god), and immediately begin wailing and lamenting for his mother (who is in the Underworld). 
    His wails became too much for everyone in the heavens to bear and so he was banished to the netherworld.  Before he left, however he wished to bid his sister farewell.  At his approach, the ground shook and he made so much noise that his sister,
Amaterasu, the sun goddess, became afraid and asked for a sign of friendship.  So together, they decided to create more gods.
    Amaterasu chewed up her brother's sword and spat out the pieces.  From the pieces sprang three goddesses.  Susano-oh chewed up his sister's necklace and from those pieces came five gods.  At this point, Susano-oh became so excited that he lost control and defiled one of Amaterasu's temples.  He also threw a flayed horse into one of her houses. 
    Amaterasu was so terrified of her brother's recklessness that she hid in a cave, thus plunging the heavens and the world below into darkness.  For his recklessness, Susano-oh suffered the punishment of having his hair and beard cut, and his fingernails pulled out.  Then the gods banished him from heaven and he descended to earth. to live as a mortal. 
    Upon his arrival, he proceeded to the river Hi in the province of Izumo where he heard the sound of weeping.  He went in search of the cause of the sorrow and came upon an old man and woman, with a young girl between them.  Susano-oh questioned the old man and was told that he was
Ashi nadzuchi, his wife was Te nadzuchi and their daughter's name was Kushi nada hime
    The old man then told him that he used to have eight daughters, and all but one had been devoured year after year by a serpent with one body, eight heads and tails and eyes as red as winter cherries.   The serpent's time of arrival had returned and they knew he would now eat their remaining daughter.  This was the cause of their sorrow. 
    At this point, Susano-oh asked them to give him their daughter, which they did.  He changed her into a comb and tucked her into his hair for safe keeping.  Then he asked the old couple to distill a brew of eightfold sake, and to build a fence that would have eight gates.  At each gate, they placed a vat holding sake so that when the
Orochi dragon came, he drank all eight vats and became intoxicated.
    In some versions of the story, Orochi falls asleep and is killed by Susano-oh, but in other versions, Orochi and Susano-oh engage in hand to hand combat before Susano-oh is finally able to slay the dragon. Susano-oh then dismembers the dragin and in Orochi's tail, Susano-oh found a magnificent sword endowed with supernatural powers: the
Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi (the Sword of Billowing Clouds, which later became Kusanagi no Tsurugi (the Grass Cutter)  This sword is now one of the Imperial treasure said to have been presented to the first Emperor of Japan by the goddess Amaterasu, herself.