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    Before I became interested in Blue Seed, I knew absolutely nothing about Japanese mythology.  Since then, I have become interested in it and have learned enough to put me in the "dangerous" category.  In this section I will try to impart some of what I have learned for those of you interested enough to have point and clicked your way here.  But beware; you are learning from a novice, so read on with caution!


    In the Shinto religion, the are eight million kami, kami being the spirits of everything, from rocks and plants  to men and gods.  Most of the gods and the mythological tapestry of Japan are laid out in one of two books:  the Kojiki - Records of Ancient Matters and the Nihongo - Chronicles of Japan.

For more info on the legend of Susano-oh's birth and the legend of the Kushinada, follow the link below:
Legend of the Kushinada/Tale of Susano-oh's Birth



Gods and Monsters Compendium


Susano-oh no Mikoto -  the Brave, Swift, Impetuous Male; God of Storms and of the Sea.  He married the Princess Kushinada

Amaterasu - Sun goddess, sister to Susano-oh and grandmother to the first ruler of Japan

Izanagi - the central god of the creation myth of Japan; father to Susano-oh and Amaterasu

Izanami - the central goddess of the creation myth; wife and sister to Izanagi, mother to Susano-oh and Amaterasu

Ashi nadzuchi - Princess Kushinada's father and Earth Spirit; his name: Foot Stroking Elder.

Te nadzuchi - Princess Kushinada's mother; her name: Hand Stroking Elder

Kushinada Hime - the Princess Kushinada; her name:  Mistress Head Comb

Yamata no Orochi/Orochi no Orochi - a Serpent with one body, eight heads eight tails with eyes that glow like winter cherries.  On his body grows moss and conifers, the length of which extends over eight valleys and eight hills.  His belly is constantly bloody and inflamed.

Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi - the Sword that Susano-oh pulled from Orochi's tail; the name means Sword of Billowing Clouds

Kusanagi no Tsurugi - (Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi) the Grass Cutter; the sword that Susano-oh pulled from the tail of Orochi and presented to his sister as a gift.  Amaterasu, in turn, presented it to the first Emperor of Japan.

Reiko - a great Japanese hero responsible for slaying giant spiders known as Kumo.

Izumo - small country town around which many Japanese myths center.  There is a great temple in Izumo in which the gods meet annually in October to discuss the fate of humanity and the love affairs of individuals; the assemblage is known as the Assembly of the Gods.

Willow Tree - in Japan certain trees (cherry trees, chestnut trees plum trees and willow trees) are often endowed with spirits that can speak and show themselves.

Giant Crow/Raicho - the Japanese Thunder Bird that looks like a giant rook (crow); it can make a terrifying noise and lives in a pine tree.

Centipede - a terrifying, man-eating, gigantic monster that lived in the mountains of Japan.  The famous hero Hidesato is responsible for slaying it.

Kappa - a water monster with long hair, the body of a tortoise, scaly limbs and an ape face.  They attack children and travellors.  They pull them under the water as they are wading through a river and suck their blood.  They have also been known to attack animals such as horses.  A kappa travels on a cucumber, its preferred food.  These cucumbers can fly like dragonflies.  Kappas may have been at one time, wise monkeys and can be befriended by wise men and taught useful skills such as the art of setting bones.

Cat - in Japanese mythology, cats have supernatural powers with the ability to shape shift and control the mind.  Spectral cats can grow to gigantic size and terrorize whole villages, even though they are barely visible.  Cats are also considered to have power over the spirits of the dead

Spider/Kumo - spiders bigger than a man with eyes as big as saucers, sharp teeth and long legs that suck the blood of humans.  They were hunted and killed by the great hero Reiko.

Mermaids/Ninyo - Japanese mermaids are said to grant longevity to those that eat them; living as long as eight hundred years

Hidesato - the Japanese hero responsible for slaying the giant Centipede.