Question the Endangered Species Act

We can change the law with enough pressure!

A "jeopardy call" is when an endangered species is so endangered, they can't be used for scientific or educational purposes. Please write to the three below. Ask them 1) Why are elephants in the U.S. not protected from physical abuse under the Endangered Species Act? 2) How does the circus get around the ESA? 3)How can we get ESA changed to protect elephants and tigers and other exotic animals by prohibiting display for profit, prohibiting rides to the public, prohibition of performing and working.

Secretary Gale Norton
U.S. Dept. of Interior
1849 C. Street N.W.
Washington D.C. 20240

Director Steven Williams
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Division of Management Authority Room 700
4401 North Fairfax Drive
Arlington VA 22203

Asistant Director Gary Frazer
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Endangered Species
Division of Management Authority Room 700
4401 North Fairfax Drive
Arlington VA 22203

Sample Letter:

Dear Secretary Norton:

I would like to know why circuses and traveling shows are allowed to exploit endangered species Asian and African elephants?  Why are they not protected under the Endangered Species Act in the United States?  What loophole are they using to get around the law?  Or are Asian and African elephants not protected under this law?  I've read some of the permits the circuses have applied for, they state that they are providing "conservation education for survival of the species".  I'd like to know exactly what "conservation education" they are providing.  In my opinion, they are profiting personally, providing absolutely no education, and diminishing the species by allowing them to die from tuberculosis, beatings and cruelty.  Many elephants, babies and adults, have died at the hands of the trainers from repetitive beatings, electrocutions, drownings, the denial of veterinary care and even being run over with a bulldozer and killed in one case.   

There are pending lawsuits by the USDA and ASPCA against Ringling Brothers and Hawthorn Company in Grayslake, Illinois for abuse to elephants.  The case against Ringling Brothers was recently upheld by a federal district court of District of Columbia on July 30, 2003.  This suit alleges that Ringling routinely beats, chains and separates elephant babies from their mothers before they are weaned.   The ASPCA will submit videotaped beatings by a Ringling  ex-employee as evidence.

The USDA has a lawsuit charging the elephant rental company, Hawthorn & CEO Mr. John Cuneo, has violated the Animal Welfare Act  "47" times.  Many of his elephants have died from untreated tuberculosis, a curable disease.  These afflicted elephants gave rides to the public until they died.

The life of a circus elephant is deplorable.  They travel year round in uncontrolled temperatures in trucks and dilapidated trains, chained at the ankles unable to move.  They are beaten with baseball bats, axehandles, given electrical shock treatment, food and water deprivation.  These normally docile, majestic animals have their spirits and bodies broken.  All in the name of providing amusement for humans.   Well, to me, this is not amusement, this is animal abuse. 

Why are the trainers who beat elephants and tigers not arrested?  Is it true that if a beating takes place during training, it is not against the law?  Not against the Endangered Species Act?   We are seeking maximum jail time for the Hawthorn trainer John Caudill who has beat elephants in public view, which children have witnessed.  We want the USDA to seize the elephants, who have been in a period of "sustained suffering".  LOTA the elephant was dying of tuberculosis, which she contracted from humans in filthy and stressful conditions while standing in feces and urine, until public pressure mounted against the USDA forced them to charge Hawthorn. Asian elephants JOYCE and HATTIE died of tuberculosis on the road performing, performing to their last dying breath.

There is so much proof in videotape documenting the horrendous abuse that this society can no longer keep our eyes closed.  The elephant and tigers are Endangered and Threatened Species.  Why are we allowing them to be abused in our country?

Enclosed is the petition in which 5000 people have signed to save Asian elephant  LOTA from Hawthorn.  Obviously the Endangered Species Act has done nothing to protect her.  Also enclosed is a picture of emaciated JOYCE, who died of tuberculosis at the hands of Hawthorn.

I know I have asked you a lot of questions and I appreciate any information you can assist me to understand and change the law.  What can I do, who / what can I write, to get the elephants and tigers protected from forced performing, giving rides, or display for profit?  Please hasten your response because every day is a day of abuse. 






* One well known loophope the "Entertainment" industry is using is calling their captive perfomances "conservation." It is quite obvious that perfomances are not conserving these speicies in their natural environment. Please complain to your Representative about this.

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