
Gildah is a 42-year-old Asian elephant being kept by Siegfried and Roy at the Mirage in Las Vegas.

A former Mirage employee writes testimony: "I worked at the Mirage for 6 years and saw poor Gildah on a frequent basis. In that time, about 10 of my letters to the editor were published in various Vegas papers. There was also at least one op-ed piece about her. Several times I knew people who picketed her performances. Siegfried and Roy are a multi-million dollar production and they and their staff live lavishly while their animals (the "products" that have made them rich and famous) languish. The white tigers are their meal ticket and main attraction and they do get exercise and at least can interact with others of their own species. Poor Gildah is all alone and always chained when not in view. Her handlers always carried a hideous device in their hand which they would hit upon Gildah's trunk. I have seen this, because I was physically in the hotel and corridors because I worked there. In fact, I became an elephant "activist" solely because of what I witnessed with Gildah. She is a gentle, dear soul and I looked into her eyes and saw such pain and loneliness. They would allow kids to throw pennies and dimes at her and sometimes people would throw baseballs at her, which would hit in on the flank and head. It's so sad! I have seen Gildah hundreds of times. She is lonely, chained and miserable. Her diet consists of dried hay and in the summer, they occasionally gave her some watermelon and some kind of yellow mush. I have written and demanded her release for years. Siegfried and Roy treat their tigers no better. They are on display in a glass booth in the hotel for one hour a day, the rest of the time they are forced into tiny cages. All of this makes my heart bleed!"

** Most people who have not heard or read the above testimony, believe that Siegfried and Roy treat their animals very well. Roy Horn is apparently the real animal-lover. Although he keeps and exploits endangered species, his true intentions seem good. Therefore, when writing to Siegfried and Roy (or anyone for that matter), it is important NOT to use verbal abuse. No one listens to anyone who verbally abuses them and it certainly will not help any animals. Please keep this in mind when writing.

Update: P!NK speaks out for Gildah P!INK always says "we are all pink on the inside." This include Gildah and all animals!

NEW: Condolence Letter to Siegfried & Roy

Siegfried and Roy
C/O Mirage Hotel
3400 Las Vegas Blvd. S.
Las Vegas, NV 89109

Dear Siegfried and Roy,

I am so sorry to hear about this very tragic accident. Thank you for not euthanizing Montecore.

I sincerely hope that through this tragedy, something good will come. I hope a deeper understanding and respect for these wild and endangered animals evolves from this sad incident.

Perhaps helping animals in their natural habitat would be rewarding with retirement.

I would like to assist in helping in any way I can. I am sorry to hear about the indefinite cancellation of the show. However, I am more than willing to help raise funds and help place the animals into refugees that give high quality of life to endangered tigers and elephants, etc.

I am also willing to help raise funds to send Gildah to an Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee where she could live freely and be with others of her kind. I know you love her and treated her with the most kindness. So I know you will want to do what is best for her. The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee is very reputable and has been commended by the USDA for their efforts in helping elephants like Gildah

Thousands of us are saddened by this tragic accident but we are willing to help in any way we can with the animals.

Get Well Soon, Roy! You are in our thoughts and prayers!


Read PETA's letter to Siegfried and Roy

Unfortunately letters to editors and the Mirage are not enough. One article has been written in Gambling Magazine, but it favors the side of the Mirage.

Please write to the following and demand her release while assessing the situation: Gildah is in chains, kept in solitary confinement, deprived of socialization, been there for 20 years, no or limited exercise.

See how they glamorize her 55th birthday when official records state that she is 42, yet won't even give her a night off.

Any information about any elephant or performing animal should be "cc"ed to Secretary of Agriculture the Honorable Ann M. Veneman and to other USDA officials. It is strongly recommended to "cc" it to everyone on the Contact List and whoever else you can think of.

Kenny C. Guinn
Capitol Building
Carson City, NV. 89701
(775) 684-5670
(775) 684-5683 FAX
555 E Washington Ave
Suite 5100
Las Vegas, NV. 89101

Nevada First Lady Dema Guinn

Ensign, John

Reid, Harry - (D - NV) Class III

Rep. Shelley Burkley
The Honorable Shelley Berkley
U.S. House of Representatives
439 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-4708
Phone:(202) 225-5965
Fax: (202) 225-3119
Toll free: (877) 409-2488
Las Vegas District Office
The Honorable Shelley Berkley
2340 Paseo Del Prado, Suite D-106
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Phone:(702) 220-9823

Lieutenant Governor Lorraine T. Hunt
Grant Sawyer Building
555 E Washington Ave, Suite 5500
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101


Please also contact these Las Vegas agencies and file complaints against the Mirage and Siegfried and Roy. In your complaint, please also mention that they lie in their promotions about Gildah's age. They publicize that she is 55 when official records state that she is 42.

Las Vegas Valley Humane Society
2250 East Tropicana Road Ste. 19
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Fax: 702-435-9518

Nevada SPCA

The Animal Foundation
700 North Mojave Road
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Fax: 702-384-4563

Dewey Animal Care Center (LVPD Animal Control)
4800 West Dewey Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89118
(702) 873-3455


Please write to Las Vegas City Council and ask for a ban using Endangered and Threatened Species for rides, work, performing or display for profit. This would apply to Gildah and the tigers at Siegfried and Roy.

Contact Mayor Goodman:
400 Stewart Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Mayor's Office: (702) 229-6241
City Hall FAX: (702) 385-7960

Contact Councilman Mack:
400 Stewart Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89101
City Council Phone: (702) 229-6405
City Council FAX: (702) 382-8558

Contact Councilman Weekly:
400 Stewart Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89101
City Council Phone: (702) 229-6405
City Council FAX: (702) 382-8558

Contact Councilman Brown:
400 Stewart Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89101
City Council Phone: (702) 229-6405
City Council Fax: (702) 382-8558

Contact Councilman Reese:
400 Stewart Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89101
City Council Phone: (702) 229-6405
City Council FAX: (702) 382-8558

Contact Councilwoman Lynette B. McDonald:
400 Stewart Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89101
City Council Phone: (702) 229-6405
City Council FAX: (702) 382-8558

Contact Councilwoman Moncrief:
400 Stewart Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89101
City Council Phone: (702) 229-6405
City Council Fax: (702) 382-8558

Please also write the following and demand Gildah's retirement:

President Mirage Hotel and Casino
3400 Las Vegas Blvd. S.
Las Vegas, NV 89109

Chair and CFO MGM-Mirage
3600 Las Vegas Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89177

Sigfried and Roy
C/O Mirage Hotel
3400 Las Vegas Blvd. S.
Las Vegas, NV 89109

FELD Worldwide Headquarters:
8607 Westwood Center Drive
Vienna, VA 22182
Phone: (703) 448 - 4000
Fax: (703) 448 - 4100

Las Vegas general media Contacts
Please also send info to major media sources.




Dear USDA and Government Leaders,

Serious concerns are raised about "Gildah," an endangered Asian elephant who is owned by FELD, Ringling Bros, and performing with Siegfried and Roy at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas.

Elephant experts worldwide have concluded that it is cruel to keep elephants, who are highly social animals, in solitary conditions. Regardless, Gildah has been kept alone for 20 years now. I feel compelled to demand her retirement. She is now 42 years of age and the public feels she has done her time and should be rewarded with sanctuary retirement.

Our group desperately urges the USDA to adopt stricter guidelines AT LEAST stating that performing elephants be retired before age 18.

A former Mirage employee writes testimony: "I worked at the Mirage for 6 years and saw poor Gildah on a frequent basis. In that time, about 10 of my letters to the editor were published in various Vegas papers. There was also at least one op-ed piece about her. Several times I knew people who picketed her performances. Siegfried and Roy are a multi-million dollar production and they and their staff live lavishly while their animals (the "products" that have made them rich and famous) languish. The white tigers are their meal ticket and main attraction and they do get exercise and at least can interact with others of their own species. Poor Gildah is all alone and always chained when not in view. Her handlers always carried a hideous device in their hand which they would hit upon Gildah's trunk. I have seen this, because I was physically in the hotel and corridors because I worked there. In fact, I became an elephant "activist" solely because of what I witnessed with Gildah. She is a gentle, dear soul and I looked into her eyes and saw such pain and loneliness. They would allow kids to throw pennies and dimes at her and sometimes people would throw baseballs at her, which would hit in on the flank and head. It's so sad! I have seen Gildah hundreds of times. She is lonely, chained and miserable. Her diet consists of dried hay and in the summer, they occasionally gave her some watermelon and some kind of yellow mush. I have written and demanded her release for years. Siegfried and Roy treat their tigers no better. They are on display in a glass booth in the hotel for one hour a day, the rest of the time they are forced into tiny cages. All of this makes my heart bleed!"

This matter can no longer be ignored. At the very least, I must demand in great desperation that Gildah be retired to the highly reputable Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee where she can be with other retired female elephants. Our group has volunteered to help raise the funds necessary for Gildah’s retirement as well as make all the arrangements necessary to transport her.

As a TAXPAYER and REGISTERED VOTER, I must desperately urge Federal and State Legislatures to pass a law forbidding the ownership of a sole elephant, that they must be kept in a group of three or more. The reason for three or more is so that if one dies, there won't be a single one left to die of a broken heart. This has been documented many times in many countries. In fact, in Australia, they passed this law when a circus elephant died of a broken heart when her companion died.

Last year Germany became the first country ever to grant constitutional rights to animals. Lawmakers voted to add "and animals" to a clause in the German Constitution that obliges the State to protect the dignity of humans. I highly commend Germany for recognizing God's creatures as individuals. I pray that the United States will follow.

I ask that the USDA inspect the Mirage and Gildah on a regular basis and since extra funds have been set aside to enforce the Animal Welfare Act, I must ask that an elephant expert be brought in to inspect and assess Gildah’s solitary confinement.

The campaign to retire Gildah is just part of the major campaign to prohibit elephants and other animals in enslaved performing situations within the United States. Please expect more pressure on this issue as our group feels uncontrollably compelled to change laws in our country that allow such cruelty to continue.

Thank you for your time, consideration and attention in this matter.


(name address), Taxpayer and Registered Voter

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