My Clique

Luna424: Hello!  This is where you can join MY clique! 

Lita: Um, I thought it was MY clique!

Luna424: No, hehe, it's mine (shoves her out of the way)

Lita: No you said it was mine, I am hosting the page!

Luna424: CO HOSTING!!!!

Lita: Sure, sure whatever...

Luna424: HUMPH!  Well this clique is about what type of Sailor Moon powers you have!  

Lita: I have thunder! JUPITER THUNDER CLAP ZAP! (fries Luna)

Luna424: Owie.

Lita: Well anyway...your thing will look like this, and the example will be...OAK EVOLUTION! (Luna get thrown across the room)

Luna424: Owie agian. (slides down wall)


my power ~ Oak Evolution!  


Lita: Well there you have it! It won't be all blinky and stuff unless you use hyperlink rollover effects on your page.  If you are using Front Page, right click on the page and go to page properties.  Then go to the tap that says background.  Check the box that says enable Hyperlink Rollover effects.  Click the thing that  says Roll Over Effect and chose the color and effect.  Also in the background thing tell what color you wan the text to be, and that's it!

Luna424: Well that took forever.

Lita: Oh, you could do it shorter?

Luna424: Yea.

Lita: Be my guest.

Luna424: E-mail me and ask me.

Lita: (Slaps her forehead)

Luna424:  Well if you wan to join this thing e-mail me and tell me your joining!  Use this code!


<p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><font face="Arial Rounded MT Bold" color="#FF99FF"><a href="my_clique.htm">my power</a> ~ Type your power here!&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></p>

Luna424: You can also make up your own powers!  Nothing nasty please!  For exsample, I am Sailor Hurracanie, and my power is Hurricane Winds Blow and/or Swirling Rain Blast!  Please don't copy me!  Well anyho, make sure you e-mail me first before you join!  Oh, and the rules...

1) No Hentai!  Well, I can make some exceptions, like for the original Manga type stuff.  No completely icky, nasty, porn like site, with ewie fan-art or anything!

2) I doesn't have to be about Sailor Moon.  But if it isn't please tell me when you e-mail me, because I need to categorize the members.  I have no members now, I'm sooooo sad, yet, I think I'm gonna go ask some people to join! 

3) Read the rules!

4) Make sure it will link back to my site!

5) It has to be on the front page of your site.

6) If it isn't up in at least a year (hehe I'm not that strict) I'm gonna take you off my list!

7) E-mail me first!

Luna424: Wow, that's a lot of rules, 7, wow.  Well start joining!



Silent Angel ~ Silly moon

*~*Angelfeather*~* ~ Sailor's Garden of Light

Luna424:  Guess what???? 

Lita: Huh? What, I thought the page was over I was going home.

Luna424:  Well it's not and anyway I need you at SMTV in an hour so you can't go home, ya'll are all sleeping at my house!

Lita: (still putting on her jacket) No we're not!

Luna424:  Your wrong, but this is another clique!!  I made another, the first one was just going soooo well.

Lita:  You have one  member...

Luna424:  Oh shut-up (hits her on the head) But I found the cutest things!!!!  I have been looking for all these icons FOREVER!!!!  I found them!  Yah!  I didn't really want to have a million of the things so I decided on a Kitty Clique!  Kind of like adopting the kitty, but well not.

Lita: Oh how informative.

Luna424: You just put the kitty on your page and link it here, as in to this page.  Just like the other one, your name and URL will be put on this page.  The rules are exactly the same as the other one, scroll up.  Well first of all chose your kitty:

1)luna1.gif   2)luna2.gif   3)luna3.gif  4)lp.gif  5)art1.gif   6)art2.gif   7)luna4.gif


Yes, I know I have Luna-P up there, you can use her too.  I think she's a good kitty.  So humph!  Well anyway then e-mail me with:


Your name

Your URL

Which kitty your taking (the #)


Luna424:  Well that's it!

Lita: Hey, I have an idea!

Luna424: What?

Lita: Lets make one for Jupiter fans everywhere!  Yea, well have an essay contest to who is the biggest Jupiter fan, and then they get to meet me!

Luna424: How bout, no, but I'll do a clique, and it can be yours!

Lita: Oh, goodie!

Luna424: Same rules and e-mail things as the kitty and power one, just different pics, here they are...

1)serena1.gif   2)serena2.gif   3)serena3.gif   4)serena4.gif   5)nserena.gif   6)pserenity.gif   7)serena5.gif 


Lita:  HEY!  Those aren't pictures of me!

Luna424: Oh, yea, sorry, this one is called the many faces of Serena, but you are in charge.

Lita: Oh, happy day.

Luna424: I'm glad you like it!  Well sign up now, here are the members...

Kitty Clique      


Crystal~ Rainbow Moon

Silent Angel~ Silly Moon


The Many Faces of Serena (which is owned by Lita) 


Silent Angel~ Silly Moon

