Cafe Latte's Carrot Shrine

Cafe: Welcome to my Carrot Shrine!!! Look around and be Happy!! This my friends, is a scary shrine... Full of my wierd ideas, and enough craziness, you can dance the hokey pokey to!! ^_^

Cherry: You put your left in, you put your out...*does Hokey Pokey*

Cafe: Uh.....*sweat drop*

Nuri: "My Carrot Shrine?!" I thought we all worked in this shrine together?!

Cherry: You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out...*continues to do hokey pokey*

Nuri:......*sweat drop*

Sugar: Ooh... Hokey Pokey!!! *joins Cherry in Hokey Pokey*

Kaze: Um... What are Sugar and Cherry doing?!

Cafe: I...don't....know...

Nuri: Well, I thought we all worked in this Carrot shrine!

Faia: Sorry I'm late, what are we talking about?!Oh wow!! HOKEY POKEY!!! *Joins Cherry and Sugar in Hokey Pokey*

Cafe: All you guys just help me with this shrine, but you don't own it like me!

Cherry, Faia and Sugar: You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around...*too much hokey pokey....*

Update: August 26,2002

Okay, so the pics from AX aren't up yet... ^_^;;;;; I'll TRY to get those up... soon..... Um, two new fanarts. Yeah. Also two new buttons to link to me. They're made by Hikari!! *huggles Hikari* Thank you!!! There's also a new button for the Guestbook!!! ^_^ *squee* And... *doo dee doo* I'm proud to announce the arrival of Carrot Holics Anonymouse!!! (CHA for short!) The all new message board to come to Cafe Latte's Carrot Shrine!!!! ^_^ Yep... That's it. ^_^ Oh yeah. I've changed the image on the top because school is gonna start on September 5 for me... So there's a pic of school Carrot.... *shudders* It disturbs me..... *squick*

Where can we take you today?



About Carrot

Fan Junk

Image Galleries


My Pocket Bishonen

For You

Carrot Drinking Game

Fashion Time with Carrot


My Top Ten Anime Dudes



Sign it Dammit!! You know you want to... *gets whip*

The official message bord!!! Yeah! Carrot Holics Anonymous is here!!!!!

Vote for me in The Top Sorcerer Hunters Sites

Tira has whipped Carrot Times since January 25, 2002 (at least on this new location!)
