The Church of Time and Chaos

[Ranma and Setsuna]






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"I must not seduce Ranko. I must not seduce Ranko. I must not seduce Ranko. I must not cover her in honey, chocolate sauce, and whipped cream just so I can lick it off. I must be good. I must be in control. I will not seduce Ranko." - Sailor Pluto "All the small things"


  1. Added 'A Time For Wild Horses'
  2. People if you like a FIC please email the author to continue. I would love to see some finished fics here.
  3. Sadly ChiLord as retired from Fanfics. So unless he returns there will be nore more NekoMoon chapters.
  4. Sorry people for the delay in updates. RL is the cause. Should be all better now.
  5. Hey I need Ranma and Setsuna Fan Art!!!!! PLEASE
  6. Thanks Gabriel Blessing for Wild Time. Submitted Fics are so much easier to upload.
  7. Added Wild Time Prologue - CH 5
  8. Okay people I need you to email me if you catch errors on these pages. I try to catch them all but sometimes things slip past.
  9. Fixed Finding an Anchor's wrapping
  10. Finishing what you start is wrapped
  11. Wrapped New Order
  12. Added New Order 9
  1. All The Small Things 8
  2. All The Small Things Summary added and Wordwrapped
  3. Angel of the Night Word Wrapped and summary added
  4. Wrapped 'Best of All the Years'

Adding a link to the fanfiction section

I believe the Finding an Anchor - Chapter 2 problem is fixed

The Finding and Anchor Index should have 'Finding' now not Find.

Working on getting the Relucentant Bet up.

I need votes:

  1. Should I sort the Fiction page into two lists. One for Exclusive Setsuna romances, Ex: 'The New Order', and another for fics where she shares Ranma. Ex: 'Silver Dragon: Flames of Rebirth'?
  2. Should I add another page for fics where Ranma is Pluto's child?


Site Started!!!

© 2001 Silverbreeze