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Update 26th February
-Posted by James @ 21:00pm GMT
OK. There has been big changes at BR and I'll let you guys in on the info. Rob has lost his drive for BR, especially after he paid a lot for webspace and and got screwed over by the company. So we will be sticking to our friendly right now. 
Now Rob has gone I am the sole webmaster and 'owner' of BR now and I am determined to make a great site for the backyarders of the world. I can't do this on my own so I will be looking for at least one co-webmaster, I will let you know of any new staff. OK, it won't be sudden but there will be changes as I mold this site into my own vision of what Backyard Revolution should be about. I'll tell you now...we are NOT going to be like Backyard Wrestling Link, I hope to offer a different site so you can get different things out of the different sites. Soon I will be shifting BR onto my own paid server, I hate Angelfire! This should go fairly smoothly though. Expect the updates soon!

Update 3rd February
-Posted by James @ 8:15pm GMT
Hey guys. I'm just trying to go over things and am in the process of "filling" the site out. The Tape Review section has been redesigned with a new rating system. On the subject of tape reviews...if you have a lot of BYW tapes you'd like to review, contact us. You might see some small changes around the site and some sections being added. Our column writers haven't been sending in their columns so...If you think you can write a good column send a small test column to me

Update 7th February

-Posted by James @ 9:00 GMT
Paul Hough speaks to BR in a  straight talking interview about his new film, "The Backyard", 'other' BYW related products and the backyard wrestling community! Go straight to "The Interview" to read this great interview. I will be working very hard to get BR fully functional in the coming weeks and I have a small college holiday so I am going to put a lot of time into making BR great for you BYW fans and wrestlers! If you have any comments, suggestions, criticisms, email us or post on the message board! On the topic of the message board, we are planning to take it down and link you to the great "The Backyard Forum" instead. Let us know your opinions.

Hey! I happen to be one of many crew managers of CabalArticles, a well-known content writing combine. We all create articles in English and Spanish for worldwide internet viewers, and are at your disposal for article content production for your web page. Down the page you can see my curriculum vitae, and you should be able to read other crew managers and writers' resumes on this web page. At the end of my curriculum vitae, you will notice some illustrations of our publicized works. For work enquiries, you should mail us using the contactform on this site and we shall reply as soon as can be.

Curriculum Vitae
Nina D. Rowe
115 Lewis Street
Wheeling, IL

Graduated Magna Cum Laude from The University Of Toronto
10 years of writing experience (explicitly for Online viewers)
Exquisite competency in Spanish and English
Dependable, business-oriented individual with a taste for specifics

Employment Expertise
CabalArticles, New York City, NY
2001 - Present
Team Leader
Answerable for setting up a global crew of writers to meet a challenging set of output goals and objectives.
- Set unprecedented records for production, boosting productivity by 20% throughout the world
- Properly managed regular records of task distribution
- Cared for quality control for world wide creation over a sizable crew of authors

Additional Skills

Competent in Spanish and English
State-of-the-art skills using a wide range of office software programs

Examples of Publicized Posts

February 7 2002 
Paul Hough's film "The Backyard" WILL have a home video release on DVD and VHS so if you can't get to see it at a local theatre you will eventually be able to see it at home! Paul revealed this info and much more in the BR Interview, go over to "The Interview" to find out about the film and  the crazy events in it's production.

February 1 2002

- There seems to be somewhat of a huge rivalry developing in the BYW community between "Backyard Wrestling Inc." the renowned creator of the infamous "Backyard Wrestling" home videos and the brand new "Backyard Criminals". Both are seemingly falling over each other to sign up fed's footage for their video releases.

- Paul Hough's  "The Backyard" movie has it's long awaited premiere in Austin, Texas at the South By Southwest Film Festival March 7th-18th 2002. For more information visit 

Copyright © 2002
Backyard Revolution


"A fed that potentially could be the best today"

-BR Staff

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