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Fed of the week
NGW have been awarded the "fed of the week" title by all 3 members of staff here at Backyard Revolution. NGW has a large roster all show casing high ability and different styles, the mixture of hardcore and lucha makes NGW a fed that potentially could be the best today. Click on the above link and check out there website for some awesome clips!

Wrestler of the week
Andy LWF
Andy has been backyard wrestling for several years now but has never quite got the respect that we at the backyard link think he deserves. Andy has worked his ass off for his fed LWF, we have seen some dramatic improvements in the LWF over the last few months, not only have they acquired a ring but there roster has almost tripled in as many months! Andy is highflyer with a pinch of extreme in him! There isnt a single move he can't do! Give this man props, and download some of his clips below.
Andy hits a yangtime senton!
Swanton through a table off a ladder!
Andy gets dropped on his head!
Andy with a 450 off a ladder!

Clip of the week
Download NOW!
This is crazy! Long live the EXW! Swanton off a roof, but he misses his target and crashes onto a table that doesn't break! LOL *MUST DOWNLOAD*

Blooper of the week
Download this funny shitz
This is from CWA, mike narrowly misses a devastating move from his opponent! LOL *just watch*

There will be more awards next week! This is the first awards update....