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Here is my Story.

Hello there. Well, I am here to let you know more about me.

Well, My name in this life is Jean-Paul Allee. I am a vampire. I learned about my past life and such around the year 1997. My soul (as I have found out) Is over 10,000 years old. I was orphaned when I was born or a small child, young soul. I was not given a name. I do not know who is my soul mother and father. I do not know who is my soul family. I know that I was left to die because I wasn't looked on as to be anything or great. But I did become some one great and powerful. During the vampire war, I was feared and respected by all that knew of me. I was known as "The Nameless Hunter' then. I was one of the higher arch's of the True Vampire Hunter clan. Which was killed off for all but me. I am the last of that clan . That is why when some one ask me what clan I am, I say that I have no clan. We were all vampires in that clan. We were the best of the best and the strongest of all vampires. The clan was made to hunt down the rouge vampires and the vampire slayers. We were formed by the strongest and the best vampires around that were true. I came to them because I had no where to go and because I was legendary. We were immortal bodied, but I was immortal souled as well.

As the war went on, I married and had two children. But on a hunt, they were kidnapped and my wife killed. At that time, the other hunters that were left from the war and the 100's to 1000's of years, were killed as well. It was the last battle that was fought for the clan.All hunters and rogues were killed but me. I went and buried my wife, leaving the vampire fang necklace that I first made and started for her on her. I burred her sword with her as well. I never found my children.

As it came to be, there was another clan of vampire hunters being formed. I taught some of the first that started the new clan. My clan would not let any in but the one's that were born to the clan members, and the one's that saved a member of the clan from an attack that would have killed them. There were only a hand full that were allowed to join. The new clan was based out of Europe. They allowed almost anyone, but only a few became hunters. They taught others how to be vampire hunters there. They were a hard clan. It was that you had to be better than most vampires then.

Now, I traveled the world and hunted down rogues every where I went. I was in Egypt most of the time and also Japan. During the time I was in Egypt, I had a young student that wanted to be like me. I taught him as much as I knew. He was strong, but didn't have just what it took at the time, but showed power to be like one of the clan that I was. We were called there by the King to take out the rogues that were in the country. I met a woman there that was the Kings daughter. My student was with her as friends and played with her daughter. We were let to sleep and stay in the palace. Well, The woman and my student because close friends, but he knew better than to do anything. The king wanted me to marry his daughter and come into the family, but I said no because I didn't want her to die because of the work I did. But I did stay and work for him . The king loved me and thought of me as a son for protecting them.

Well, On a hunt in Egypt, my student was ambushed and killed. I went mad with anger and went on a rampage killing the rogues. The rogues that I killed, I took there fangs and started a new necklace and gave it to the woman. She loved me, but I couldn't love her back as much as she loved me. I stayed with the Royal family for two more years till I was needed again else where. I was with The woman when she went out. I was her protector. Her father wanted me on the royal guard, but I declined. When I left, she was crying. I left when she was asleep, leaving her a sword that the Emperor of Japan gave to me for hunting the rogues in Japan.

Years later I found that she became immortal bodied and souled. I heard that she went to Europe to become a hunter like me. Her teacher was a hunter that I knew well and hunted with before. I was in Germany when I found out. She was there with him training. I was so glad that she came into hunting like me. Then a few years latter, I was called back to Egypt by the King. The woman was as well. The king was dieing, and he wanted me to be there where he died. I got there as soon as I could and talked to him before he died. He told me to protect his daughter and help her as much as I could. His grand daughter took the thrown then and ruled the land. The woman was crying when her father died. I shedded a tear for him, because I cared for him much. I took The woman under my wing and we hunted together from then on.

The grand daughter married and had a son, who she named after my student. The name was David. Good kid. He took the thrown when he was old enough and welcomed all vampires to Egypt. There were vampires on the royal guard. There were hunters there too that watched the other vampires that were in Egypt. David loved his grand mother when we stopped by on the way to another hunt. Some times when we stopped by, we had a bit of time on our hands. So we stayed for a few weeks of so. Some times on the way to another hunt or on our way to Egypt from a hunt, I would stop by my dead wife's grave and pay respect. The womanm didn't mind, but didn't like it because it reminded her of her fathers death. I knew this, but payed no mind to it.

Years went on, and then there was no need to hunt because the rogues were being killed by other hunters or they were dead. So the woman and my self stayed in Egypt for the last or our days. A good 500 to 1000 years went by before we died. What caused our deaths was that the magic that made it so that immortals lived, was fading and dieing. Before the magic died, I left Egypt to go to my dead wife's grave. I died there.

I found out though that my children did survive and were immortal bodied and souled when they were taken. They went to Egypt looking for me. I left there before they got there. My daughter found me in this life time in Dark Chat (A internet chat room and web site.) one day, but I haven't heard from her since. I found my wife in Dark chat and went to meet her. She wasn't that far from me then, just 2 hours away. I went to her and was glad to be with her again. But this time, she was different. She had changed from when I remember her last. And she left me. But I never stopped loving her.

The where abouts of the necklaces are not known now. I know only that one might be in Egypt some where buried. The other, that I gave to my wife, I have no idea where it is at.

So that is my story. Think what you want. Some will say it is fake, others will say that it is real. I care not as to what you say about it. It is just my story about my past life from over 10,000 years ago. Thank you for your time.

With great respect, Assassin Raven.

"True love and honor comes from that of a true heart" ~~Assassin Raven~~

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