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Isaac Almand

 Thomas A Almand
 Thomas B. Almond 
  Ann Ussery
 John B. Almand 
  Nancy David Butler 
 Isaac Almand 
birt: AFT. 1820
deat: WFT Est. 1837-1910

Mary M. Hamby
marr: WFT Est. 1837-1870
birt: WFT Est. 1816-1836
deat: WFT Est. 1837-1920
 Mary V. Dillard 

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Mary Almand

 Thomas A Almand
 Thomas B. Almond 
  Ann Ussery
 John B. Almand 
  Nancy David Butler 
 Mary Almand 
birt: AFT. 1820
deat: WFT Est. 1821-1914
 Mary V. Dillard 

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Jane Almand

 Thomas A Almand
 Thomas B. Almond 
  Ann Ussery
 John B. Almand 
  Nancy David Butler 
 Jane Almand 
birt: AFT. 1820
deat: WFT Est. 1821-1914
 Mary V. Dillard 

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John Almand

 Thomas A Almand
 Thomas Almand 
  Ann Ussery
 John Butler Almond 
   Peter David III
  Nancy David 
  Mary Elizabeth White
 John Almand 
 Mary V. Dillard 

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Martha A. J. Curtis

 Martha A. J. Curtis 
birt: WFT Est. 1817-1837
deat: WFT Est. 1838-1921

William D. Almand
marr: WFT Est. 1838-1871
birt: 20 APR 1821
deat: 15 NOV 1903

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Judah David

Mary White

John B White

Mary White

Jane Anderson

Jesse Marion White

Elizabeth Brown White

James Eli White

Mary White

James Micajah White

 Peter David II 
 Peter David III 
  Elizabeth Morrisett 
 Judah David 
birt: 1788
plac: Buckingham Co. VA

Elijah Anderson

Micajah H White
marr: 1806
plac: Virginia
birt: ABT. 1788
plac: Buckingham Co. VA
  Daniel White
  Henry White 
 Mary Elizabeth White 
 Celia Page 

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Charity David

 Peter David II 
 Isaac David 
  Elizabeth Morrisett 
 Charity David 
  Daniel White
  Henry White 
 Mildred White 
 Celia Page 

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Mary M. Hamby

 Mary M. Hamby 
birt: WFT Est. 1816-1836
deat: WFT Est. 1837-1920

Isaac Almand
marr: WFT Est. 1837-1870
birt: AFT. 1820
deat: WFT Est. 1837-1910

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Nancy David

Peter Almand

< Elisha Almand

< Mary Ann Elizabeth Almand

< Thomas S. Almand

< John W. Almand, Judge

< Welcome Asberry Almand

 Nancy David 

Welcome Usrey Almand
marr: 9 AUG 1828
plac: Newton Co.,GA
birt: 30 DEC 1806
plac: Elbert Co., Ga.
deat: 4 FEB 1878
plac: Bluff Springs Cemetary, Nevada Co. AR

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Welcome Asberry Almand

 Thomas A Almand
 Thomas B. Almond 
  Ann Ussery
 Welcome Usrey Almand 
 Welcome Asberry Almand 
birt: 19 DEC 1885
plac: Newton Co., Ga.
deat: WFT Est. 1904-1976

Lodosca J. Taylor
marr: 19 DEC 1855
plac: Newton County, Ga.
birt: BEF. 1885
deat: WFT Est. 1901-1979
 Nancy Gray 

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