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Tate Family Scrapbook

We honored our parents on July 3, 1998 on their 50th Wedding Anniversary by giving them a "surprise" anniversary party. Our Parents are Nell Irene and Frank Lewis Tate of Camden, Arkansas.

We are so proud to be your "yic-yacs", Mom and Dad. From the Yic-Yack Club.

This is Austin---Mike's Youngest
Stan and DJ-----Stan is Tammy's Oldest and DJ is Debbie's Youngest
Heeearr's DJ
Bill's Fish Tale-----Bill is Debbie's Hubby
Benny's Fish Tale---Sorry 'bout your bad luck Bill!----Benny is Linda's Hubby and Sam is our cousin Mary Elizabeth's Hubby. M.E. is camera shy!
Josh and Chad------Josh is Debbie's Oldest and Chad is Tammy's middle guy.
Judy is our Sis-in-Law
Mike, our Bubba
Karen, Our Free Spirit
Zelda-- Auntie Z! We're not in Kansas any More!
Tanner--Tammy's Youngest
Linda--Give me a break--it is a self portrait from an arm's length away!
Tammy and Z
Tammy, Mom, and Karen
Greg and Karen Enjoying the Music

Christopher, how did you escape the mad eye of the camera? You Can Bet I'll Get Ya Next Time!

Kids Only! Absolutely NO Adults!

During our visit in July, Debbie, Judy, Z, Tammy, and Karen got together and wrote this song that is sung to the Brady Bunch tune. We got up in front of Mom and Dad and sang to them like the kids (at heart) that we are.

This is Our Infamous

"Yic-Yak Song"

Here's a story of a lovely lady, who was working as a waitress in this town,
She had brown hair and eyes that twinkle, and a smile so rare.

Here's a story of a man named Frank, who was changing records on the jukebox
there, He was handsome and oh so friendly, and oh the stories he could tell.

Then one day, while they were working, he decided to ask her for a date.
She giggled and then she smiled, and said we can't be late.

Then one day in the summer, they got married and moved out on their own.
They were poor then, but they were happy 'cause they were not alone.

In a few years there were half a dozen youngens--each one as crazy as could be. We were one big happy family--

that's the way we all became the Yik-Yak bunch.
The Yik-Yak Bunch.......The Yic-Yak Bunch, That's the way they all became The Yic-Yak Bunch.

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Message to Family: I Love You Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Linda :-)

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Linda Ann Tate Wilson. ©January 1998 1999 2000

Page Last Edited 10/18/00