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Charlie Company 2/16: April 11, 1966
Home | The Letters | Memorial Fund | Dedication Wall
Wed April 6
Hi Folks
Well I will try and write a few lines. I am getting ready to go out to the field. The bunch we are to join aren't doing much. I guess they sat around yesterday and wrote letters all day. I hope I get a chance to write but if you don't hear much from me for 3 weeks or so don't worry too much about me because I will be O.K.

There has only been 11 guys killed out of our company since they have been here and they have been here almost 1 year. Then I guest it was their own fault. So don't worry about me because I know enough to keep my head down. The people we have to fight aren't much for fighters like some of the others are fighting. These people run before they will fight.

I guess we have about 12 days or so to be in the field but I guess time flies so I will probably be in before long.

Everyone who comes in from the field says it is better than the camp here.

Well guess I had better go if I want to get this mailed, so be careful and write when you can. I pan on getting a few letters when I am in the field next week.

Tell everyone 'hi' and I will write when I can.

As always,

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