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The photo of the artist as a young aspiring powerlifter, click to see powerlifting and bodybuilding photos This is the collage I used on my homemade cd jacket, to see the music page click This is another collage I used on the homemade cd album cover, to see the music page, click Uncle Coleman.  He's been a radio DJ, shepard to sheep and people, salesman, football player, and expert hunter.  Those kids in the painting are all in their 30's now. To see a close up of my brother's birthday gift. A teacher wanted to buy it, but my mom guilted me into not selling. Like it was too precious. This painting was the longest and largest I ever did.  I was paid $200. Yeah, I know. There was innuendo that I'd run the shop and make several hundred an hour tattooing. Don't trust anybody.  To see it close up, just click.  A dancer. Very nice, her father is a brilliant artist.  She went on a blind date with me back in the pot smoking days.  Click to see the painting I featured her in. She's holding the vampire ogre's thorn stuck paw click to see a close up of the painting I gave Lisa for being nice I always believed I won that essay essay contest because of the drawing, I wrote that essay at the last minute, in 5 minutes, basically a paragraph.  My photo was in the newspaper, I was in elementary school, so it was a big deal. Click to see a close up of the painting for this amazing, heroic kid lived with Leukemia for most of his short life with a charisma, sense of humor, awareness and positive attitude that I am in awe of still.  He is greatly missed.  She has big lips, does she not?
She asked me to draw them smaller on the painting.  Well, how about that? I fondled her hair in highschool. She got pregnant a couple years ago by a rich white jerk boyfriend who couldn't handle it at first. click to see the painting I did for in honor of them.  They have 2 brilliant sons, and are in their 80's, healthy asians, with a painting in their house that I featured in my painting as a surreal reoccurring theme, look close. Acrylics Colorpencils Inks Music HomePage

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