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Dan's acrylics

This one is 8ft by 8ft, the entire left face of the interior wall of personal trainer Josie's office, that face is of a professional basketball player she was training which is drawn to scale, he stood against the wall and she traced his outline, which I then detailed, has to be seen to be believed click to see larger version with description Colossal, 4ft X 16ft, the detail is worth driving to Idaho and seeing in person. Well, not really, don't go to Idaho unless your sister becomes a lesbian and your conscience forces you out of moral obligation to try and rescue her from a downward spiral that may or may not be happenning. Then possibly its worth it, but I don't say I didn't warn you SPECIAL HTML!!!! This thumb does not do it justice, it is 4ft X 4ft and the detail is worth seeing. I did it while I was working as a mobile gymnastic instructor for Tumble World gymnastics, they went to pre and middle schools.  Fun, but I kept saying my real job was this. I painted this Rackham wizard illustration, and the Mary illustration by another artist, onto an ironing board, then varnished it, pretty neat when seen in person For a friend of Donna Valbuena, the original was bright, and she wanted it more traditional and muted, this is the version she kept During finals at art school, my first semester there I was comissioned to do a sign for a hair salon, I painted two identical signs, based on photos of the airbrush painting on the side of the shop, on plexigalss 7ft X 4ft, for several hundred dollars This is the door I painted leading to the bedroom in Donna Valbuena's house, based on an illustration by Arthur Rackham, I took the door off and painted in my garage, then brought it back painted and varnished click to see larger version with description click to see larger version with description I was on a roll painting furniture, this was for a friend of Donna Valbuena's, an old desk, I painted it blue, then added the characters, has to be seen in person to appreciate When I came back from the Misfits concert I wanted a T-shirt, so I remembered how acrylic paint wouldn't wash out of my clothes, and painted this, on a shirt too small unfortunately. Watercolors Colorpencils Inks Music Dan's Photos HomePage

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