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* Take a piece of rose quartz - about 1 kilogram in weight - and twist, fairly tightly, a

length of copper wire around it, leaving at least 15cm free at each end.

Place the rose quartz in front of you and take hold of the ends of the copper wire, a piece

in each hand. Now relax. Quieten your mind and be still. After a few moments you will

begin to feel a gentle power pulsating within your hands. This power or energy will steadily

increase and will become very pleasant.

You will experience a deep sense of elation and a wonderful inner joy.


Practice yoga or meditation for a period of at least one hour. Then lie on your back and

place a quartz crystal upon your third eye chakra. You will feel very relaxed and your mind

will become receptive to the subtle vibrations emanating from within your crystal.

Ask the crystal to reflect the answers from the truth within into your conscious awareness.

Then allow your mind to become open to receive the answer, which may come in symbols,

images, visions or direct knowledge.


Hold the terminated point of a clear quartz crystal up to your third eye chakra and

visualize yourself as being calm, confident and spontaneously flowing with the situation.

Project this thought into your quartz crystal and then sit down quietly, holding the crystal,

as you mentally reaffirm to yourself the positive image you have created.

If you need to ask for an answer to a specific question, ask your question mentally and

then place your clear, single-terminated quartz crystal to your third eye chakra and

visualize the solution within your mind's eye.

If you need to send loving thoughts or prayers to another person, place your quartz crystal

pointing from your heart chakra, and visualize the desired result as strongly as you can and

then project the image through your crystal to be received by the person for whom you are



Try the following experiment when you next suffer from 'flu': hold your personal quartz

crystal and visualize yellow light radiating through it. Then place your crystal in a jug of

water and drink this water the next day; one cup of water at two-hourly intervals.

You will be amazed at the result!


Shirley Maclaine places four quartz crystal clusters in the four corners of her bathtub

every time she takes a bath (a great idea for reaching the parts that other healing cannot


Why not try it for yourself? - it's wonderful!


Quartz crystals have a way of attracting children, who seem to be especially receptive to

their beauty. A crystal hanging in a child's bedroom can become an endless source of

fascination and delight.


Crystals or gemstones may be placed under the pillow during sleep to inspire lofty or

prophetic dreams.


Hanging in a sunny window a quartz crystal will act as a prism, filling your room with

brilliant spectrums and adding the radiance of color and light to your surroundings.

If the crystal is set gently in motion your room will sparkle with excitement and life as

rainbows dance across the walls, floors and ceiling.


Many of us are exposed to very harsh tap water in our homes. One solution to this problem

is to place a quartz crystal in a large jug of water, leave for a couple of hours, and then

drink instead of the usual tap water. You will soon appreciate the sparkling purity of your

crystal water.


Crystal Healing   Crystals  Choosing Your Crystal
