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A conversation about truth with someone whom I consider to be insane

Some Person : Then we are back on the truth again
HamsterMonkey : what truth?
Some Person : When you find the truth you will heal and you will recall this night and these words
Some Person : You can be given the truth - but most arn't ready for it
Some Person : Truth will speak to you as well
Some Person : It's that little voice we hear but we think it is ourself talking

HamsterMonkey : you mean mr. fuzzy?
Some Person : yes it can be fuzzy sometimes but when you find Truth it becomes a clear voice
HamsterMonkey : so i should be hearing voices then?
Some Person : Everyone hears voices - you just need to work out who is talking to you
HamsterMonkey : schizophrenic people hear voices...
Some Person : I hear voices and I'm not schiz
HamsterMonkey : are you sure?
Some Person : The voice of truth has been speaking to me all the time we have been chatting here
HamsterMonkey : how do you know it's the voice of truth? did it tell you that?
Some Person : No
Some Person : Well it is like this Ham
Some Person : You know when your best friend rings on the phone
Some Person : it only take a split second to realise who it is
Some Person : If another voice speaks I question it
Some Person : But mediums speak with spirits and they can be evil spirits
Some Person : Mediums will always tell you they are talking to good spirits

HamsterMonkey : evil is what you make of it
Some Person : there is only one speak to speak with - Truth
Some Person : u find it hard to believe in evil??? Just turn the night news on

HamsterMonkey : evil is what you make of it
Some Person : or what you make it
Some Person : Everybody decides good and evil in every decision they make

HamsterMonkey : so every time i make a decision, i can make an evil one?
Some Person : U certainly can
HamsterMonkey : like...hmm...which pencil should i use? i think i'll take the evil one!
Some Person : I mean decision of integrity
Some Person : what you will do when no one is looking

HamsterMonkey : generally when i draw or write no one is looking...

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