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The Toothpaste Jones Experience.


A newer picture of the week (sorta) 5/9/02

It's A New Picture Of The Week (sorta) 4/14/02

Another New Picture of The Week 4/14/02


Hello. I finally got around to writing an introduction to my website. Pretty crazy, seeing as I've had this site up for going on a year. Holy Moses! I just realized what I said, I've been doing this for a year? In June, yes, man alive! Well, it's not like I spent a whole bunch of my time on the site, even though it might appear so. I guess I've put a lot of hours into the artwork and such, but I didn't do that expressly for the website. Well, you get the picture. But I do love my artwork. I'm very proud of everything that I put up here. I think I should give you a little uhh insight into you know, what I'm doing in my artwork. I personally view everything I do as kind of trite. Well trite isn't the right word, but it's the first word that comes to mind. Not to downplay my art, but I just don't prefer to get lofty ideas about how I'm sending some message or something. I like to keep it all subconscious, if there's a message, I'm leaving it there for you to find it. I want my audience, (is that the right word?) to think about what I'm doing. To make up their own stories. I give summaries of every drawing, but mostly stuff about what I did with it or what was happening at the time. Little hints as to what you can build on. Um, what else should I say? Oh! Besides art on here, there's music related stuff, stories, poems, and some "funny" stuff. Okay, that's a long assed paragraph, look around the site now, please.


5/17/02 Update!!!! Hey folks... I'm now featured on an international online art gallery. So as we are speaking I'm working on ways to improve this site since international types will be coming here. So, look forward to that, and come Monday or Tuesday I'll have some paintings and such to add to the site. Did I mention that I was pretty? Oh, and I'm the lord of the dance.

5/9/02 Update! Well, it's been a while, but I finally got around to adding something to the page. I guess I've been busy, but I really can't say that's the truth. My birthday's this weekend, the ripe ol' age of 19. I've done some paintings and stuff at school that I'll bring in and photograph and stuff soon enough for y'all to enjoy. There's actually a bunch of stuff that needs photographin' because they're too big to scan. Sometime next week I'll get to it. This is MY weekend. 

4/14/02 Update! If you didn't happen to be at The Berkley Cafe Friday night, you missed out. Not only did Silver Train happily fumble through some hippie jams, not only did my pal Howard Dudley and his band Trial By Fire give us good natured rocking out, yours truly, Jefferson Horatio Given got on stage and danced like a madman on fire. The highlight of the night beside that being me and Quincy yelling at Silver Train "I wanna rock!" "And I wanna ROLL!!" Maybe you had to be there. Oh, and I put two new drawings of the week up. I'll move the previous one into the gallery soon.

4/7/02 Update! The Sketchbook section is finished! Click here to start where we left off. Or click over to your left in the other frame to start from the beginning. As well as a new picture of the week (sorta). This one's from a while ago, September 2001 to be exact. It's from The Raleigh Street Painting Festival 2001. I sweated like Jesus in a waffle iron that day. I was covered in sweat and chalk dust, big black streaks up my face, neck, arms, any place where my skin was showing, there were streaks of black. It had to be 90+ degrees out that day, I probably sweated off 10 pounds that day. Needless to say, we won nothing that day, but that usually goes without saying, I'm the Susan Luci of art contests. Except I'm not a horrid soap opera actor, and I actually have quality work, so actually, no I'm nowhere near Susan Luci.

4/6/02 Update! Well, I got a bunch of pages added on to the Sketchbook section. Click right here to start on the newest page. Sweet Holy Moses, have I been productive! In the past 5 days I've done 12 drawings. Two of them were full quality ready to be inked stuff, the rest are just as good, just not done all the way through. The last 6 or so have been increasingly dark, but for what reason is none of your business. At any rate, some of that stuff will probably show up soon. But in the meantime I should be finishing the sketchbook by the end of the night or tomorrow morning, I only have like ten more pages left to go. Um what else? Nothing. See you soon kids.

3/29/02 Update! Geez Louise! I'm working harder on this site than I have in a long long time. I just finished 10 pages to my new Sketchbook section. This is my sketchbook from August 2001- January 2002. Don't worry if what you're seeing at first is kinda lackluster, it'll be okay. Around page 10 things start to pick up. I stopped at page 10 tonight, sorry. But page 10 is a doozie. Tomorrow I'll probably add at least another 10 pages. Also, on the actual productivity front, I've calculated all the stuff I've done during the month of March, 24 things, be it sketchbook entries (the majority of them- 19), large scale projects, small scale ones, etc.  This has been a very productive month, and I don't feel like slowing down. So watch out! I did a clay figure earlier this month that should be finished not long after I return to school. His name is Fish Filet McGee. Keep an eye out for him. Does it feel like I'm flooding you with product? Well it should. 

3/28/02 Update! What's that you say? Two updates in one day? Wha-wha!? Well, it's true. I finished "Somber Sombreros". This is my epic masterpiece of sorts. Umm, other stuff I could say... I've been listening to Modest Mouse a lot...  I don't have much else to say. Other than the essay, the sentences and grammar suck (or so I've been told).

3/28/02 Update! Okay, so last night my update was a little ambitious. I didn't complete the concert review or post the picture. Well, everything's gonna be all right. I made the picture waaay better this morning/afternoon by inking in the colors. It's called "Bull In The Heather". So check it out, it's pretty gosh darn good. Also, check out Stuff About A Guy You Don't Know, I added an essay I wrote for college applications, it's really good. I promise.

3/27/02 Update! Lots-O-Stuff! Okay! I got bunches of stuff added to the site today, like a new record review, a review of the Fugazi concert, and a new picture. As well, I've added a little like intro blurb to the page. I figured I might as well explain this "madness" to outsiders. The picture isn't up yet, first thing tomorrow morning though. 

3/25/02 Update! Well, I got really disgusted with "Mr. Tackacs' Jambalaya". So that one will never be seen. I'll grab something out of the ol' sketchbook soon for y'all. But there have been more pressing matters! I saw Fugazi on Saturday. Sweet creeping Christ was that a barnburner! I'll put up a review in a few days as well as some photographs my friend Carrie and me took. On the downside some asshole thought he'd be cool and crowd surf. Being courteous audience members me and some people surrounding me pulled this clown down. But on his way down he took my shoulder with him (don't ask how, 'cause I don't even know). He got his fare share of abuse from me. It was cool though, Ian stopped right in the middle of the song and was like "Sir, please don't do that crowd surfing bullshit" Sadly, my shoulder has a light sprain.

Update 3/17/02 I joined the Surrealists Web Ring. Check at the bottom of the page for the whole deal of links to random surreal sites. Other stuff, I'm still working on "Somber Sombrero", and I have to finish "...Jambalya" by Friday, so you'll see that. So see ya then.

3/13/02 Update! A few corrections and notes and such. The Mahant has been changed to Spoken In Passing, About Passing. The title was really boring, so I changed it. I also completed the notes for that picture. I've begun work on another drawing, tentatively called "Somber Sombrero". I'm very excited about this one, huge, Prisma Colors, and some crazy crazy content that I'm not going to leak to you just yet. Also, I've begun to kind of return to work on the other mythically large drawing I was working on two months ago and then hit a block on. I'm just treading carefully around it, because it's a toughie, and I want it to work out good. Other things I'm working on, "Mista Tacacks Jambalaya" this will be donated to a charity auction at Wakefield High School, if you're in the area, you might want to check it out, some great artwork from the likes of Anthony Hicks, Heather Wright, and myself will be up for sale. Oh, tell you about the drawing you say? It's a wolverine with each hair painstakingly drawn in, and this wolverine is flying through space. Lastly, and sorta leastly, there's a sculpture that's in the green ware phase right now, waiting for the rest of the class to catch up so it can be fired. Oh, and that last update was supposed to be on March 12, not the 11th. And like I said, the gallery has been updated.  

3/11/02 Update! New Picture of The Week (sorta)! This one's REALLY good, and it's not even finished yet! It's called The Mahant it's taken from a photo from a very old National Geographic that was laying around in my art class. It's probably the most technically skilled drawing I've done since, well, ever. Also Fugazi is coming to Raleigh next weekend! I've got my ticket, and I'm gonna freak out all Saturday long. My favorite band, (that's alive, no one can be better than The Beatles or Jimi Hendrix.) Fugazi, in my little town! And next month The Mars Volta EP is coming out, so even more things to celebrate. And Scarface is on television! Cool. All right, what am I doing talking to you, I'm gonna turn around and watch it. And I promise I'll be quicker with the next picture of the week, also, I'll put the past two "pictures of the week" into the gallery tomorrow, I've forgotten to do that lately.


2/21/02 Update! New Picture of The Week (sorta)! It's a drawing of a real person, 100% real. My apologies to people expecting something wild and crazy, sorry. I'll hook you up later on this week with something from my sketchbook, I feel sad about not getting something wild and crazy out there, it's been pretty tame lately. What with Crosby, and now some girl from my art class? 

2/12/02 Update! I haven't felt like importing all the things from the sketchbook yet. But I did manage to get one of my favorites from the sketchbook in... there's a link to it on the top of the page. It's the last page from that sketchbook too, weird, it's the time where the last shall be first... Also, I put "59 Ways To Avoid Fighting A Girl" into the gallery. (It was formerly the "new picture of the week (sorta)") That's gonna be the new deal. I'll put a new picture up on this front page every week or so, (that's where the sorta part comes in). Be it something from my sketchbook, something I drew on my math notes, something from computer art class, etc. Then when a new picture comes in, the previous picture goes into the gallery.

"maybe these are my glory days, but I'm not realizing it because they don't involve a ball"

I'll do the stupid thing first, then you shy people follow... -Frank Zappa               

I'm not a slacker, I just don't tuck in my shirt- Mitch Hedberg


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