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  Articles header ace of cups
  The Mystical Tree of the Tarot
A Qabalistic Working of the 13th Path
  Glastonbury Tor and Dion Fortune
Directed Visualisation at Hawkwood August 2008
  The Magic of Melangell
Celtic Saint and Goddess
  Anna Kingsford and Dion Fortune
Reviews of two new biographies, Priestess: the Life and Magic of Dion Fortune by
Alan Richardson and Red Cactus: the Life of Anna Kingsford by Alan Pert
News & Ideas
  Dion Fortune in Bristol & Somerset
Talk given by Gareth Knight at Quest Conference, 4th March 2006
Dion Fortune
  Dion Fortune and the Masonic Tradition
Talk by Gareth Knight at Canonbury Masonic Research Centre, 18th October 2006
  The Faery Tradition in Arthurian Legend
Talk by Gareth Knight at 2nd Dion Fortune seminar, the Assembly Rooms, Glastonbury,
1st September 2007
  The Magical Life
Talk given by Gareth Knight at Leaping Hare Annual Conference, High Woods, Colchester,
1st April 2006



More articles will be added to the site from time to time ... check the blog for the latest updates.

PDF copies of some Gareth Knight texts on CD are available from

  Gareth Knight's daughter, herself an initiate of the Gareth Knight Group (Avalon Group), has released two psych-folk albums containing a number of magical songs. For more information and to listen to samples and download free tracks, visit her website at Seven Star Green Mind the Gap  
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