Mr. Wonderful Talks Politics

1/18/00: FEHB = Nat.Health Care
1/17/00: Mass Transit Truth
1/16/00: Hillary "Approachable"
1/10/00: Gay Rape-Murder Ignored
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1/18/2000: FEHB Spells National Health Care !
Iraqi Style US Health Care Doctor Considering Plumbing Career The Wall Street Journal's front page reports that the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program is the answer to affordable health insurance for all Americans! I shout hallelujah! Well, until I read, "Once federal workers select a plan, they pay their share-about a quarter of the premium-through a payroll deduction." I'm not a mathematician, as a matter of fact Mr.Hatch my algebra teacher at Cortez High School would have termed me a 'dolt.' However, two points in the article did not compute: Point 1) "...they pay their share-about a quarter of the premium..." That leaves three-quarters or 75% of the premium to be paid by who? The taxpayers! The fact that 95 million taxpayers pick up the 75% of the premiums of 5 million government employees is why the program 'works!' What would happen when 100 million taxpayers pick up 75% of the premiums of 5 million government employees and their dependents plus another 210 million citizens, hmmmm? Point 2) "...through a payroll deduction." Isn't that great? They design the plan so you don't have to write out a premium check each month or each quarter. Just like payroll taxes, which most employees consider an immutable part of nature, like their torsos in the sunshine always casting a shadow. Hospital w/Govt.Approved Landscaping The article, by Shailagh Murray also makes this outrageous assertion, "...most people have no control over the type of coverage they have." Har, har, har! No, Mr. Murray, as a student of health insurance coverage and issues, I can inform you that most people do have control over their coverage, but, unlike our government, many of these people simply consider a new car, a new house, a vacation, a non-governmental funded education, or an expensive life style a higher priority than purchasing their own health coverage.
1/17/2000: The Awful Truth About Mass Transit !
Click to Enlarge Mr.Wonderful has had enough! The Federal Government does not care about air quality, does not care about gasoline mileage, does not care about SUV's, Light Rail, or Y-O-U. What they care about is eventually limiting exactly where you can travel and exactly when you can travel there. The first step in their plan is to take away the right of the private citizen to own firearms. (This is because Federal employees who are not members of our armed services are cowards and private citizens with firearms could cause them bodily harm. Did you realize that many employees of the EPA now carry side arms?) tempting, attractive modern train The second step is to legislate mass transit and dispose of the 'need' for privately owned vehicles. Buchenwald The third step is to relocate all Americans who did not whole heartedly agree with steps one and two into concentration camps. Read My First Mass Transit Article Here
1/16/2000:Talking-Head Baptizes Hillary as "Approachable"
pre-EZ-Pass Dave
Most Dangerous Woman on the Planet, Laughing...scary This Sunday morning Sam Donaldson pronounced that Hillary Clinton's appearance on the David Letterman program demonstrated she was "approachable." Ok, so let me get this straight, because the President of the United State's spouse appears on a talk show, ie. television, (Television. Consisting of the host, herself, and the non-speaking crew) then quickly gabs with the multi-millionaire liberal host, she is now "approachable." This demonstrates how far some of these media morons are from reality. I loved it when 'Stupid Sam' gleefully grunted, "Well, Dwight David Eisenhower never appeared on a ..." Only to be cut off in agreement by George Wills answering, "You are correct. However, Eisenhower did 'appear' on the beaches of Normandy !" Homo Equal Sign
RIP Jesse Dirkhising
1/10/2000:Homosexual Rape Murder Ignored Still !
Mr. Wonderful is still dismayed that the major media has not picked up on the rape-torture-murder of Rogers, Arkansas seventh grader Jesse Dirkhising. Since his murderers were male homosexual hair dressers (am I being redundant?), your major media has ignored this story. This is the way the NPR/Ted Turner crowd paints everyone but the deviant groups they support as evil, mean and wicked. Since they currently support homosexual deviants, they conveniently discount any crimes committed by homosexuals no matter how spectacular or cruel or senseless, only to headline crimes committed by degenerate members of mainstream society. [Note that Mr.Wonderful does not use the term 'deviant' in a disparaging manner. Mr.Wonderful uses 'deviant' to indicate that homosexuals deviate, in that they take another pathway (they deviate) from the lifestyles of the majority of society. As you all know Mr.Wonderful never judges anyone.] Read My First Article Here