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Mr. Wonderful Talks Politics

5/23/00: Ozone Exports Illegals?
5/22/00: Disbarment for Clinton?
5/18/00: EPA Pushing Battery Cars
5/14/00: M.M.M. Founder F.O.B.
4/30/00: Polls Batter Elian

4/29/00: Rudy's Prostate & Hillary
4/24/00: Bill's Deal with the Devil
4/22/00: Reno's Raiders Seize Elian
4/17/00: Clinton's $50 Million Jaunt

5/23/2000:Will High Ozone Finally Export Illegals?
Yesterday, as an Arizona native, I rejoiced in the record high Phoenix temperature of 109 degrees . I understand the actual high temperature, measured by certified thermometers at ABC, NBC and CBS affiliates in central Phoenix was 114 degrees! Of course these high temperatures also upset the EPA!Alan Greenspan,"Gray Alien's have six fingers. As you can see, I have five." Much like high employment numbers upset Alan 'Gray-Alien' Greenspan. Understand that high temperatures also cause 'high' and 'unhealthful' levels of ozone as determined by the EPA. The EPA contends that one third of this Valley's ozone exits from gasoline powered lawn mowers, string trimmers and leaf blowers. Illegals Jogging Across Border And most Phoenix residents realize that 95% of the users of said mowers, trimmers and blowers are illegal aliens. I wonder if the EPA could use its' virtual criminal power to cause the deportation of these undocumented lawn care specialists, where the INS, 'vigilante ranchers' and Arizona law enforcement could not?
5/22/2000:President Clinton Faces Disbarment !
Get this! Our President, the most powerful person on the face of the Earth (next to Greenspan) and also a lawyer in his home state of Arkansas complains that he is "being held to a higher standard" than other lawyers, in his current disbarment trial. If this guy was a Republican he'd a been tarred and feathered months and months ago.
5/18/2000:Why the E.P.A. Pushes Electric Passenger Autos !
GEM Electric Car In their never ending quest to justify their putrid existence, the folks at the EPA continue to push for "Zero Emission" vehicles. They claim battery powered automobiles would satisfy such an emission standard. (Never mind the terrific difficulty with disposing of the mountains of exhausted, poisonous, acid and lead composed batteries. And forget about the doubling of the number of coal burning generating stations to charge the power plants of these "Zero Emission" vehicles.) The real reason for the switch to electric is to keep us in the dark. Electric vehicles, similar to existing golf carts, will, for decades to come, proceed at a leisurely pace and be limited to snail-like daily distances. This fits nicely into the government's plan of obliging everyone, except the government elite and the very rich, into mass transportation, where Washington can legislate exact destinations. This keeps most of us pesky citizens from trampling our pristine National Forests, leaving footprints on our fragile shorelines, easy to count during Census 2010 and far, far away from any of the razor-wire-topped enclosures containing those of us who would dare to disagree. (Back to 6/2/2000)
5/14/2000: Million Mommy March Founder is F.O.B.
Susan Thomases. Beauty Eh? Did you ever wonder how Million Mother March  founder Donna Dees-Thomases just happened to come up with her idea? Can I give you a hint? Mrs. Donna Dees-Thomases is the sister-in-law of Clinton lawyer and former campaign advisor Susan Thomases. Susan Thomases is so close to the Clinton's that when presidential lawyer Vince Foster committed suicide (with a gun) she was the first person New York Yankee fan Hillary Clinton phoned. (Of course, since Hillary and Susan recollect not a single word of the call, we will never know what was said.) Susan Thomases vocabulary includes such compassionate phrases as, "If you do this this I will kill you!" and "I will ruin you!" I find it quite easy to believe that this New York Lawyer is orchestrating this "3M" march. Donna Dees-Thomases wishes to convince Congress that mothers are serious about "before the fact gun legislation." Among the asinine proposals are limiting handgun purchases to one a month. What the hell is that going to do? A guy can only buy twelve guns a year? Huh? Your Mr.Wonderful, being in a position to know, unlike the dim wit Dees, realizes that if any person buys three or more guns a month, the gentle servants at the BATF will soon come a-calling because they currently track multiple gun purchases. Dum Dum Dees wants trigger locks. You stupid w#*@e! Trigger locks would not have stopped Columbine, the Jewish Day School or the much publicized first grader shooting. She cites that we license cars and register cars so we should also license, register, and  train, and  background check and  fingerprint gun owners. Should we also chop off their trigger fingers? Even with licensing and registration 50,000 men, women, teens and children lose their lives every year in automobile crashes which is ten times as many as are lost to firearms. Consider, even with all our laws, criminals can still drive any automobile, bus or M60 National Guard  tank until the unlikely moment they are pulled over by the Gendarmes. Ms. Dees, the Second Amendment is in the Constitution because our Founding Fathers did not trust government. And if there is a single administration in the past two centuries that would drive the stake of terror into the freedom loving hearts of our Founding Fathers it is this Clinton-Gore-Reno administration.
4/30/2000:Polls Used to Batter Common Sense on Elian Issue !
Mr. Wonderful, who is a paid consultant to a very large consumer testing organization, hence the recipient of numerous polling companies queries, has had enough! Polls are crap! The pollster simply asks the question and then allows only certain specifically worded choices for the answer. The most logical 'answer,' to the specific wording of the poll question, is the answer the pollster has been retained to obtain. "They'll cry for murderers being put to death. Who cries for the unborn?" Listen folks, you have got to go with your core beliefs, not what the 'polls' say! I am always struck with the fact that while polls show over 51% of the American public believes abortion is choice, I know in my heart it is murder. To seize Elian at automatic weapon gun-point and return him to a communist regime WHERE PARENTS HAVE NO RIGHTS is absolutely criminal conduct regardless of what any polls show.
4/29/2000: Hillary Clinton's Deal With the Devil !
Rudy G. Bumper Sticker Can you believe it? Right when the campaign for the next Senator from New York State starts to heat up, in his own body, the Republican candidate detects cancer. And not just any cancer attacks likely GOP nominee Rudy Giuliani, but the exact sarcoma that struck down his own father, causing his premature death. I cannot imagine the feelings of Rudy after being advised that he has the cancer that killed his father when he was the Mayor's age. Apollyon Although this cancer is highly curable these days, the emotions of a child (of any age) losing his father thirty years early respond to no palliative. See how Hillary's behind-the-scenes contracted campaign manager, a Mr. Apollyon, strikes precisely at the prostate of her protagonist! (Of course, Mr.Wonderful will now be dismissed as a whacko by those regular viewers of the television shows, "Charmed," "Buffy" and "The Others" because witches, Vampires and the 'other side' are so much more rational and fashionable than belief in Satan, his army of fallen angels and a one Creator-God.)
4/24/2000: Clinton's Deal With the Devil !
Can you believe it? Right when the pot starts to boil over the assault* by Reno's Storm Troopers in Little Havana, five 'children' are wounded in Washington, D.C. and media attention is drawn away. If you doubt President Clinton is not in league with the powers of darkness and the Angel of Light you are ignorant. (*Mr. Wonderful noted that, according to the media reports, the assault troops rather than using 'assault rifles' used 'automatic weapons.' How nice! How P.C.!) As usual, Mr.Wonderful views these happenings from a slightly different angle. That angle is that this administration is the most anti-gun/pro-children crowd ever, but yet they use assault rifles to 'rescue' a child. While children criminals in Washington, D.C., use firearms to wound five other children. Children criminals, who in the city with the strongest gun control laws in the nation, still manage to get guns. The Little Havana episode clearly demonstrates why this administration wants to strip its citizens of their weapons, so that they may do what they wish, when they wish, without fear. The Washington, D.C., episode demonstrates exactly which of our citizens will retain their weapons regardless of any laws. The criminals.
4/22/2000: Reno's Raiders Rip Elian from Relatives !
General Reno On the 16th of April, Senator McCain said that there are "... people who stay in this country for years exhausting (immigration) appeals." I blow smoke in publicOn this same Sunday, Pat Buchanan also stated a fact by saying, "We would never send a child back across the Iron Curtain if his mother was shot in the back." And this morning, only six days later, the Immigration and Naturalization Service has ripped the mantle of freedom from little Elian Gonzalez' shoulders and insured his return to a Communist Cuba. Justice for All?Mr. Wonderful was recently informed by a senior federal justice department employee that there were "... just too many politics..." to kick out the tens of thousands of individuals from the Republic of Mexico, who are now illegally residing in Arizona. By burning millions of tax dollars to return one child to Communist Cuba, while ignoring even the attempt to deport the thousands and thousands of known illegal and illiterate alien children clogging up and dragging down test scores in Arizona schools, this evil Administration proves its weird political agenda comes before freedom, education and justice.
4/17/2000: Lame-Duck Clinton Wings West & Wastes Millions !
C17 While most Americans are budgeting to cover the 25 to 50 cent increase per gallon in the cost of gasoline and sweating the taxes due the government today, our President is burning aviation fuel at the rate of 88,000 gallons plus per hour. That's enough fuel to fill three average-sized Arizona swimming pools every 60 minutes! C5 Our President's trip to Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Switzerland (say what, Switzerland?) consisted of a convoy of at least 26 massive C-17 and C-5 cargo aircraft and 50 other birds! Get your mind around this fellow citizens! Witness here what your tax dollars buy. 88,000 gallons consumed per hour of avgas, at $1.50 per gallon, equals $132,000 consumed every hour in fuel costs alone. The joy ride of this 'El Camino-with-astro-turf-in-the-bed-loving' President ran us taxpayers between $50 million and $75 million and did not accomplish a single thing. (Don't you love government's ball-parking of expenses, especially when they allow for a 50% slop factor? Think the I.R.S. would allow you a 50% slop factor on your Estimated Tax payments?) I've heard the figure of $50 million spent by Starr to impeach this 'Rest Room Romeo' every day for months, do you imagine our brave media talking heads will mention these millions also wasted with anywhere near the same vigor or regularity?