Mr. Wonderful Talks Politics

7/28/00: U.S. Unique
7/26/00: The Crippling ADA
7/25/00: Lesbian Ms.Cheney
7/24/00: Willy Vetos Tax Cuts
7/21/00: Major Media Mulls McCain
*(click here to restore vanished dates)
7/17/00: Hillary "Jew Bastard"
7/16/00: WJC EPA & GAS prices
7/13/00: Feinstein's Pocket Pistol
7/12/00: Hate Crime Stats Slur Whites
7/11/00: Kweisi Stirs the Hate Pot
7/28/2000: United States of America, Unique !
Federales en Mexico Do you weary of hearing how wonderful life is in Europe? Europe, composed of the same countries many of our ancestors fled not too many decades past? Well, here is something you don't hear very often. You don't hear it because many members of the major media are liberals with a socialist bent, just like most of Europe. In order to protect their socialist Fantasia they shield us dolts from most unsavory facts about life on the continent. From the July 2000 issue of Sport Magazine, I quote, "One of the places we flew through, they had army guards standing there with their machine guns," laughs Minnesota's Todd Bouman of his NFL Europe stint. "That was definitely a different experience." Not only a bone chilling sight for the American Todd Bouman, but it also brings attention to the fact that gun control doesn't work. Since Europe in general, has far stricter enforcement of firearm laws, bordering on abolishment of private ownership, why then must military troops protect civilians with machine guns? Protect from whom?

7/26/2000: ADA: Crippling American Business for 10 Years !
$400 Medicare Walker According to the July 25th, 2000 Wall Street Journal, the American's with Disabilities Act is ten years old today. This gold-mine for automatic door installers, electric eye purveyors, sidewalk construction specialists, and scumbag lawyers (is that redundant) has yet to have its 'beneficial' employment impact on the handicapped measured. The Labor Department  is too "hampered by definitions" to create any meaningful yardstick. What a sack of manure! This legislation was a feel-good line of crap that forced American business to redesign at a cost of billions of dollars (that could have gone to improvements in profit margins, or gasp, even pay raises) that instead went to attract individuals American business didn't really desire as either customers or employees. Apparently choice doesn't exist if you own a business in today's America.

7/24/2000: Lesbian Cheney Chants Oxymoron
Say what? Hate guys, but want to look and behave like one?According to Matt Drudge ( Mary Cheney, the daughter of the Republican Vice Presidential nominee who works at Coors (maker of the Silver Bullet that scored several direct hits on the gray matter of your's truly) claims that she works there because, "I knew several other lesbians who were very happy here..." Excuse me! The word "happy" and the word "lesbian" just shouldn't be in the same sentence. The lesbian's I've encountered (and don't give me the BS that I can't tell who is and who is not a female fan of female tail) are scared shitless of society in general or are very angry women. Women whom I imagine even their parents would find difficult to like. Like, not love. No, lesbians, regardless of how much they are accepted, how many corporate benefits are showered on them, no matter how many laws are passed, will never, in any but the shallowist sense of the word ever be "happy."

7/24/2000: President Willy Threatens Veto on Tax Cuts !
"Don't cover up those pretty ears, girl"The Senate has voted to end the 'marriage penalty tax,' which would increase the take home pay of the average married couple by $1,300. Clinton claims this tax cut favors the 'rich' at the expense of the 'poor.' With the recent revelation that the top 50% of taxpayers pay 96% of the entire personal income tax burden, I have no pity for the minuscule taxes the 'poor' pay. I'll let my reader's in on a dirty little Washington secret: When calculating who is 'poor' our government does not include the value of any welfare or other type of benefits received. For instance, if the individual receives $2,400 in WICS, $4,000 in Aid to Dependent Children and $4,800 in housing assistance, this $11,200 is not considered as income. While you and I have filing cabinets full of receipts in order to claim every legal tax deduction, and our tax consultants phone number tattooed on our palms, the 'poor' are automatically exempted from including thousands of dollars of 'income.' 'Income' that flows from our wallets!

7/21/2000: Major Media Mulls McCain for Republican V.P.
Out of the blue the media is now pushing eccentric senior Senator from Arizona, John McCain, for G.W.Bush's Vice President. Of course they are chatting him up because he is "interesting." John McCainAnd  because they love the liberal ideas he champions. Like his fantastic notion of enforceable finance campaign reform, while one of this season's Presidential contenders, when accused of violating current campaign finance laws, replies that, "...there is no overriding legal authority..." and is immediately excused from prosecution and instantly drops from media attention. Of course, you must realize that if a Republican had committed the same offense, he would still be behind bars, with Catie Kouric providing weekday morning updates rehashing his crime and current lifestyle.

7/17/2000: Hillary Calls Jew, "Jew Bastard" in 1974 !
I said 'Chew,' not 'Jew!' From an up coming book we hear that Hillary Clinton called her husband's 1974 campaign manager a "Jew Bastard." Words spoke twenty six years ago are still news today? I don't think so. However, former Clinton political advisor, Jew, and sometimes hotel horsie, Dick Morris, recalled this conversation on the 7/16/2000 Fox News Sunday, with Tony Snow. We were arguing over the payment of my fee and Hillary said, "You people! That's all you ever think of!" I was hurt. I paused and then asked, "By 'you people' you mean political consultants?" To which she haltingly replied, "Of course." Mr.Wonderful believes that Hillary's challenge isn't that she slurs Jews or Whites or toothless in-laws from Arkansas. Her problem is that she actually believes that she is the most intelligent and powerful woman on the planet.

7/16/2000: Clinton Knew EPA Behind High Gasoline Prices !
Danny's Mexico Prices From the Washington Times we learn that on June 5th, 2000, Energy Secretary Bill Richardson received a memo, from the department's policy director, stating that "high consumer demand and low inventories have caused higher prices for all gasoline types." It went on to state the high prices for gasoline in the Milwaukee/Chicago area was due to the unique ethanol-gasoline blend the area has been assigned to by the EPA and the fact that other parts of the country don't use that specific blend. But rather than admit the policies of the Clinton-Gore administration were behind the high prices, these liars accused the oil companies gouging the public. And do you know what the saddest fact is? The saddest fact is that these ethanol-gasoline blends have never been scientifically proven to lower automobile emissions!

7/13/2000: Anti-Gun Senator Feinstein Coddles Purse Packing Pistol !
From the June 2000 issue of America's First Freedom, we read that virulently anti-gun Dianne Feinstein holds a highly coveted 'concealed carry permit' in her home state of California.Feinstein @ NYC Dem.Convention 7/13/92 When queried why she carries a 38 calibre Smith & Wesson  handgun when Washington is busy destroying the rights of the average citizen to even own a weapon, she responded, "... I made the determination that if someone was going to try to take me out, I was going to take them with me." Great strategy, Senator Feinstein ... duh. Once again, we witness the liberals who crowd our Congress and the left wing millionaires who inhabit 5th Avenue apartments, while proclaiming the private ownership of firearms more dangerous than a midnight walk in Central Park, continue to reserve the right to arm themselves.

7/12/2000: Hate Crime Statistics Slander Whites !
According to research done by the European American Issues Forum  hate-crimes perpetrated against whites by minorities are almost never reported in the major media, even though this type of hate-crime (non-white criminal vs. white victim) is in the majority. Here's the kicker: the form the FBI uses to report hate-crimes committed against 'whites' by 'Hispanics' forces the agent to classify the suspected 'Hispanic' criminal as a 'white.' There is simply no classification for 'Hispanic' on the form! More evidence of how this phony hate-crime issue is being twisted to benefit one goal of this Clinton(s)-Gore-Reno Administration: to prove European-Americans as a generally evil, hurtful and criminal class of American.

7/11/2000: Kweisi Mfume, NAACP President Stirs the Pot
Recruiting NAACP MembersWhile my millions of readers were snug in their beds Sunday morning, your Mr.Wonderful was up at 5:00AM watching the morning talk shows. This is the first time I'd ever seen Kweisi and was much impressed with his elocution and intelligence and his $2,000 suit. While he spoke, I thought to myself that financially he does very well by being the President of the NAACP. He stated, that "...Communities of color need to concentrate on how we are alike rather than how we are different." Apparently membership must be dropping at the NAACP, so now he is reaching out to people other than American-Africans. Just as surely as the NRA is entirely built around individuals of all colors, who legally own firearms, everyone realizes that the NAACP was organized solely for 'Blacks.' Mr.Mfume went on to demonstrate this polarizing fact when he dredged up "... our long history with slavery." Jeeeze! When will these great-great-grandchildren of slaves just get over it? And when will they ever acknowledge that millions of American 'non-blacks' willingly died to accomplish, among other things, the end to slavery in these United States? I was riled up again later in the week when Lavar Burton groaned that (until he was cast in Star Trek TNG) "...when I looked at Science Fiction, I didn't see any blacks." Lavar, I remember reading a Science Fiction book in the 1960s, where a black man helped a robot fight the 'racism' that robots faced in the future. No blacks?