Mr. Wonderful Talks Politics

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08/27/01: A Quote from The Most Famous German:
" What good fortune for the governments that the people do not think."
Adolph Hitler

08/21/01: Labor Intrudes into Mr.Wonderfuland
Dear readers, while I attempt to stabilize the schedule of my first hourly job in 31 years, please bear with me as I struggle to continue posting, on a somewhat consistent basis, to my beloved Mr.Wonderful pages. Please, please, keep checking back. Thank you.

08/13/01: Stem Cells, and the Fallacy of 'Federal Oversight'
Sunday morning I carefully crawled out of my specially reinforced pedestal bed and quietly padded down the hallway to my television room. Yes, I was, once again ready to make the rounds of the Sunday news programs. The major topic this week seemed to be stem cell research. ScientistHere's a very brief primer on stem cells. In November of 1998 scientists overcame a huge challenge and discovered how to isolate and culture embryonic stem cells. Stem cells can grow into any of the 210 different tissue types that the human body is composed of. To obtain embryonic stem cells an embryo must be destroyed. An embryo was the beginning of all human life on earth. At one time, you, I, Tom Daschle and even all these scientists were little bitty embryos. Scientists hope, to cure, not ameliorate, or treat, or combat, but to CURE all types of diseases which are the result of the death of one specific type of cell tissue. For example, with juvenile diabetes, which is the result of malfunctioning pancreatic cells, scientists anticipate to be able to inject healthy pancreatic stem cells into the patient, cells which they presume will then multiply, eventually creating a healthy pancreas. A healthy pancreas, that by definition, ends the suffering of diabetes. They also aspire to accomplish these types of cures with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. In a recent, and I'm sure quite primitive, attempt to cure a patient of Parkinson's disease, Chinese scientists injected a man's brain with cultured stem cells. The result was a slow, painful death, while his gray matter was crushed by the hairy and bony teratoma the stem cells birthed within his cranium. I strongly believe, that in a free-market society, the national government should not be funding any type of research. Especially, in this case, where private efforts have continued to show murderous progress for decades without the injection of any federal funds.Human Embryo Andrew Card, White House Chief of Staff, argues that federally funded stem cell research may rescue so many lives that it could actually result in saving the government more money than it spends. My counter to that statement is that the federal government should never have gotten into the health care (Medicare, Medicaid) business in the first place! Federal funding will result in lavish laboratories being built inside of Italian marble palaces with their perimeters guarded by expensive alpha-numeric chariots displaying such badges as Z06, A8, 750il, X5, and S600. Stem cell research results in the destruction of human embryo's and is murder. Those "existing 60 lines of stem cells" you hear so much about are the results of the death of 60 different human embryos. I believe the fertility clinics (where 'surplus' embryos are often destroyed in vivo and in vitro or considered 'surplus') are a abomination to God, who alone decides which individuals should usher children into the world. Washington politicians, knowing their words are nothing but lies, advise us simple Pro-Life morons that, "With federal funding comes federal oversight." Having just completed an eighteen month stint on a federal grand jury, exercising the "federal oversight" previously mentioned, I have personally witnessed violations of federal law stretching over thirty years without any repercussions. With this nation slowly and surely slipping into the shit-hole that is the Third World, I look forward to my own death in forty or fifty years, be it from Alzheimer's like my pappy or 'natural causes.' For what kind of Christian would I be to sanction the death of another human to extend my own troubled and fitful existence?

08/08/01: Condit & Lantos Two Fine Democrats from California
You've heard plenty about Gary Condit, not the first, Teddy Kennedy comes quickly to mind, of many Washington politicians to get away with murder. But have you heard of California Democratic Representative Tom Lantos? I mention Lantos and Condit to drive home the point that once ensconced in the faraway District of Columbia (one of the most corrupt and poorly managed cities on the face of the planet) many of our 'homey' U.S. Representatives and stately Senators believe they have become select members of a superior class outside of any laws, be they civil, criminal, traffic or moral. Seems last year, Democratic Representative Tom Lantos, imitating your typical Arizona illegal alien, smacked a 13 year old child with his vehicle and then drove off. This is also known as a "hit and run" and you or I would probably still be sweating our gonads off in Sheriff Joe's tent city jail awaiting a trial date, but of course, the august Representative Lantos is not. For, according to Heard on the Hill, in the early evening of August 1, 2001:

"Lantos allegedly pulled up to a yellow light as it was turning red and came to a complete stop. 'Then he slowly pulled into the intersection, stopping cars coming up and down First Street, and to the music of horns and middle fingers, rolled on through,' said the House aide who witnessed the scene."
Recall the 1996 plot in which 2,000 Chinese-made AK-47 machine guns had been scheduled to be illegally smuggled into California? Seems the Huangs, who've been donating the big bucks to Representative Lantos since 1985, were behind this little scheme. Of course Representative Lantos could not have possibly known that the Huangs were such dastardly Asians, eh? How does Democratic Congressman Condit fit into this particular rant of mine? Simple. His response to the disappearance of his former concubine, Chandra Levy, is exactly what one would expect from a individual who believes he has been elevated far above the mere citizens who voted him into office. Elevated above all laws, be they civil, criminal, moral or even the laws of conscience.

08/07/01: Democrats Care about Power, not Energy
Gawd. When will it become obvious to anyone displaying any signs of consciousness, that today's Democratic leader's and politicians care about only one thing? Power. The ability to say "no" just because they can. 2002 Cadillac Escalade On Fox News Sunday we had Democratic National Chair, multi-millionaire Terry McAuliffe (who tools around D.C. in the common man's car, a 12mpg $56,000 Cadillac Escalade SUV) fighting against any drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. Lying through his Hollywood-white teeth, he claims to know, to know! that there are only ". . . 9 months of oil . . ." under the disputed proposed Arctic shelf drilling sites. While Republican Senator Chuck Hagel appearing on Face the Nation refers to a slightly more realistic figure of replacing ". . . thirty years of imports . . ." by drilling in the ANWR. McAuliffe, mimicking the attitude of so many of the very wealthy (including Bill O'Reilly) just can't fathom how $2.00, $3.00 or $4.00 a gallon gasoline could possibly wreak havoc with any American's lifestyle. He claims his opposition is due to his deep concerns about the Alaskan environment and wildlife. Guffaw, guffaw! He proudly and loudly declares that 700,000 jobs have been lost since GW took the White House (because the totally insane & clearly visible Internet Ponzi scheme finally collapsed) but doesn't listen when Interior Secretary Gale Norton states that the creation of 700,000 jobs is possible with Congress's approval of this Alaskan oil exploration. Even the labor unions are against the Dem's on this one! The Liberal Democrats claim this drilling proposition will corrupt the entire state of Alaska, its air, wildlife, water and citizens forever. Sane discussion requires that we crack open a dictionary and discover that an acre of land is a mere 1/640th of a square mile. There are 591,004 square miles of land in Alaska. Drilling on 2,000 acres would occupy a total of 3.13 square miles of tundra, a .000005296% sliver of the state that contains almost twenty percent of the total land mass of the entire United States. But for the Eco-whackos and the power hungry Democrats, five one-millionth's of one percent of Alaska is far too much to 'risk' in a primal attempt to stabilize gasoline prices for the millions of non-millionaires and to take the first step in decades, towards energy independence.