Mr. Wonderful Talks Politics

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12/28/01: Bloodletting at the Arizona State Capitol - Har
Judging from the outcries emanating from the beneficiaries of taxpayer dollars here in Arizona (mainly Arizona state employees) one would think drastic measures were being taken to keep the state afloat. As my reader's realize, our insane Governor and her cabal of cronies in the legislature, have taken the 'evil' former governor Fife Symington's hundreds of millions of surplus dollars and pissed them away. Pissed them away, mainly through the kidneys of the maniacal Alt-Fuel fiasco. Now, in order to keep the Grand Canyon State from facing an illegal deficit budget, governor Big Red is proposing a four percent (4%) cutback in all state expenditures. A minuscule four percent, and you'd think these vampire bastards sucking on the neck of all taxpayers were having a stake driven through their hearts while enduring a holy-water enema! We read where Motorola is cutting 4,000 jobs and another corporation cutting 8,000 and the state has to trim 4% and it's like the end of the world. That is why I repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat again: Do not ever vote for any type or shape or form or possibility of any kind of tax increase no matter how good they make it look. Because, any government entity, faced with cutting back just like every American business and every American regularly does, finds it virtually impossible. To keep these Marxist bastards from taking every penny we make we must never again approve any tax increases. Governments on all levels must be forced by their constituents to make logical decisions concerning the spending of the hard earned dollars they steal from us.

11/17/01: Federal Employees Checking Bags Changes Nothing
I'm sure by now you've heard all the arguments pro, from mostly dreamy-eyed Democrat politicians and current unionized federal employees and con, everyone else with a scintilla of logic wedged in their cranium, regarding requiring airport baggage screeners to be federal employees. Having labored in the old Federal Courthouse here in Phoenix, I can relate to you that federal employees at our nation's airports, with a few exceptions, would make the current civilian baggage screeners look like performers from Cirque du Soleil. 2001 Phx. Federal CourthouseFederal employees are on the government payroll for two reasons: one, a salary and two a pension. Federal employees can get away with, literally, murder. What ever happened to the FBI 'sharpshooter' who murdered Randy Weaver's wife? (How does a supposed sharpshooter target a mother cradling her infant daughter?) Didn't he receive a medal and a written commendation? Remember that federal employees and federal policies allowed these 911 murdering Muslims inside the borders of our great nation in the first place. Federal employees, especially unionized federal employees, are virtually impossible to fire and are absolutely beholding to no one. As a group they do not give a squiggly frog shit about you or I. Remember the letter I wrote to the IRS and dispatched via 'certified' mail seven months ago? Other than the signed receipt, I have received nada, no acknowledgment, nothing from the tax bastards. Understand that $500 owed to some schmuck in Arizona doesn't mean much to these federal employees entrenched in the Utah desert. What could I do to them? Why should they make Mexicans sneeking across US borderany effort to keep me as a satisfied customer? (Isn't that laughable, 'keep me as a satisfied customer?' har, har, har!) And recall that federal policies currently allow tens of thousands of illegal Mexican nationals, who are virtually indistinguishable from radical Muslim murderers, to flood across Arizona's southern borders every month. (By the way, from my 18 months of Grand Jury duty, I believe that our pistol packing border guards, in addition to risking their lives, are doing the best job that federal procedures allow them to do.) What we need in our airports are procedures and policies and personnel churned up from our vibrant and competitive free market economy. We must have procedures and policies and leadership that can change instantly - did you notice, because of low profits, how overnight we have a new president of the Ford Motor Company - and we need employees who are responsible to their employer and an employer who is responsible and held accountable for its actions. We do not need tax dollar sucking pre-embalmed federal employees crowding our airports like so many statues in a wax museum merely to give the appearance that things have changed.

10/28/01: Coward Taliban hide with Women & Children
Reading from an October 27th, 2001 AP report, we learn that the Taliban fighters, who are so fierce against unarmed civilians, when faced with true soldiers, ". . . hide in neighborhoods, stayed in private homes . . . in university dormitories and used mosques to hide military equipment." Not even imagining that these caitiffs would hide behind the robes of women, children and students, earlier in my articles I stated that war is war and many civilians will necessarily lose their lives in any war. WWII Dresden Germany 130,000 civilians diedWith these oh-so-brave soldiers of the Taliban cowering under the lab tables of students and biding their time down at the neighborhood Opiumbucks® hooka and heroin bar and with the Northern Alliance leaders pleading with the U.S. military for millions of more pounds of munitions to be dropped on the Taliban positions, before they can be successful, the world is witnessing just how brave Afghani warriors are. In World War II, over 50 million humans lost their lives. Over 80% of all deaths in that war were civilian deaths. Because the Taliban are hiding with women and children and using vehicles marked as ambulances and cowering in hospitals; women, children, ambulances and hospitals should be targeted. Because the Taliban are ensconsed in the universities the universities should be visited by five hundred pound smart-bombs. Because the Taliban are hiding in the neighborhoods, the neighborhoods must be destroyed. If the 'Coalition' forces are unwilling to take these awful actions to ferret out these PR-savvy poltroons we will have lost the World Series against terrorism in the first inning.

10/22/01: President Bush Please Remove the Veil
Let face facts. Whether a Muslim be radical or conservative whether they be Shiites or Sunnis, they all basically despise America. So today's allies, the Afghanistan Northern Alliance, will shortly become America's sworn enemies. (Anyone who has seen 'First Contact' is now stricken by the references to the 'Northern Alliance' in the movie by its WWIII survivors.) They despise us in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Algeria, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Iran. And nothing we do for these or other Muslim theocracies will ever, ever, ever change their opinion. And what puts the really weird twist on this whole Islam hating America thing is that one major reason Muslims hate us is because of the decadent lifestyle that we have clothed ourselves with. Islamic Development Bank Jeddah, Saudia ArabiaThe very lifestyle that the horrible, evil, uncaring, toothless and just down right stupid Christians and Jews have been weeping and praying about rebuking for decades. How startling that thousands of Americans have been wiped out, our economy brought to its knees and our government embroiled in a war because of the cruel, evil, unthinkable actions by those of the Islamic faith. Islam has been the untouchable religion in America and rumored to be the fastest growing religion in the entire world. Followers of Islam, for decades, have been portrayed by Hollywood, in such films as "Robin Hood" and "The Thirteenth Warrior," as intelligent, thoughtful, diligent, caring, respectful individuals, while Christians are typically portrayed as two-faced liars, child molesters, drunks and mean opportunists. But yet, in the real world, adherents of what religion murdered thousands of innocents just forty two days ago? But we will hear pleas such as, "Oh these are just the radical Muslims. Most Muslims don't feel this way." That is an absolute lie. Talk to a Coptic Christian who has migrated from Egypt to America if you really desire first person knowledge of how extremely intolerant Muslim's are to Christians outside the boundaries of these United States. (Yes, my Coptic acquaintances are choking at my use of the huge euphemism 'intolerant.') This war against terrorism is actually a war against a large percentage of the followers of Islam. And this same large percentage will never halt their rampage against Christians and Jews everywhere and the nation of the United States in particular, until all Christians and Jews are converted or dead and American moral values (and this is not a bad thing) are rolled back to the Victorian era. ( Want to learn more about the Middle East? Read "God Has Ninety-Nine Names" by Judith Miller - ISBN 0-684-800973-7 )

10/18/01: "May I see your papers?"
Now we have Larry Ellison, who, because the perceived value of the stock he holds in the Michael Milken created Oracle® corporation makes him one of the wealthiest men in America, has found a way to cash in on the deaths of 5,000 plus citizens."May I see your Oracle Smartcard !?" Mr. Ellison also basically believes himself to be God, well, if not God, then a 'god.' Mr. Ellison has humbly put forth the proposal, that since the technology is available (through Oracle® of course) to implement the old government favorite, a 'National ID' Card, that production of hundreds of millions of these freedom-robbing chip embedded Smartcards immediately begin. Of course, of course, it's only to protect America. To protect 'the children.' It's not to earn a few billion dollars more for the E-god, right? (I won't even touch on Ellison's laughable pitch that the National ID Smartcard be advertised as 'voluntary.') Apparently Mr. Ellison, Attorney General Ashcroft and possibly our cowardly Congress, believe most Americans are a herd of dolts who will accept anything if only someone, anyone, can make the terror stop. For as any American who has been keeping up the least bit with the saga of the nineteen terrorist hijackers is aware (a saga, the detailing of which has earned millions and millions of dollars for the news organizations around this country) a National ID Card would have done very little to alter the 911 events. Does any sentient citizen actually believe that the Islamic oil-rich countries propelling these terrorist-yellow bellies could not have purchased or manufactured nineteen perfectly fraudulent National ID Cards? Hell, the bed sheet adorned Petro-barons sponsoring these killers of innocent men, women and children most likely would purchase the identical machinery and software that Mr. Ellison proposes and use them to create undetectable fraudulent National ID Smartcards. ID Smartcards that, while violating the sanctity of every man, woman and yes, child in America, would do nothing, but absolutely insure, that in the future Islamic terrorists could gain unquestioned and unabashed access to any number of airliners bulging with unarmed and unaware passengers and Do the Deja Vu in 2002.

10/14/01: Collateral Damage Ca Ca
I am so tired of hearing about the death of innocent civilians and children in our war against terrorism. Number one, in a true war many innocents will die, even the ever popular tear-jerker category of 'the children.' It is incomprehensible to me, that to the DeMedia, somehow a child's life is more valuable than an adult's life. To the Christian God, both 'child' and 'adult' hold the same value, because God sees not our deeds nor our outward carcasses, but our eternal souls. 'Collateral Damage' refers to non-combatants who are injured or killed during military confrontations. The means by which adult citizens and their progeny, of any country, can generally avoid becoming collateral damage in most conflicts, is to elect and support a non-belligerent government. And if elections are not possible, then the adult citizens of these countries must themselves purposely and with just cause risk their lives battling their own rulers in order to then establish a peaceful government. A government, that at the very least, does not harbor intentions of international war or shelter individuals who do. For if these contentious rulers and individuals are not removed, by their own people, the citizenry of the country faces becoming digits in the 'collateral damage' column of war statistics compiled by an outside government determined to remove these same contentious rulers and individuals. This situation can be summed up with the popular American phrase, "You can pay me now, or you can pay me later."