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Contravene/Svart Aggression split 7"
"Funny thing is that I'm so crazed with Contravene that I didn't realize this was a split. I mean Svart is always Swedish, but it wasn't until I listened to their side and thought - since when did Shelly start singing in Swedish - before I realized this was a split record. Duh! Thing is that it's such a good split - which pairs up two awesome bands who are very similar in sound and style. Contravene - as I said are my favorite of the season! Bringing back the classic anarchopunk style with heavy power but no crust or metal. Her voice is awesome. It's powerful and she can sing! There are also two other voices that add to the power. Musically they've got a light and powerful sound, with guitar melody that makes it super catchy. There are comparisons running through my head, but I can't quite name them. If you like your anarcho-peace punk - this band is where I'm placing all of my hope! Svart Aggression are rad because they also have female vocals - dual male-female actually. They've got a similar style of power and energy mixed with catchy melody. The accents are distinct and the male vocals are pretty gravely and the guitars are slightly heavy and metallic - and a bit more in the ultimate crust style. What an awesome split!!! These two bands rule and I'm loving the anarcho-punk!!!" (-Chris/Slug and Lettuce #66)

"Contravene give us one track of old atyle anarchopunk. A slow haunting start gives way to a sound starting to incorporate Scandinavian crust influences. Another excellent song from an excellent band. Svart Aggression give us 2 tracks of heavy Scandi-crust. Fast and brutal with dual m/f vocals. Add a mid period Conflict influence and it makes for quite a formidable couple of songs." (-In Darkness There is No Choice #6)

"Dark and heavy-handed anarcho peace punk from CONTRAVENE - and, with the opening collage of political speeches and the atmospheric drumming, it sounded a lot like DJ SHADOW. But a minute later it's full on ripping female vocals over AMEBIX-style hardcore. She reminds me a lot of the lady from NAKED AGGRESSION. The lyrics are the key thing here-lots of information on important issues like racism, vivisection, and other unfortunate things. More of the same from SVART AGGRESSION, but gloomier and sung in Swedish. Very powerful, and the production makes it even more so." (-RD/MaximumRockNRoll #220)

Follow the links below for reviews of our other releases:
Contravene "a call to action" LP/CD
Contravene s/t CD
Contravene/Svart Aggression split 7"
Contravene s/t 7"
Contravene "forever in struggle" Demo Tape