The Letter "E"
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each (+.3) oka`he
each (@.1) nit-`m
each other (+.3) etko
each other, to rub (+.3)
each other, to scratch (+.3)
each other, to wash (+.3)
each other, we fan (+.3)
eachuntrkiled5rabits(+.3)ye` n-pua`hua_i ye`nkure ye_d-pa`nakure paho_` pa`ktire iguare`
eachwomanget5stringsofbeads(+.3)ya` ina`p-re(2) nu`bma wuya` wumu`ire pa`ktire ia`nire
eagle (animal)(%.5)(@.3) wiktciktci`'
eagle,bald (animal)($.2)($.7) wiktciktcii`
ear ($.6) duksa
ear (+.3)(+.5) ta`kshu
ear of corn (plant)(@.2) kus idsha`
ear, his (+.2) (5) hidu`ksuu'
earth (*.4) manu
earth; dirt (%.1) manuu
earth; ground (@.2) mono`
earth; ground; land (+.2)
earth; land (*.2)
earthquake ($.1) mo`na tciina(h)tcure "earth shaking"
east (+.3) nuti` aku mutu` "sun rising at"
east, eastwards (@.1) nuu`ti mi`h>`' mana`'
east, from the (+.3)
eat (&.1) ...a_`di
eat (ate) much, i (+.3) di du`dsho_ tcu`re
eat (stem)(@.1) ra_`'
eat , you (#.4) yeye` detcande`
eat tommorow, i will (F)(+.3) ya`wa dudsho_re`
eat you, i (&.1)
eat, come and (@.1)
eat, good to (+.3) kuni`h-re haramotu`
eat, he (#.4) a`oe` dorando
eat, he (@.1) ora_`'
eat, he will (F)(#.4) doyanre`do
eat, i (#.4) d-tca_`de
eat, i (#.4) detca`nde
eat, i (&.1) d>tca_`
eat, i (&.1) detca_`(re)
eat, i (@.1) detca_`'
eat, i (@.1) detca_`'tcure
eat, i shall (F)(#.4) do`tcan hore`
eat, not good to (+.3) kuniha`h-re haramotu`
eat, they (#.4) awoka noyantcere`
eat, they (@.1) oaya_`'
eat, they will (F)(#.4) awoka noyan retcne
eat, to ($.6) hara, ra
eat, to (&.1) ya_`(re)
eat, we (#.4) dowoke here`
eat, we (@.1) hara_`'(we)
eat, we shall (F)(#.4) dowoke dotca_here`
eat, you (@.1) yiya_`'
eat, you all (#.4) wewe(r) yedoya`ndo
eat, you all (@.1) weya_`'
eat, you all will (F)(#.4) wiakantcer doyan witcdo
eat, you will (F)(#.4) doraande
eaten (#.4) yanetce`
eaten bread ?, has he (#.4)
eaten bread, he has (#.4)
eaten, he has (P)(#.4) odora tade`
eaten, i have (P)(#.4) du` tcantcere`
eaten, they have (P)(#.4) dowe ya_`do
eaten, we have (P)(#.4) dowote hande`
eaten, you all have (P)(#.4) wewe(r) dowoya_'owitcnu
eaten, you have (P)(#.4) yedope`ndo ra_de
eating (#.4) noya_'
eating, i am (+.3) di` dudsho_re`
eats, he (%.4) du`heare
eel (animal)($.7) ya'ce (singular), yace' (plural)
eel "snake ?" (animal) ($.2) yacie`
eel (animal)(&.3) ya tciye` "snake (in) mud"
egg (#.4) wo`'k>no`
egg (*.4) wotkanoh
eight (#.4) na`posa`
eight (+.3) dow-sare` , da`wussa , da`w-sa
eighteen (#.4) pi`tcine na`posa oksa`
eighty five (+.3) pitcun da`wus'sa pa`ktire ha`ksa
either, or (#.4) ha`te ha`te
elbow, his (+.2) (2) hinu`ksuk
eleven (#.4) pi`tcine pa`ropai_' oksa`
eleven (+.3) pitcin' d-pe` ha`ksare (ha`ksa)
enemy (#.4) ateku`niwa
Eno tribe ($.3) "people disliked" ye_ii`nare
enough; plenty (#.4) s-tcoye`a-re`
Erigeron ramosus (plant) ($.4) ha`stu`k
escape, to (+.1) ta_da`
Etiwa tribe (#.2)($.3) itawa "pine tree"
evening (#.4) wii`tc>w>re`
evening ?, how do you do this (#.4)
evergreen bush (plant)(+.3) yo`p ha waruwa "bush not dying"
exchange for, in; containing (+.3)
expert, clever, capable; smart ($.3)
extemity; finger (+.3) i`tca , yi`tca
eye (#.4) -tu`
eye (+.3) i`tu , yitu
eye (stem)(@.1) i_tu`'
eye, his (+.2)(1) hi_`tu'
eye, his.our.their (@.1) hi_tu`'
eye, my (@.1) ni_tu`'
eye, you alls (@.1) wi_tu`'
eye, your (@.1) yi_ttu`'