face (&.1) hii_`t face (stem)(@.1) i`ne_ face mask ($.1) ye_i_`tihi_pa`h-re "person eye (face) on" face, his (+.2) (7) hi`neen face, his. our. their (@.1) hi`ne_ face, my (@.1) di`ne_ face, you alls (@.1) wi`ne_ face, your (@.1) yi`ne_ fall down i cause the tree to (+.3) de`ri ya`p ki huktuknatcire` fall down, this tree (+.3) yo`p ki huktuk-re` fall down, to (+.1) kida`' falls, hail (+.3) family; people; folk; kin (%.5) fan (+.3) kwakwaikure` fan each other, we (+.3) e`tko kwakwaa`ure fan myself, i (+.3) de`diha kwakwaset-re` , dediha ko(h)ko(h)se`t-re fan oneself, to (+.3) ko ko se`t-re fan, a (+.3) ko(h)ko(h)i`kure fan, i (somebody)(+.3) kwakwa nahire` fan, with a feather (+.3) wa`tkatu fanned, i am (get) (+.3) kwakwatehure` d-re` fanner (for corn?, fire?)(&.4) wu`ki' far (#.4) u`tk>ne` far away (@.1) atke_`ha`'tcuwe , atke_`ha_`tcure fart (#.4) napu_' farther-off (%.5) suko` fast (@.1) ba`'one fast, a boy growing (+.3) fast; quick (#.4) ba`ne fat (#.4) no`otcode , i_do` fat (#.4) noya`nk fat (rich)(&.2) nu_`re father (#.4) ye`mu`s-ha` father ($.6) nane father (%.5) n>ne` father, her (+.3) ya (kure) nane`wa father, his (+.3) nane`wa father, my (+.3) nan-nde` , nane`na father, our (+.3) naneha` , naneh-` father, their (+.3) naneiy-` father, you alls (+.3) naney-` father, your (+.3) naney-` father-in-law (husbands father)(%.5) ye_git(c>) n>ne`he father-in-law (wifes father)(%.5) yagit(c>) n>ne`he father-in-law; stepfahter; uncle (%.5) father-in-law; stepfather (%.5) n>ne(n>) usk-r>_` "father resembling" feather dance ($.1) w>tk>tu` kayo`h-re "feather waveing" feather fan , with a (+.3) feathers (%.1) wat'k-tu feel, i (#.4) d-tci`se feet, toes of my (+.3) fence, gate of (+.3) fern, christmas (plant)(&.2) t-p-si` moso`here "flower on (branch grows) rough" fern, christmas (Polysticum acrostichoides/Polypodium polypioides.plant)(&.2) "next line" few, a ; some (&.1) few, a; several (@.1) agre` fifteen (#.4) pi`tcine poktre` oksa` fifteen (+.3) pitcun' pa`ktiri haksa(re) fifty (+.3) pitcin' po`ktire find, he (@.1) ka`ni find, i (@.1) da`ni find, they (@.1) iyaa`nire find, they (you all?)(@.1) iya`ni find, we (@.1) wa`ni find, you (@.1) ya`ni finding (I) (*.5) wiina`n-re fine boy, a (@.2) kosi_neewira finger (#.4) eeks>y>tca` finger (+.3) i`ksa i`tca "arm its extremity, end" finger, index (+.3) i`ksidsha umi`ye kure` finger, index (+.3) yi`ki`dsha umi`yekure` finger, middle (+.3) i`ksidsha nd-rase` finger, my (+.3) diksi`tca finger, pinky (+.3) i`ks'idsha tu`hukure finger; extremity (+.3) finished (@.1) haa`nih-re finished sawing, i have (+.3) fire (#.4) impe` fire ($.6) impi' fire (%.1) i_pi' fire (*.4) i_mpi' fire (+.5) ii_`pii' fire built while a person's dieing ($.1) y>p patki_` ii`pi' "tree big fire"(usually star shaped) fire built while a person's dieing ($.1)ii_`piye_waha`tc-re "fire person die-watching/causing" fire is smoking, the (+.3) fire weed "grass fire" (plant) ($.4) s-ra`ki_p>` fire, in the (%.1) fireplace (+.3) impi ki "fire here" first (#.4) a`ra`skehe` first (@.1) yas-`x first quarter of the moon "first half moon"(+.3) aratgihe` mu_`ti derassi`h-re fish (animal)(#.4) yie` fish (animal)($.6)(+.3) yi` fish (animal)(*.5) yii fish (I) ($.2) tca`wa_ fish basket trap ($.2) yii'wasa`p' fish biteing (*.5) yiim-so'o fish fin (+.3) yi tui` fish netting "fish screen (net) catch" ($.2) yi`tasiiwii`b-re fish smell when (*.5) yiiha`gmotu fish tail (*.5) hitu`s- fish tail (+.3) yi`tus-` fish, animal ($.2) yii`wii fish, i (#.4) ihtca_'sore` fishhook "thing for fish" ($.2) d-`p-`iitca`' fishing i go (*.5) yitca`'s-re fishing "fish catch do" ($.2) yii`wii webh>da`re fishing "fshbskt using in water fsh go in"($2)yii'wasa`p' odo`w-tc>`yamure`yiiwii' tugina`he_ fishing (i) (*.5) wiitca`'s-re fishing i want to go (*.5) yiitca's-ma`'h-re fishing line (+.3) yi` dshandusi` fishing with spear or arrow ($.2) "fish catching spear or shoot" yii'web>ke_` fishing with spear or arrow ($.2) "fish shoot" yii' ke_`h-re fist (#.4) iksowo` five (#.4) poktre` five (%.1) pakt-re five (+.3) poktr-re` , po`ktire , pa`ktiri flag (%.5) daha`pii flame; blaze (+.3) impi de` flatiron (+.3) d-ru`bi n-pa` tca`kikure` flesh; meat (%.1) ...yo flicker (animal)($.7) pa'pi, pa`'pe`'-re, kutcin sikon>wa (iskon>wa) float on water, to ($.3) watera_`' float, to (*.6) wat-ra_` flour (+.3) kuss-ra`g hiu "wheat dust; seed" flower (#.4) d'napa`si_'we` flower (+.3) dapasiwi flower (+.3) siw-kure` flower is blue (plant)(+.3) dapasiw'wuire` flower, blossum ($.3) sii`wii flows downward, the water (+.3) ya`ye sa_`ta hukutcire` "water flowing down is running" flute (+.3) wa_sasu_tire fluting, i am (+.3) d-ra wa_sa`su_ se`tire fly (animal)($.7) e-_t> fly (@.1) piki_` fly up (&.1) piikii`ii fold (in numbers)(+.3) ha...(number) folk; people; family; kin (%.5) food (&.1) nu`ya_ food (@.1) nuya_`' food dish, a certain (&.4) kusimeyuu foot (#.4) imp> foot ($.6) yipa foot (&.1) hii_`pa foot (distance) (*.5) nii`p- foot print ($.1) ye_ p>da`', ye_ p>hii_da`' "persons footprint shadow" foot, his (+.2)(1) hi_`pa football (&.5) ye_` p> tci`pire "persons foot kick", w>p ka`'h-re "ball knock" for the purpose of hitting (+.3) ford the river on foot, i (+.3) isua tiri`ks- ya`ktcare "the river fording i cross" ford the river, i (+.3) i`swa_ tiri`ksare fording it, i walk through the river by (+.3) fording it, i walk through the river by (@.2) forehead, his ; brow (+.2) (3) hi`taap forest; wood; tree (@.1) forth, back and (&.5) forty (#.4) pi`tcipa`ropre` forty (+.3) pitcun' po`rp-re fought (@.1) emii`krure four (#.4) pa`ropre` four ($.6) paprere four (*.5) p-`k-re four (+.3) porpr-re` , pa`rpre , po`rpre fourfold (+.3) haparparire` fourteen (#.4) pi`tcine paropre` oksa` fourteen (+.3) pitcune pa`rpre haksa fox (animal)($.7) d-p-yamuye` fox, gray (animal) "one (who) is in road" ($.2) d-p- yamuye` friend; sibling; brother (%.5) frightened, i am (%.1) nashia frightened, to be (&.1) mii`cru frog (animal)(#.4) ararai_`' frog, bull (animal)($.7) ara arai frog, tree, (animal)($.7) warare frog, type of called knee-deeps(Hyla,Acris,Pseudacris.animals)(&.3) k>`re frog, you have killed a (#.4) from the east (+.3) nuti` aku mutu` akuu sa`ure frost (#.4) w>ta` frozen (+.3) wasare` fruit (plant)(#.4) tri` fruit (plant)(&.2) turiiye`' , turi` fruit; apple (plant)(&.1) turi' full (&.1) pa_`'hoh> full of, to be ;contain; to hold (+.1) full, moon (*.5)