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The Letter "M"

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made of (*.5)     m-sa`re
made of; manufactured (+.3)     ka`tcire
mainly; chiefly (+.3)     mirare`
majority (of people)(regular people )(+.3)     m> mi`raha
make (@.1)     ta`'a  ,   ta`
make (me) a pipe (#.4)     wamesu catcanemde`
make he (@.1)     ta`'ata`re
make homini (#.4)     gusshu` catcade`
make no use (of it), we (+.3)     uwoodsha wahare
make, i (#.4)     naka`tcere`
makes bird traps, one who (+.3)
making pipes ?, am i (#.4)
making pipes, i am (#.4)
male; person (%.4)
man (#.4)     yehmburtce`
man (&.1)     ye    ,  ye_`  ,  ye'
man (*.4)     ye_
man (@.1)     ye_`'
man, young (@.2)(+.3)     ye`wi
man; indian (+.3)     ye` ,  y>_` ,  yi`
manufactured, made of (+.3)
many (+.3)     unta`re ,  yakanire`
many (@.1)     tcoo`yi
many white men (+.3)     iska_t-re` yak>_`kurare`
many, as (+.3)     
many; more (+.3)     m>hire
many; several (+.3)     agre` ,  k're`
maple, red (Acer rubrum.plant)(&.2)     y>p s-ke_`here  "tree red"
marked up (+.3)     isa_hre`
marry, i (#.4)     nehune-re`
marten (animal)(+.3)     kuyu_ku`yu_
martin (animal)($.7)     su`kmuno't-ri
mask, face ($.1)
may snow, it (%.1) 
maybe (*.5)     nii`we
maybe (@.1)     kurii`yip
maybe; perhaps (#.4)
me, I ($.6)
meanwhile (@.1)     ma`'tui`re
meat (#.4)     wi`dyo
meat (&.1)(+.5)     wiidyo
meat (*.2)     widyo
meat; flesh (%.1)
medicine man, doctor ($.4)     ye_kwe`wii_tiita`howe
medicine; herbs (@.1)     wi_ti
medicine; root ($.4)     wi_`tii
medicine; root (%.4)
meet upon the road, to (+.3)     itepas-re`
men (&.1)     ye_p>  "man some"
metal (+.3)     sun
mew, to (+.3)     weeweeha`tkire
middle (body part?)(#.4)     dara_`'
midnight; noon; half (@.1)
mile (+.3)     monoyaane
miles square, fifteen  (+.3)     maniane` pi`tcune pa`ktiri ha`ksa  upa`dshire
miles, square (+.3)     maniane`
milk (+.3)     wiha`sh
milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum.animal)(&.3)     ya tiri`re h> "snake thunder present"
milkweed (Asclepias?.plant)(&.2)wiita`s wii_`t "grass milk", s-ra`k wita`s-re"milkmedicine"
milky way ($.1)     ya_t-ro`h-re  "road big"
milky ways' short spur ($.1)     ya_ tu_k-re hii_ba`riiku`tc-re  "road little to heaven going"
mill, grist (+.3)     ya_`pa
miller (+.3)     ye` ya_`pa ha`ki(re) ,  ye` ku`ss-rag kua`nts-re "man who grinds wheat"
mink "one (whose) back is long, short leg" (animal)($.2)     d-p- hisda`hap-re tcu`ke 
mirror, i look into the (+.3)
mirror; glass (+.3)
mistle toe (plant)(+.3)      yo`p ha waruwakure`  "bush not dying"
mistle toe (plant)(@.2)     yo`p ha waruwakure   "bush never dies"
mixed (#.1)     dote`
moccasins (%.1)     w-te
mocking bird (animal)($.7)     kutcin ahkra kanawa
mocking bird (animal)($.7)     kutcin nitemp tamawa "bird all mocking",  kutcin kusnida,
mole (animal)($.7)     win(g)ta wapu
mom (%.5)     yuksu`
money ($.7)     senu, snu
money (wood betony) ($.4)     s-nu`
month (+.3)     nu_`ti
moon (#.4)     nutu`tc>owe`
moon ($.1)     wiitca`wa nu_`ti`' "night sun"
moon (@.1)     nu`ti witca`wa
moon full (*.5)     nu_`ti pa_`h-re
moon new (@.1)     nu`ti iya`ndre
moon new is (*.5)     nu_`ti i`ndre`h-re
moon phases (&.1)      nyu_`tiis-wa`pere  "sun changing"
moon, first quarter of the (+.3)
more (#.4)     mera`-de`
more (#.4)     meraaede
more (&.1)     miira`yi
more; many (+.3)
morning (.4)     y>o`pe
morning ?, how do you do this (#.4)
mosquito (animal)(#.4)     tc-wi`h>u`
most (#.4)     m-ra`he(r) ,  mera`he(r)
mother (#.4)     y>ksu`
mother ($.6)     istci
mother (%.5)     istcii`
mother my ($.1)     istcu`n>'
mother my (&.1)     tciitciin>`'
mother, his/her (+.3)     shitciiwa
mother, my (+.3)     shitcina ,  tcitcin-`
mother, our (+.3)     shitcih-`
mother, our (of us two)(+.3)     hina`p-re tcitcihe`re
mother, their (+.3)     shitciiy-`
mother, you alls (+.3)     shitciy-`
mother, your (+.3)     shitciy-`
mother-in-law; stepmother (%.5)     yuksu`(n>) has-r>_`h-re  "mother resembling"
mother-in-law; stepmother; aunt (%.5)
mountain (#.4)     suk
mountain; hill (&.1)     s>k
mountain; hill (@.4)     sak
mountains, in the (+.3)     sa`k mutu`
mourning dove (animal)($.2)     itu`si
mouse (animal)($.7)     enterha  tuhin>(?), enterha wint>
mouth (#.4)     ihsomu`
mouth ($.6)     sumu
mouth (%.4)     sa`mu
mouth, his (+.2) (3)    hi`sumuu'
move on foot ,  you all (+.1)     wa`'
move on foot,  he  (+.1)     da`'
move on foot,  we ;  they  (+.1)     na`'
move on foot,  you (+.1)     ya`'
move on foot, i  (+.1)     tca`'
much (#.4)     -sowo_`'
much , so  (+.3)
much as, as (#.4)
much, so; that much; how much?; how large ? (+.3)     ta`ne , ta`n
much; very (+.3)     tcitcure
mud (#.4)     ma`nu
mud (&.3)     tciye`
mudpuppy (animal)($.7)      ta_si tuhi`nu   "dog tiny"
mulberry (Morus?.plant)(&.2)     tcutca`'
mule; donkey (animal)($.7)
muskadine (plant)(%.4)     wap>tu`'
muskrat "rat wild" (animal)($.2)     wiit>_ su`re
my (#.4)     de`de-de`
my feet, toes of (+.3)
my house come (&.1)     sugn>` m>hode
my own head is aching (+.3)     diska_` warp-re`
myself (+.3)     di`m>
myself, i fan (+.3)
myself, i pinch (+.3)
myself, i rub (+.3)
myself, i scratch (+.3)
myself, i wash (+.3)
mythical monster (&.1)     wii_`si