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+Sharpened Nails: A silverchair Page+

In 1994 a band called the Innocent Criminals entered the triple J radio station's random "Pick Me!" contest with their song "Tommorow", they won first place and got to record the song professionally, make a video and get some money. blah blah blah, later the Members Daniel Johns, Ben Gillies, and Chris Joannou changed the name to silverchair, made the album Frogstomp and the rest is history...

June 2001 - Hello kiddies.. I bet you're all wondering why the hell I haven't been updating this site, right? Yeah. Well, I've been a very busy little person, so I haven't been to put anything new up.. I apologize. But, you'll all be very happy to know (right?!!) that I am currently working on switching this website to a different server, so it will be a much better page. Yay! I know you're all very excited.

+Neon Ballroom+
+Freak Show+
+Tour Dates+
+F.A.T.L.Y. Orginization+

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