True Fan Etiquette

True Fan Etiquette
Are you little Miss. Danity or Killer True Fan Vulture?

Now raise your pinkie... Straighter...straighter..DAMNIT STRAIGHTER~! Oh, oh, hello there and welcome true fan etiquette where we turn ordinary teenyboppers into TRUE BsB fans. Here you will learn the dos and the don'ts of a true fan as well as how to act and speak when you come face to face with the BsB. We will also venture into how True fans should dress, because after all looks are everything~! Son of I have to come over there and straighten out your damn pinkie for you? Morons, they always give me the morons...

Dos and Donts

1.) Don't ever make fun of the BsB in any way shape or form...don't even think anything negavtive about them. For example when you read an article about the BsB and they seem like ungreatful pricks ::cough RS ::coughs:: you will simply say, "aww isn't that sweet they wrote a song just for me..."

2.) Don't think for yourself, in fact don't even think at all. This way it's easier for them to trick you or should I say your daddy out of his money. For example the new Cd Millennium. You went out the first day it was released and you spent your whole allowance~! A few weeks later your at, lets say Sam Goody, and you look and see that the BsB released the same Cd over in Japan but they added a *bonus* track to this one. You, being a true fan, must have it you look at the price and DAMN it's almost 30 bucks. But since you don't think you buy that Cd too, who cares if your paying 30 dollars for 2 min song? Not a true fan~!

3.) True fans don't ever converse w/people who have a lesser intelligence i.e. non True fans. Don't waste your time with such losers, they have no lives and should be avoided at all times.

4.) If a non True Fan tries to talk with you do stick your nose up in the air and say, "I'm a True BsB Fan and your not, I'm so much better than your are, I am superior and you suck."

5.) When the non True Fan starts to kick the living crap out of you don't fight back. This way when the fight is broken up you get to stay and enjoy the concert while that loser is outside by the trash where they belong.

6.) Do, however, when exiting the concert, ask a security guard to walk you to mommy's and daddy's car. Just in case the non True Fan went and got her other non True Fan friends to beat your ass senseless. *Note* All non True Fans travel in packs so be careful. It's so hard being superior to everyone else...

7.) Do always brag that you are a True Fan and that everyone else is not. People like to hear you ranting and raving about how much better you are then them. Be proud that you have what it takes to be a True BsB Fan~! KTFBSPA(Keep the True Fan BsB Pride Alive)

8.) Don't talk about anything other besides BsB. Always relate everything and anything you do back to the BsB. Gotta go to the dentist? Wonder how many filings Nick has and if it would be possible for you to get the same exact ones. Dentist say no? Don't brush your teeth and then when your next check up comes around we'll see who has the last laugh.

9.) Do obsess over the BsB's every thought and action. AJ got a 69 tattoo, wow he is so sexy isn't he? Of course he is. Nick got a shark tattoo, now Nick=a Manly man and that's so sexy. Brian has a cross tattoo, sensitive yet masculine, so sexy. All the good members have tattoos coincidence? I think not....

10.) Do at ALL times be an annoying little skank who think she knows everything. It's a well known fact that the BsB love little bitches who act like they're the shit. And besides your a True Fan damnit, your special, your superior to everyone else, it's not conceit, it's just a fact.


Now ladies lets talk about how a True BsB Fan should dress. Looks are very important in today's society, well, just take Britney Spears for example. She knew that she had to get a breast job because she wasn't pretty enough without it. She's a real woman, a role model for us all. My motto is Plastic is fantastic. I mean come on, hello, Barbie is made of total plastic and not only does she have that stud Ken but she's a doctor, vet, business woman, astronaut, teacher, rock star, etc. Now ask yourself if Barbie didn't have those plastic boobs where would she be? I'll tell ya, Ken would be her pimp and she'd be working the Barbie Land street corner that's where. So what I'm getting at is your frame of thinking should be...Barbie.

1.) Tight: All clothes should be tight. Now I don't just mean a little tight around the cleave area I mean Oh my god she's turning blue tight. We're talking That bitch is about to explode tight. If you can breathe it's not tight enough.

2.) Short: Mid thigh? Are you kidding my grandmother wears shorter skirts. If your ass is not clearly visible you need to take those boat floater back to Kmart and get yourself some daisy dukes.

3.) Revealing: When it comes to guys they like to see women wearing as little as possible. If your wearing your belt I mean skirt then what you should do is add an extra slit with some handy dandy scissors. Now not only do they see ass but they also get some thigh. Your shirt should only cover half your non existent breasts but don't worry about that just stuff some tissues in your training bra and your all set to go.

4.) Cake it on: Make up should be plastered on with a sandblaster. Bright red hooker lipstick is a must. Blue eyeshadow is always trendy, and of course what look would be complete w/out a lot of rouse? When applying the blush you should concentrate it in one area forming a giant circle on your cheek. Paint on the black eyeliner and brush on the mascara, you might want to apply this several times so that it it's really chunky. There~! Now your look is complete. And remember being called Tammy Fay is a compliment.

Meeting the BsB

Now there may come a time when you come face to face with your idols the BsB. Worry not, after you read this section you'll know exactly what to say and how to act. Perfecting perfection....

1.) When you first see the BsB your reaction might be to clam up and not say a word in fear of rejection. This, however, is absloutly and completely wrong. What a True BsB Fan would do is walk straight up to them and scream directly into their ears. This not only breaks the ice but it also get's their attention.

2.) Now that you have their attention you should imeaditally act like a clueless airhead. "OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU GUYS~! YOU ARE LIKE SOOOO GREAT~!" ::giggle giggle:: This will make them feel intulectually superior and attract them to start a conversation with you.

3.) Agree with everything they say even if you have no clue what they're talking about. "Uh huh, that sounds sooo great...did I tell you how much I loved you yet?"

4.) Laugh at everything they say, guys like it when girls laugh at their jokes. "So then we had to put Killer to sleep cuz he kept attacking people...and then we got Fee Fee but she was hit by a car the very next day..." LOL, that is so funny, you tell the best jokes~! That's why I LOVE your SOOOO much~!

5.) Lie you ass off. AJ-"So what do you think of my new hat?" You="OH it's SOOOO great, that's why I love you SOOO much~!"

6.) When they say that they have to leave, scream in their eat one more time. "OHHHHH Do you really gotta go? I mean I REALLY LOVE YOU GUYS~!"

7.) When they say yes, just casuually say, "Well, I guess I'll see you back at your place." But make sure you don't let on you've been stalking them.

8.) As they walk away scream in their ears one last time..."BYIE~!" This is sure to make them fall head over heels in love with you.