The reason why I call Nick fat is because I am using what the media says to get my point across. Now some of you are saying, "Well, you don't have to make fun of Nick like they do, your a fan and it hurts his feelings, it hurts all the BsB's feelings." Oh big boo freakin hoo~! Did I hurt the lil boys' feelings? Please, like they'll ever come to my site anyways. And if by some small chance one of them figures out how to use a computer and if by some even smaller chance they stumble onto my site then I hope they read the Rolling Stone section cuz I'm still pissed about that~!
No, but for the real, if they did see my site then I hope they can grasp the humor, and laugh it off as some big mouth crackhead fan just yapping about shit she doesn't know about. I mean all they have to do is say to themselves, "I have millions of screaming fans who adore me, I'm rich and famous, and I get a piece of booty everynight. Pshhh forget this bitch she wishes she could step to this~!" Ya know I'm sick of getting crap from people just because I have enough guts to say what I feel. I, unlike most fans, know that the BsB are human beings not immortal Gods who I should get down on my hands and knees and worship. There's only one God and he doesn't sing in any teeny bopper group. I refuse to treat the BsB like they're the next best thing since indoor plumbing, however fancy it may be. They're no better than you or me and I'm going to say what I damn well please about them and if you don't like it, then pick your ass up and LEAVE~!