Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies
Lies~! All Lies~!

Lying, I've said it before and I'll say it again, Liars Burn. I, personally don't appreciate being lied to, it makes me feel like a child, so when I discovered that the BsB had been lying to their fans not only was I pissed but I was insulted. Why did they feel the need to deceive their fans? Frankly I don't care if they were all married I would have rather heard that then a bold faced lie. See I have this problem with liars, I don't like them, so what was I to do with the BsB?

That day they lost a lot of the respect I had for them, I mean to be so gutless and lie about such a stupid petty thing as having a girlfriend just astounds me. Who cares if they're single? It has nothing to do with the quality of their music, nor their singing abilities so why lie about something that has no merit to your talent? Please don't give me that crap about their management telling them to lie because that's a cop out in itself. They didn't have a gun to their heads. It was all about deceiving the fans so that we would still like them.
See we'd like them more if we thought that they were single and ready to mingle. We'd spend more money if we thought we had a chance with our favorite BsB member. Bullshit you may say but it's the way the Pop industry works and the BsB, our idols, went along with it.

So they lied to us time after time and when finally they were caught in their lie, that's when they decide to come clean about it all. What, perhaps gets me the most is, now they think that we accept it, that we have no problem with them lying. Well, this fan has a major problem with it. Not once did they say, "Sorry we were a bunch of pricks that couldn't tell you the truth about something so simple as us having girlfriends. Sorry for being a gutless money grubbing liar." Maybe if they had I wouldn't have lost all, or the majority of all, the respect I had for them. I don't respect liars, deceivers, who care only for themselves.

Ya know I expected at least one of them to be a man and tell the truth or to say that they were sorry for being, a male prostitute, because if you think about it that's the way they thought of themselves; the little girls will buy our Cd if they think we're single and they can get with us. It just makes me sick that they actually thought I was that low, that cheap that I would want them just because they were good looking and single. Maybe I'm not as mad at them as I am with their son of a bitch managers who think they know all about young females. You guys don't know jack, and I hope you all rot in hell you anal probes. As for the BsB I may not have much respect for them nowadays but it is improving somewhat. I just hope that they learned their lesson and won't try and trick their fans again, because next I won't be so forgiving.

Kevin do you deny these allegations?

No? I didn't think so.