Operation Fool a Skank

Operation Fool a Skank
I talk with "AJ" on the phone....

Most of my site is humor, take for example the BsB Fanatic Interview, the Heart 2 Heart, and the Boy Band Feud. Those, as we all know, were just made up by my twisted little mind, but this section actually happened. One day I was in a chatroom and there was this AJ poser there, ya know how it is, and so he was like, "fine if you people don't believe me give me your numbers and I'll call you." Now I normally would be like screw you nutcase, but this time I was interested, I wanted to know how good this poser really was. See talking online and on the phone are so completely different, for example you can hear the sarcasm in my voice when I talk on the phone. So I gave "AJ" my phone number, which I don't recommend anyone ever does...chances are I'm a wee bit older than most of you and I knew the guy was a poser, just like every other person online claiming to be a BsB member. I knew this guy was a few fries short of a Happy Meal so I wrote him this letter....

Um ok my number is (302) 323-9***. If your a crazy stalker or something like that then well I guess you can still call me, but be warn I have mace and um attack dogs, yeah lots of attack dogs and um all their names are.....um....Killer yeah their names are Killer and they're trained to kill when told by me. Basically what that means buddy is, if your like a petterass old man, it's not a very wise idea to find where I live to try and molest me. Here are a few reasons....

1.) I have attack dogs like I said before.
2.) I'm not underage, so if your one of those twisted guys that get off touching little girls in their no no places, you had better just move on.
3.) I live with 3 very strong, short tempered guys(Oh yeah they all like take steroids and are masters in the art of Kick Ass)
4.) I live with a crazy bat wielding old lady....I call her mom.
5.) I have 4 circus midgets that hide under my bed, 3 words....Perfessional Knife Throwers.
6.) I sleep nude....now if that's not some scary shit I don't know what is.

So if your not AJ, like you claim, it's not a good idea to stalk me, I don't dig the whole Ted Bundy thing, ok? Cool.


P.S. I live on the east coast so if you are going to call me, could you please like not call me at 4 in the morning or something? I don't think the midgets under my bed would like that.

I figured this guy would lose the number and never call me...but lo I was wrong. He called me at 3 o'clock in the morning, just like I told him not to. We talked for an hour and a half and then I was like, "Ohhh look at the time I've gotta go..." So this is a rundown of the myth we know as AJ.

1.) When you talk with AJ on the phone he has a really high pitched voice (must have been interference or something)

2.) He has friends in Maryland (Checked the caller id baby)

3.) He no longer lives in Florida, now it's New York, but shhh that's on the DL.

4.) When he was younger he was so hyper his mom use to put him in a dog carrier whenever they were in the car.

5.) He's really hyper so he has to take medication for it (I think we found the source that's causing AJ to bald)

6.) Growing up he use to be in a gang, it was a bad gang at first and they use to rob people and stuff. But then AJ got into this good gang that would kick the bad gang's butt (Now isn't that a refreshing thought)

7.) AJ has a girlfriend but it's not Amanda or skank dancer chick (He wouldn't tell me her name but Supes thinks it Imaginaria)

8.) We all think Howie is a nice, well behaved guy, but what we don't know is that Howie's really Mr. Wild Man (Drinking shots?!? Well, spank me and call me AJ)

9.) AJ doesn't like all you little 14 yr old skanks (Duh me either)

10.) AJ has a bladder problem (Damn man peeing every 15 mins)

11.) AJ doesn't like Nsync, 5ive, or LFO (Right on)

12.) Everyone take a deep breath...AJ has a 2 yr old son, dum dum dum~! (Shhh that's on the DL too)

13.) AJ doesn't like brown M&M but he loves green ones (Hum wonder why, that dirty bird)

14.) I'm smarter than AJ.

15.) Your smarter than AJ.

16.) My 10 yr old niece is smarter than AJ.

17.) His mom picks out his clothes for him (What? Howie?)

18.) AJ is completely different from what we read about and see on TV (Uh huh, so "AJ" says)

19.) During the Disney concert when the BsB went off in NY and did their little things, AJ and Howie were suppose to stay with Kevin but they ditched him (I guess this guy was assuming I'd find that funny, but little did the pissant know that I'm a Kevin fan and hate AJ)

20.) Now AJ considers me his friend (Wowwee I'm friends with AJ)

Right after I got off the phone with "AJ" I wrote my bestfriend Supes a letter telling her what happened...

So I like talk to "AJ" for um about an hour and half, God most of which was taken up by him either having to go pee or put, and get this, his son, to sleep. ::Falls on Floor Laughing:: I'm sorry but I still can't get over the little "secret" they let me in on. God talk about bad posers, the little 10 yr old Aaron poser I talked was more convincing. This guy, all he did was go on and on about how people didn't believe he was AJ, well no duh. I mean maybe it's because you shouldn't just repeat for verbatim what you did in your concerts on TV. He asked me if I had seen the PPV concert and I was like, "der yes" and so then he was like, "ya know the one where we all have solos" and I said, "Yeah the one that's just like the concerts genius." He was like, "yeah I kept getting hit with little stuffed animals," um boo hoo? Then he was like, "Did you see that? Did you see how they fans kept throwing crap at me?" I was thinking well maybe you should take a clue and get off the stage next time.

God what else? ::Thinks:: Oh yeah he was in a gang, Oooo, Mr. Bad boy himself. Awww but then he got out of the "bad" gang and into a "good" gang that and I quote, "Helped kick the bad gangs butt." Uh huh.... Now I don't think this AJ guy relied on me being intelligent because an intelligent person wouldn't give out their number to a complete stranger. Ha ha but I fool them and when I say then I mean him and the other 3 people who were there when he talked to me. See let me tell you what I think.... It's like this big operation fool a skank they have going on. One person, the person who knows the most about the BsB, goes online and tells the people that they're a Backstreet Boy. Then they get the numbers of the poor innocent victims and they have one of the guys of the group call them. He of course when he calls you sounds nothing like the BsB who he is pretending to be. He'll give you excuses to why this is, "I have a cold, people sound different on the phone, bad conncetion....you get the point. Then he, right away, lays in on you the 30 mins speech about how people don't believe him and crap, why would he waste money and call you if he wasn't really AJ? Hummm I dunno~!

But see the reason why I think it's like a whole operation is because when he was talking to me he told me "Brian's" and "Nick's" Sns also, oops forgot to write those down, and I didn't even ask for them. Then one of the ladies that was there, she's trying to sign back online, under perhaps the Brian or Nick SN? I think so. Meanwhile I'm talking with "AJ" who is calling me from...dum dum dum Maryland?!? Yeah he's visiting people...ohhh of course he is. I mean everything this guy told me, besides the total and completely outrageous lies, was crap any person would know. LoL he told me that Christina I'm a bitch in the bottle chick is maybe going to open for them...Um no Skippy she's going on tour with TLC. Then he was like yeah and maybe Mandy Moore. After that he got into how every other boy band copies off them, blah blah blah. He doesn't LFO, well whoever he is at least he has some taste. LoL and he called some of the fans little sluts...I liked that. Oh but then he told me this story about how he was in NY, which is where he lives now, and all the guys were there and they got drunk ::Gasps:: Even Howie?!? Oh ho ho, unknown to the fans Howie's a wild man. He and AJ had a drinking shots contest, the first one to cough or choke loses. This whole little lie could have been fueled by me coughing a second before hand, aw but who really knows?

Oh, I bet your dying to know more about this "son" of his, aren't you? Now I know this is a lie because in the very beginning of the conversation when the little kid started to cry he was like it's my friend's kid and they had to work, big storm, didn't want to take the kid over some bridge, left the little ankle biter here, blah blah. Then when he had to go pee he gave the phone to some lady and she talked to me....she was obviously a heavy smoker. Goddamn she sounded like she swallowed a piece of freakin sandpaper. But she's the one who told me the "little secret." Besides the fact the little shit called the person on the phone Dane. The lady I had talked to covered that up by saying it's the kid's nickname for AJ...Dane dane. Uh huh sure.

Oh and now "AJ" considers me his friend. Oh my God I'm so excited, shit I just peed myself....I'm friends with AJ~! Please, they must have thought I was 10 or something. Then I asked him if he ever got tired of all the little skanky fans and he was like, "Ha ha sometimes." Then he told me about something Brian said about how BsB wasn't just for younger fans, it was for everyone. Now that I think about it, his voice kinda sounded like Tommy Page's...hum trying to make a comeback by impersonating a BsB? Looks like I found the reason why he'd waste all that money on making phony phone calls. Lying bastard~! The crap he was telling me, it was like he had just watched some BsB videos and he was giving me a play by play of it all. Oh yeah and someone kept trying to call while we were talking....crazy fan he talked to the night before that had caller id? You bet your lovin Wild Man Howie Dorough ass~!

LoL he asked me who my favorite BsB was and I was like, "Der AJ." He was like "oh really?" and I said, "Yeah but ya know if I were talking with Kevin, it'd be him." He laughed like I was joking. Also this guy kept repeating himself, like he told me at least 20 times he was hyper....duh. And that he took medication for it....hum the cause of his receding hair line? Ding ding ding we have a winner~! LoL oh and he told me about Nysnc also. Here's the rundown on this....Lance is really gay, Justin is a prick who calls AJ bad names, Joey(the poser didn't even know his name, I had to clue him in on it) is white trash cuz he had bright orange hair when he was singing at the Miss America pageant or some crap like that, Chris is an ugly fucker with braids which then took us into the conversation about how AJ got his hair braided, and of course JC is the nice one. He doesn't like 5ive, or really anyother boy group. Now ya know he kept telling me about how someone sounds different on the phone, but I have to ask you wouldn't it sound something like what they sound like on a wave? Yes? I thought so. This guy had a high pitched voice, he kinda sounded Chinese. I mean he didn't even sound kinda raspy like AJ does, I'm telling you Tommy freakin Page. Oh well I'm tired, I'll tell you more tomorrow.

So I tell you, my viewers of this page, don't become a victim of Operation Fool a Skank and just because a poser is willing to call you doesn't automatically make him the real deal. The BsB are super busy people and I doubt they have time to go into chatrooms and offer to call every Tom, Dick, and Harry. Please don't give out your phone numbers to people claiming to be a BsB member because 100 to 1 they're just some pathetic loser trying to fool a skank.