True Fan Requirements

True Fan Requirements
Do you have what it takes?

1.) You've gotta be no older than 16 yrs of age.

People who are older than the age of 16 and call themselves BsB fans are poor pathetic losers who need to grow out of their teen idol stage cuz it's just too sad.(Damn that means I suck doesn't it?)

2.) Fans but be FEMALE

If your a guy and you like the BsB....Ha, ha, ha, you don't have many friends do you?

3.) TRUE BsB fans must be able to scream like a bitch.

The Backstreet Boys love it when fans scream in their ears, it makes them feel really loved. Therefore all fans must be able to scream like the mother freakin dickens. Blow ear-sockets out, pop a lung, Oh my God she's turning blue, screaming. We're talking having to restart the pace-maker loud here people. ::SCREAMS::

4.) A TRUE BsB fan must wear or in the near future be planning to wear, braces.

What would a concert be without the luminous shine from the true house lights, the fans' braces? The BsB like to be blinded when you flash them your Master P smile. Braces are a must.

5.) You must be able to run like the dickens.

Naturally when the BsB see your metal clad teeth which is attached to that thing you call a face, they're going to start running in the other direction. This is where your running like the freakin wind comes in mad handy. Remember when the BsB run on their tour bus and scream, "Lets get the hell out of here NOW~!" that means they want you to follow.

6.) You must be psycho.

Being a crazy bitch is a must. When the BsB see you scalling the wall like Spiderman, knocking over powerlines and frying your ass just to catch a glimps of them, or when they see you hiding outside their house in the neighbor's bushes fighting off the chipmunks who've been bitting your leg for 6 hours straight, infecting you with many nasty diseases, they'll so feel the love. This means you must be clinicly decleared INSANE.

7.) Be a crack shot.

When those other non TRUE BsB fans try and mack on your man, you'll need your gat to blow that bitch ass away. She's not even a TRUE fan for the love of God, why does she think she can step to your man? Knowing how to handle a gun also comes in handy when a shotty journalist writes a bad BsB review. All you gotta do is go down to Seventeen Magazine and say, "Either you retracted that mofo article about my babies new Cd being exactly like the last one or else there's going to be some serious shit going down in this hood you crackass bitch~!"

8.) Be living on Fantasy Island.

Do you see planes? Is your name Tattoo? Good cuz that means your living on Fantasy Island which is a MUST to be a TRUE BsB fan. After all aren't you going to marry Brian and have 20 kids that all look exactly like him? And your going to leave in a HUGE house with 30 rooms and 3 indoor pools, 15 bathrooms and a grand ballroom? Yeah of course yor are~!

9.) Must not understand the word NO.

Excuse me NO? What's No? But No means yes. Exactly, there's no such thing as no. "Can you please tell me what room the BsB are staying in?"


"What room was that I couldn't understand, room 209?"


"So it's room 121?"

10.) A TRUE BsB must have no brain

If you had a brain you'd never do any of the crazy things a TRUE BsB fan would. Like throwing yourself in front moving tour buses, climbing barbwire fences, and assulting any and all skanks you see who look or even think about your boy Nick.