True Fan Handbook

True Fan Handbook
Do you have what it takes?

Wanna know how to be a "true" Backstreets Boys fan? Then you've come to the right place, The True BsB Fan Handbook page. LoL, actually there's no such thing as a True BsB Fan Handbook but I'm constantly getting emails from other fans telling me that I'm not a "true" fan, ha like they know what one is or something. I mean who determines what a "true" fan is? Is there somekind of rule book we're suppose to follow? Well, thanks to me now there is.

Disclaimer: This section is what I like to call sarcasm. Basically what the means is I don't want any of you to email me and bitch because you think I'm being serious. Anyone with half a brain knows I'm being sarcastic, but it seems as though a few of you were tied to the tracks and that stupid train just kept on hittin' ya. So if you've been schooled and know what sarcasm is please do continue, if not then may I suggest this site...

True Fan Sections
Are your tuff enough?

Justin "Hooked on Ebonics" Timberlake Explains...

True Fan Requirements... ~*Yo dis be seeing if you can be a true fan*~!
True Fan Rules... ~*Yo dis be da rules a true fan has to be followin*~!
True Fan Etiquette... ~*Yo dis be the do's and don't and shitz like dat of a ture fan*~!
Ready to be a True Fan... ~*Yo but the real question be, are you ready to be a true Nsync fan*~? No?