True Fan Rules

True Fan Rules
Of course there's always some sort of rules...

1.) A TRUE fan can only like either, Nick, Mig, or AJ.

2.) TRUE fans never give up, even when the odds are against them. That means if the BsB are driving away in their tour bus, you'll throw yourself in front of that bus before you let it get away. Pshh what's a barwire fence? Nothin that's going to keep you from 3.) A TRUE fan must at all times show mad love for the BsB. Whether it's public humiliation by wearing one of your 25 BsB shirts or if it's buying a teen magazine. Nicky~!

4.) TRUE BsB fans always stick up for their babies. When some GUY starts to make fun of them by calling them a faggot or a no talent homo, a TRUE BsB fan will deck em and then kick them where it counts.

5.) All TRUE fans must like or hate everything their fave BsB likes or hates. AJ hates clowns, you=terrified of them. Mig likes Jim Carey. Wow he's you favorite actor~!

6.) A TRUE BsB fan hates Nsync. No TRUE fan would ever like a cleptoe no talent bunch of pussies like Nsync. How could you? They bad mouth your babies and try and out do them, Nsync=INCUBUSES.

7.) Speaking of Incubuses, a TRUE BsB fan hates that mofo slut Britney Spears. That no talent bitch dissed your babies just because she was pissed that the only reason her CD sold was cuz there were BsB samples on it. Britney Spears=Sucubus.

9.) TRUE fans must have their room plastered with the BsB's faces. No wall uncovered, no door exposed.

10.) A TRUE BsB fan, when meeting the BsB, must first scream in their ears and then attach themself to their hip.

11.) All TRUE fans must wear slut clothes that exposes their "assests." After all the BsB like to see a little skin, just look at their girlfriends.

12.) A TRUE fan must, when attending a concert, wear her favorite BsB's favorite color. Nick fans break out those green belly shirts. AJ fans you'll light up his life in those yellow shank shorts.

13.) All TRUE BsB fans must buy anything and everything that has anything, even slightly, to do with the Backstreet Boys. Now this means crawling to daddy for his hard earn cash. But just think of your father as the Bank of Daddy, after all the BsB's management does.

14.) A TRUE BsB fan must always celebrate the BsB's birthdays. When Feburary 20th rolls around you had better get out your tastey bake ovens, blow up the balloons, and break out the strimmers cuz Brian is expecting one hell of a B-day party. So what if he's not there, those trival things don't matter to TRUE fans.

15.) All TRUE BsB fans must know where the BsB are at ALL times. If they're on their world tour you had better know what country is being entertained by your Nicky. If they're going to be on Rikki Lake, Rosie, or Leno you had better know at least 2 months ahead of time.

16.) Knowing where the BsB comes in handy for TRUE BsB fans because a TRUE fan would be everywhere their babies are. Oceans, mountains, volcanoes, are just a few things a TRUE BsB fan would cross just to see AJ hump the stage for the millionth time.

17.) Of course a TRUE fan must also have a complete set of all BsB TV apperances, from a 5 sec shot of them to a 5 hour countdown, a TRUE fan would have all.