As the Tour Bus Rolls

As the Tour Bus Rolls
Just like the other Soap Operas but without all the commercials~!

Kevin: Man I need a drink~!

Kevin rummages around in cabinets looking for a bottle of Jack D.

Brian: My son, drinking is not the way of the Lord, repent now for the day of reckoning is upon us.
Kevin: Shut the fuck up Brian I need a drink...have you seen the Jack Daniel's?
Brian: The Lord called to me in the middle of the night and he said, "Brian my son, throw out that Devil juice." So I pour it down the toilet.
Kevin: You did what?
Brian: I poured it out, it was for the good of your soul...
Kevin: That's it God boy I've had enough of you~!

Kevin walks over to Brian and grabs the bible from his hand. Brian looks scared and with a quiver in his voice says...

Brian: What do you want with the Lord's book?
Kevin: I'm going to use the Lord's book to beat the leaving shit out of you...

Kevin runs after Brian with the bible...

Brian: Violence is not the answer my son~!

Kevin leaps for Brian and catches him by the shoulders.

Brian: The Lord see everything Kevin, think about what your doing...
Kevin: Ohhh the Lord see everything?
Brian: Yyes...
Kevin: Well, good then he'll see me throw your ass out the window, just like you threw my JD out.

Just then Nick enters the room followed by AJ. Nick has a video tape in his hands.

Nick: Hey, I got it~!

Kevin lets go of Brian.

Kevin: Your lucky your little buddy saved you, next time you might not be so lucky.

Kevin grabs Brian again...

Kevin: I want a case of Jack Daniel's in my room, on my bed before noon tomorrow or your dead God boy, you understand me?
Brian: But...

Kevin grips Brian's shoulders harder.

Kevin: Before noon.

Kevin throws Brian back and walks over to the couch to join AJ and Nick.

AJ: He he...Nick got the tape~!

Kevin sits down on the couch and takes a swig of the vodka he had hidden in one of the cushions .

Kevin: Alright little Nick, pop it in and lets see some boobies~!
Brian: You all are going to burn in hell, God is watching he see...
Kevin: Yeah yeah he sees everything, spare us the lecture for once. I've had about enough of your crazy talk for one day...NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP~!

Kevin turns to Nick...

Kevin: Put in the damn tape.

Nick reaches over to the VCR and pops in the tape. The guys sit back and watch the screen.

Voice From TV: "Under the sea....under the sea....Darlin it's better down where it's wetter...under the sea..."

Kevin spits out a mouth full of vodka, while AJ shakes his head in disbelief .

Kevin: What the fuck is this Nick?
AJ: Mannnn Nick you told me you got the tape~!

Nick turns his head from the TV screen and looks into the angry eyes of his band mates.

Nick: What's wrong with this? It's the Little is she hot~! Would you look at those fins...

Nick turns his head back towards the TV...

Nick: I wouldn't mind tastin some of that seafood buffet if you know what I mean...

Nick winks at AJ as Kevin charges out of the room.

AJ: Nick, dude, your sick you know that? Your really sick.
Nick: Please, everyone loves the Little Mermaid...
AJ: No Nicky, only 10 yr old girls like the Little Mermaid.
Nick: Nuh huh...Brian likes the Little Mermaid, don't you Brian?
Brian: Well, as much entertaining value as it has the Little Mermaid is a whore, a succubus.
Nick and AJ: WHAT?!?
Brian: Just look at the little harlot...she's out prancing around half naked with a little "blow" fish as a friend. Then she's cast out the Ocean because they know her whoring ways and she runs to "Prince Eric" who we all know isn't really a Prince at all, but a pimp. Then...
AJ: Brian, man, you need to lay off the late night Billy Graham programs.
Brian: Mock me all you want, I know the way of the Lord.
AJ: Uh huh, well I know the way to the strip clubs so I'm going to go see if Kevin's up for a night on the town...

AJ gets up and walks out the room.

Brian: Dear me, I had better go to church and pray for their souls...Nick you wanna come?

Nick is too into watching TV to hear Brian.

Brian: NICK? Oh forget it.

Brian grabs his bible and walks out the room.

Nick: Oh Aerial...I'll show you a shark attack~!

Nick licks the TV screen and it fades to black.

To be continued...

Ok here's the deal people, if you liked the Soap Opera then just email to let me know. If I get enough positive feedback I'll continue with the story, if not then I'll take it down.

You've got the power. *Shakes head* Man, I've lost my mind...