Unsolved Mysteries

Unsolved Mysteries
Dum, dum dum~!

1.) What in the Hell happened to AJ?

I remember back in the day when he was semi normal, way before the tacky tattoos and the S&M belly shirts ::Looks up to the sky:: Why?!? What the Hell happened?!? Is it drugs? A bad proscription of Rogain? Did he accidentally inhale the fumes from the black magic marker he uses to color in his goatee with? Is it ink poisoning from his tattoos? For the love of God is it malnutrition?!? I know it's the hair dye isn't it? It's rotting his brain, which is a damn shame because his hair, what he has left, still looks a trifling mess.

2.) Why did they let Kevin in the group?

Now don't get your panties all twisted in a knot, this is a good question if you think about it; take out some old school pictures of Kevin and you'll see what I'm talking about. He wasn't the wild stallion he is today, he never got to sing, he can't dance, he's anal, he's old....what where they thinking?!? The girls are just going to swoon over him when, during his one solo, he trips over his own feet, and his dentures fall out? Uh no I don't think so.

3.) Why does Howie always wink?

Some find it cute, others find it funny, but I find it annoying. ::Wink wink:: Look everyone my name is Howie ::Wink wink:: Does he have something in his eye? Is it a nervous twitch? Did an alien ::Coughs:: Chris ::Coughs:: abduct him and insert a device that is connected to a master control, which, when pushed, causes poor Howie to wink? Does Chris uses this to entertain himself so that he can get a good laugh out of someone else's pain and humiliation because he's a hideously ugly freak that has no friends? ::Shakes head:: That's sick you nasty little shit.

4.) What's Nick's fetish over the Ocean all about?

When Nick was growing up was he deprived of water? Was he not permitted to take a bath? Is that why he loves the Ocean so much? Is that why it's the answer to any question he is asked? "Nick, what's your ideal fantisay?" The Ocean. "Nick, where would you take a girl on a romantic date?" The Ocean. "Nick, how many fingers am I holding up?" The Ocean.

5.)How did Mig escape off Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch?

Doesn't Michael keep his exotic animals locked up in some sort of cages? No high barbwire fences to keep the photographers out and the freaks of nature in? Shouldn't he have a circus trainer with a tranquilizer gun on duty to watch over the sideshow oddities? Hey Mikey, maybe if you would have at least put your "special friends" on leashes, Mig wouldn't have gotten loose...

6.) Why is Kevin's mouth always open in the pictures taken live from concerts?

Look at the live in concert posters you have on your walls, notice that Kevin has his mouth open in almost all of them. Kevin what the hell are you doing? Trying to catch flies? Are you trying to reassure the critics that yes you do sing? Critic-"Oh look at all these pictures, Kevin has his mouth open, he must really sing after all..." Pstt hey Kevin, I don't think it's working, the only thing you accomplish by having your mouth open like that is reassuring the critics that you look like a retard in the dark...."Uh?"

Kevin- *Drool* Uh.......?

7.) What's so special about Nick?

Even I was affected by this unknown phenomena, that is I too went through a, "I like Nick" stage. ::Hangs head:: Please don't repeat that to anyone...ever. I don't get it, what attracts little prepubescent girls to him? What does he have? Looks? Hells no, he's not exactly ugly, but then again he's far from being studly. Intelligence? ::Laughs:: I don't think so Mr. I is Nick. Money? Oh now we're getting warmer, but he's not even that rich, besides most 14 yr olds don't care about how big a guys bank statement is. So what in the sam hell does that guy have?!?

8.) Why does Howie feel the need to always take off his shirt?

Wink, flash the audience. Wink wink, flash the audience...wink, flash the audience. Lord help us all on the days when he can't find his hot wax.

9.) Why is AJ so horny?

Mothers lock your daughters up, AJ found Kevin's Viagra~! The boy is way overly sexed, he reminds me of a dog....humpin anything he can find. I wouldn't be surprised if there were 50 little AJ's running around somewhere, all with big dopey ears and receding hairlines. I need to call my broker and tell him to invest in the Hair Club for Men stock.

10.) How do people find Mig attractive?

Are you blind? Are you retarded? Do you have such low self esteem you'll settle for anything? Are you into bestiality? Do you like bacon? Are you related to him? Do you just feel sorry for him? Please I don't understand~!

11.) Why did Nick get a shark tattoo?

The Ocean?

12.) Why does Kevin talk to everyone like they're retarded?

I don't know about you people from like Germany or whatever, but it pisses me off that Kevin talks to us like we're slow. I watch the Live in Concert Video, the one taped in Germany, and he's like, "This....is....off....our....second....that's 2 ::Holds up 2 fingers:: second..... ::Gets out flashcards and pointer.....two." God Kevin, shut the hell up, they're foreign, not retarded.

13.) Did Brian register is nickname?!?

The other night my friend Supes was over and we were looking at the cookie time thank-yous in each Backstreet Boys Cd (See all you morons who say I have no life and sit in front of my computer all day are wrong, I read BsB credits, duh). Anyway so I had what I like to call the "red" Cd in my hands (The Backstreet Boys Cd released in Holland for those who aren't down with the RK lingo) and so I was reading the credits. And what did I see? BrokŪ? What the hell?!? Did Brian copyright his nickname? Supes was looking at my other red Cd (The one released in England...or was it France? Who cares cuz I like to call it the jip me Cd) and she looked at the credits and his nickname had the little registered mark there too. Now I know some of you crazy BsB fans out there must have seen this, so please if you know anything about it let me know so I can laugh even harder than I've been laughing. Psh BrokŪ like it was that great of nickname in the first place, please Mig is much better~!