Anyway Supes was there with me and we drove to her house where we ran up to her room and played the Cd for the first time. Oh no, look of disappoint=me? No silly of course not, I had been waiting for this Cd so damn long it could have been straight up Yanni and I would have LOVED it. I knew right away which songs I would NOT have the pleasure of listening to ever again unless held at gun point ::Coughs:: Perfect Fan ::Coughs:: Not that it's not a good song, it's just I prefer to listen to more upbeat songs. My over all first impression of the Cd was good. I thought it was a great CD, fun for the whole family. But (ohhh no, the dreaded but) then after I had listened to the Cd a couple of times I started to notice little things here and there. I used my fancy math skills and counted how many slow songs were on the Cd that, if you ask me, was way too short for me having waited all that time. Now may I take this opportunity to say that I believe I Need You Tonight should NOT have been a track added to the Cd and it should have been the "you live in Japan and you get the special cookie track" instead. This is another thing that pisses me off but we won't go into that right now.
Anyway, I thought that there were just too many slow ballads for my taste and the few upbeat songs they did have were not only short but they were repetitive and lacking in creativity. Now I know the BsB are looking to impress and maybe gain some older fans but guys, ever hear of OVER DOING IT? I mean I'm still trying to figure out the lyrics to Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely. Then there's the song, Gotta Be You...what? Gotta be me reaching for the skip button? This song was in one word REPETITIVE. It's almost like the BsB spent too much time on some songs, Show Me the Meaning, and not enough time on others, Gotta Be You. Where's the damn panda bear when you need it? We need some song equality here~! My over all view of Millennium now is that it's a shoddy, sloppily put together Cd that doesn't even deserve to be placed on the shelf next to their first one.