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Censoring on the Net

From C-NET 10 Laws the Net Needs

   Video stores generally don't sandwich the X-rated movies between Toy Story and Air Force One. Likewise, most bookstores don't display Penthouse next to the New Yorker. And you'd be hard-pressed to find a strip joint near a school playground.
   But the sex site whitehouse.com is just a typo away from the official White House Web site, whitehouse.gov. That may sound like a funny coincidence considering recent events. But intern jokes aside, the problem reflects the fact that the Internet, our online community, developed without the zoning rules adopted by most neighborhoods in the real world. We say it's time to put X-rated material into an "adults only" zone on the Net. How do you do that? By designating a new top-level domain for pornography.
   What about filtering software? If you've ever tried these programs, then you already know what's wrong with them: they don't really work and instead, filter too much or too little information. Parental supervision? Sure, parents should know what their children are doing online, but how realistic is it to expect every parent to constantly look over every kid's shoulder? Moving pornography into its own domain would make filters more effective, without turning the whole Internet into a G-rated network.

For the full article visit C-NET
Sex on the Web: An Inside Look at the Net Pornography Industry


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