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Upcoming Events
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The Next Week or So

1. This coming Friday Night's BCCC R'n'R will be cancelled because Pastor Andrew will be out of town. 2. If you can play a musical instrument, or pop your finger in your mouth, I would like to form a small music worship team to help do worship on Sunday’s. Please tell Pastor Andrew that you are interested.

Ccoming Soon

1. Family Camp is coming again, this year from July 19-20. Talk to Carmen or Pastor Andrew about registration, and the activities you would like to do, and the topics for devotions you would like to discuss. 2. Also coming soon, Vacation Bible School. This year we will hold it on Sundays, starting on July 27. It will not be a weeklong event but a two month journey to finding out about the Bible. So, start praying for a friend, or friends, that you would like to invite to this important learning time. 3.July 4 is the next Youth Group Activity, and we want to go on a short bike trip around Burnaby Lake Park, so pick up your permission form this Sunday, and bring your bike and helmet, and pads if you need them, next Friday night, July 4.