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Well we're getting activities together again for next year: Super Nova activities are gonna be bigger and better than ever for 2002!
Here are some tried and true favourites that are returning as always...

Returning Events:

New Stuff:

  • Catapult Challenge: Build a Catapult at home and show it off at Saturday's opening! Judged on accuracy and distance, we're going to be awarding a special prize just for it!
  • Mystery Bouncer: Not only are we getting a bouncer AND a velcro wall jumper, but we're getting a third bouncer, yet to be determined! Will it be a bungee run? a joust? You'll have to come to SN find out!
  • Nighthawk: Prove your group to be the most resourceful of all in this friday late night game which premiered at SN 2001 A game of physical, mental and teamwork challenges with its own trophy on Sunday!
  • PortaPottys:Extra Porta Pottys will be available at camp! 'nuff said. :)
  • Half Barrels: Still looking for ways to satisfy your every need, we're also trying to get our grubby little paws on more half barrels to allow small cooking fires on site.
  • Intersted in performing at SUPERNOVA?: contact the webmaster Erika
Well that's all we've got for now. Watch for more info coming soon.

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