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Dynamic Data Studio

A DDE monitoring, alias channel, record and playback system

Dynamic Data Studio is a general purpose Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) tool which has features useful to both computer users and program developers. It comes with a universal DDE client program which you use to make a server send out its data. With these programs you can -

  • Connect otherwise incompatible DDE servers and clients.
  • Rename a DDE source by creating an Alias.
  • Record data from any DDE server.
  • Playback the recorded data, altering the speed if required, or playing back data at fixed intervals.
  • Create a file driven DDE server using your own data file.
  • Monitor DDE activity.
  • Find DDE servers and the topics they support, if they respond to "Wildconnect"

Dynamic Data Studio has four components, each with its own output and control window.

Alias Channels

DDSTUDIO acts as an intermediary, allowing otherwise incompatible programs to communicate. Service and topic names can be changed, allowing DDE sources with fixed names to supply data under any service and topic name desired. The server timeout characteristics are under user control so can be adjusted to suit the client program.

Data Recorder

DDSTUDIO writes data to a file so that it can be played back later, or analysed by other software. Timing information is kept, so it is possible to re-create exactly the data supplied by any DDE server. The recording can be in plain text, readable and editable by the user, even if it is binary data. The file format is described in the help file.

DDE data becomes available for recording when a server sends it in response to a request. You can use an existing client program to request the data, or the DDCLIENT.EXE program which comes with DDSTUDIO. Alternatively, you can write a Visual Basic program to act as a DDE client, using our DDClient ActiveX control.

Data Playback

DDSTUDIO is a DDE server playing back data from a file. The file may be one written by DDSTUDIO, or it may be one constructed by the user. DDSTUDIO can be made to mimic the data supply of almost any DDE server.

Monitoring DDE activity

DDSTUDIO monitors the DDE events specified by the user. This is a debugging feature primarily for program developers. It gives more readable and accurate information than the DDESPY program provided by Microsoft.

Download Dynamic Data Studio

Software Click on the file name to download File File size Kb
DDStudio DDE utility and diagnostic tool ddssetup.exe 494

Both 16 bit and 32 bit versions of all the programs are provided. The help file contains the information you need to decide which version to use according to circumstances. The download file is an installation program. When you run the program it installs both 16 and 32 versions, the help file and a readme file into the directory of your choice. A program group is created. The uninstall process removes the program group as well, unless you have added other icons or links by hand.

This application is supplied as-is with no support. RHA (Minisystems) Ltd. accepts no responsibility for data loss or other damage caused by the use of this software.

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