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Entire contents © 1998 by R.D. Baker. Site created: 7-25-98. Our Axis & Allies Gamers Group welcomes players for face-to-face games in the Washington, D.C. area. Email:

List of recent updates and rule changes in this section:



When bombing an Industrial Complex, bombers have a maximum flight range of 3 to reach their target. Carrier-based fighters have a flight range of 1 to reach their target. [See CARRIERS & CARRIER-BASED FIGHTERS, below, for more details]. All other fighters and bombers have a MAXIMUM flight range of TWO in the combat move. In the noncombat move, aircraft that took part in combat have a maximum return flight range equal to their combat flight range (that is, 1, 2, or 3, as described above). Aircraft that did not attack in the combat move have their full flight range (4 for fighters, 6 for bombers) in the noncombat move. [More rule changes concerning aircraft are in Section IV: Advanced Air Power Rules.].


Fighters and Bombers may only enter ONE sea zone when flying to a battle. When returning from a battle, they may only enter ONE sea zone. Designer's Note: The "One Sea Zone Rule" is important in recreating some historical limits on the effective fighting range of aircraft. I have tried many different rules over the years to achieve this result, but this rule is the simplest, clearest, and cleanest I've been able to come up. Players may ignore this rule, at their option, when playing Section I: Basic Rule Changes. However, I encourage players to use this rule now. It is a required rule in Section IV: Advanced Air Power Rules.


Aircraft carriers may only carry fighters of their own nation. A fighter's flight range from an aircraft carrier to its target is always 1. However, the carrier itself may move 1 or 2 sea zones before launching a fighter. A carrier must end its own move after launching a fighter in combat. After combat, carrier-based fighters MUST return to their original carrier if possible. Fighters may be assigned to or detached from carriers during noncombat movement only, and may not have participated in combat in the turn of their assignment (or detachment). In other words, if a carrier-based fighter takes part in an attack, it MUST return to its carrier after combat, if at all possible; and a land-based fighter that takes part in combat may NOT land on a carrier in that turn.

Placement of New Fighters and New Carriers: Newly built fighters MAY be placed directly on newly built carriers (if both are built at the same Industrial Complex). Newly built fighters MAY be placed directly on existing carriers that are in sea zones adjacent to the Industrial Complex that built the new fighters. Existing fighters MAY be placed on newly built carriers if the fighters are located at the same Industrial Complex that built the new carriers, and if the fighters did not take part in combat during that player-turn.


Players count up the value of their territories at the BEGINNING of their turn. This is a player's IPC total. Any IPCs not expended are lost, not saved. Since no IPCs are saved, none can be captured. Players must keep track of losses from economic bombing, and subtract these bombing losses from their newly collected income at the beginning of their turn. Bombing Effects Dice: A simple way to keep track of bombing losses is to place dice next to the affected factory indicating the number of IPCs to be subtracted from the total collected in the next turn. [More rule changes for industrial complexes are in Section VII: Industrial Capacity & Scenarios.].


To reflect the historical industrial situation more accurately, place an industrial complex in each of these territories before the game begins: Caucasus, Eastern Europe, Canada, India, Australia, and Manchuria. Each of these territories also gets one AA gun. No new industrial complexes may be built. All Industrial Complexes have limited placement equal to the value of the territory in which they are located. No Industrial Complex can suffer bombing losses greater than the value of the territory in which it is located. If a bombed factory is captured by the enemy, the bombing effect dice (mentioned in the INCOME CALCULATION rule) are removed and the bombing effects on that factory are ignored when next collecting income for the territory containing the factory. [More rule changes for industrial complexes are in Section VII: Industrial Capacity & Scenarios.].


Ownership of a territory is determined in real time, that is, at the instant of use. For example, if the Suez Canal is captured by the German player, he MAY move his navy through the canal in the turn of capture. Likewise, aircraft may land in just-captured territory. This includes aircraft which participated in the attack on the just-captured territory.

Western Canada is NOT considered adjacent to the sea zone above Eastern Canada for purposes of naval transports or amphibious assaults.

South Africa is NOT adjacent to the Mozambique sea zone.

Turkey and the Black Sea: Turkey can be attacked from Southern Europe by land (no transports required). A player's naval units cannot enter the Black Sea from the Mediterranean unless he controls Turkey.

Panama Canal: The side that controls the Panama Canal may treat the sea zones on either side of the canal as ONE sea zone for movement purposes.


Neutral countries may be attacked without paying an IPC penalty. When you attack a neutral (or violate its neutrality by an overflight) your opponent whose capital is closest to that neutral country rolls THREE dice. [Exception: roll SIX dice when violating the neutrality of Turkey or Spain.] The resulting number is the amount of IPCs your opponent receives to IMMEDIATELY spend on land or air units to place in that neutral country to defend against your attack. All neutrals have an IPC territory value of ONE when they are controlled by a major power.


After any round of combat, the attacker may decide to break off and retreat. If the attacker does NOT retreat, then the defender may choose to retreat. The retreating forces DO NOT all have to retreat to the same place. Players may retreat land forces to any combination of friendly adjacent territories, and naval forces may retreat to any combination of adjacent sea zones. The defender may even retreat troops into embattled territory, and take part in the battle, but ONLY if there are no other retreat options open. Aircraft: Defending aircraft have to retreat to an adjacent territory, just like defending land units. If there are NO friendly adjacent territories to retreat to, retreating defending aircraft can fly to the CLOSEST friendly territory within their flight range. If there are no friendly territories within the normal flight range (4 for fighters, 6 for bombers) then these defending aircraft cannot retreat. Ships: Naval units may retreat into ANY adjacent sea zone, even enemy occupied or embattled sea zones, but they DO NOT take part in any battle in that sea zone. Naval units may also retreat by "breaking off contact" and remaining in the combat sea zone. This may sometimes leave enemy naval units sharing the same sea zone. In this case, it is up to the player whose turn it is NEXT to attack the enemy navy, retreat from the sea zone, or "break off contact" in his turn. [More rules concerning retreat options are in Section VI: Advanced Retreat Rules.].

Designer's Note: This rule is really just an extension of the standard submarine retreat rules to cover all units. However, when retreating, all of a player's units must retreat. There is no partial retreat option, even for submarines (just the usual exception for aircraft in amphibious assaults). The situation where opposing naval units might begin a turn in the same sea zone is very similar to the 2nd Edition Axis & Allies Optional Rule for placing newly purchased naval units in enemy-occupied sea zones. This A&A optional rule is a required rule in the present rule set.


The Second Armor Move takes place AFTER the regular combat move and combat resolution and BEFORE the noncombat move. Armor may only attack enemy units in ADJACENT territoy in the regular combat move. But during the Second Armor Move, tanks that have already attacked may move one and attack AGAIN (even if they retreated from their first battle), and tanks which have not moved or attacked at all may now move one or two and attack. Furthermore, tanks that attacked in regular combat or second armor combat WITHOUT using up both of their moves may move one in noncombat. [As usual, tanks that are transported by sea may never move on their own in the turn they are transported].

Designer's Note: This rule gives the true flavor of tank breakthoughs, where armor would race ahead of the infantry, overrunning rear areas and seizing strategic territory. Players will also notice the rule allows tanks to attack in the regular combat or armor combat move and, if they have only used one of their two moves, then in noncombat they can move one more space (withdrawing to their original position, perhaps, or redeploying to a new territory). This is an historically accurate use of armor in a "mobile defensive" role.


Play ends when either the Axis or the Allies surrender. Losing one's Capital does not automatically elimainate a player nor prevent him from collecting and spending income. As long as a player controls territory, he may collect income, and as long as he has at least one Industrial Complex, he may spend that income. If at the beginning of a player's turn he has no units on the board AND he does not control at least one Industrial Complex, that player is permanently eliminated from the game and may not be "revived". When an ally liberates any territories or factories of an eliminated player, they are controlled by that ally.


Use one of these weapons development rules: (1) NO weapons development; or (2) each player gets ONE free weapons development roll every turn, as long as he controls his capital, but no additional weapons development rolls may be purchased. [The Advanced Weapons Development rules which appear in a later section may also be used with the Basic Game set if players agree.].

Entire contents © 1998 by R.D. Baker.

Introduction & Overview.
Section I: Basic Rule Changes.
Section II: Artillery.
Section III: Combat Losses.
Section IV: Advanced Air Power Rules.
Section V: Advanced Naval Rules.
Section VI: Advanced Retreat Rules.
Section VII: Industrial Capacity & Scenarios.
Section VIII: History & Politics.
Section IX: Revised Action Sequence.
Advanced Weapons Development. Section X: Game Turn Time-line Analysis.
Frequently Asked Questions.
