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ADHD and ADD ezines back copies for ADHD and ADD research, books, articles, information and health tips that may help you piece together your personal jigsaw.

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I would like to thank you for the wonderful "ezine"you put out for us. I read  it and I'm learning all the time.That's all . I just wanted to say " Great job".  Carole

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Please support our sponsor of this months ezine,
Lawrence Weathers, Ph.D., Psychologist
and author of one of our best selling books,
ADHD: A path to success.
Click here to visit his site

April 2001Click here

How ADHD is learned and a treatment to unlearn it.
This month's article is written especially for the ezine, by Lawrence Weathers, Ph.D.Child Clinical Psychologist and Author of ADHD: A Path to Success.

March 2001 Click here
 Mercury toxicity has been linked to a large number of medical conditions, including arthritis, altzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, learning disabilities and ADHD
Answers to your questions  are here
February 2001Click here

Current ADD and ADHD research, on nutrition, and Depakote (valproate) 
The natural safe alternative treatment of ADHD and ADD with homeopathy is also revisited.

January  2001 Click here

Are you or your family member  really ADD or ADHD? Check for an alternative diagnosis .
A Survival kit and seven habits for highly disorganized people are also covered in this months free ezine

December  2000Click here

Tips, for elementary school teachers , that are tried and true methods for reaching children with ADD and ADHD , as well as two books for the children and teenagers to read.
If you are an adult with ADD or ADHD , it isworth  as many of the tips are applicable to you in the workplace.

November  2000 Click here

Social skills for ADD and ADHD adults, a new study on Adderall and the long term outcomes for children with ADD and ADHD  this month.

October 2000Click here

Allen A. Winebarger, Ph.D. presents a programme that targets skill development in both ADD/ADHD children and their parents.   There are also details of Neurofeedback~ a report from a pleased parent who is also a doctor and other resources available to you if you wish to obtain further information on this programme.

September 2000Click here

David Nylund, presents to you an approach that helps ADHD and ADD kids thrive by harnessing their innate abilities, creativity and talents.   His approach is called the SMART approach and consists of five basic steps: 

August 2000Click here

Being understood as an ADHD or ADD person , in school and the workplace is the theme this month. We bring you resources for both ADHD children and adults to help you grow positively in your community

July 2000Click here

Brain food for ADD, ADHD, and LD!   Specialists from the Brain Train Centre say that there are many ways to make the brain perform better. All it takes is some attention to brain care basics. Take an in-depth look at helping the brain with articles from the experts!;.

June 2000Click here

ADHD, ADD and homeopathy, as a safe, effective and natural alternative to stimulants,   You will find homeopathy explained by world famous authors, and licensed naturopathic physicians, Dr. Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Dr. Robert Ullman who give you the resources to use this natural, drug free method with the ADD and ADHD person in your life.

May 2000Click here

ADHD and ADD teenagers. Learn about your legal rights in the USA in Special education, Help and resources for teenagers and their parents, teachers and health professionals , to help them enhance their ADD and ADHD in a positive way .

April 2000Click here

Parenting  ADHD children and Auditory Integration Training  how you can use AIT to enhance the life of your ADHD child. PLUS: 50 points to help you parent an ADHD child.

March 2000Click here

Coping successfully as an ADHD young adult, adult or couple. Tips on ADD for couples: Advice from ADHD expert Dr E Hallowell and suggestions to help ADHD women become more organised.

February 2000Click here

What can you try instead of Ritalin or Adderal? 
~ just for ADHD children! Its called Calm Focus! Help understanding learning and behavioural difficulties with a course you can take, from home! Biofeedback and Brain Gym exercises, what are they?

Christmas 1999Click here

Survey Results!
You will find resources other ADHD people use to help them,their reactions to synthetic drugs, and more advice from those who know. 

December 1999Click here 

Natural supplements summary 
Individuals' recommendations Eureka! The list that works!
How can I keep a constantly active mind focused on just one thing? A solution that works!Joyce Hartwick has some answers Click here

November 1999Click here

Adult ADHD or ADD?
~symptoms, and suggestions that may help, ADHD and the criminal factor,and recommended reading  and solutions for adults with ADHD.

October 1999Click here

Parenting children
with ADD and ADHD , the impact on family life, the role of fathers and help on effective parenting

September 1999 Click here 

What can we do to help our ADHD child 
be successful? Can ADHD be cured or outgrown and some possible answers.

August 1999Click here

Depression in ADHD people
and what you can do about it. Reading help for ADHD children, and heavy metal poisoning and ADHD

July 1999 Click here
Help is here! It's a bit frivolous, a bit serious, and with lots of ideas for the holiday!
June 1999Click here 

Is diet a big factor in ADHD people's behaviours and problems? The doctor that says no, diet has nothing to do with it The doctor that says yes and makes suggestions

 More back issues click here

This month's 
Top  ADHD/ADD Books.
Click on the cover for reviews and to buy the book.
Worldwide shipping.

ADHD: A path to success
A RevolutionaryTheory and New Innovation in Drug-FreeTherapy
Available  worldwide through 
click here 

Help4ADD High School
Available through in the USA, Canada and the Pacific  click here 

Is This Your Child? : Discovering and
             Treating Unrecognized Allergies in Children and Adults
Available through in the USA, Canada and the Pacific  click here 

Distant Drums, Different Drummers : A Guide
             for Young People With Adhd
Available through in the USA, Canada and the Pacific  click here 

ADHD--A Teenagers Guide
Available through in the USA, Canada and the Pacific click here 

Learning to slow down and pay attention: A book for kids about Add.
Available through in the USA, Canada and the Pacific click here

Give Your Add Teen a Chance : A Guide for
             Parents of Teenagers With Attention Deficit Disorder
Available through in the USA, Canada and the Pacific  click here 

 I Would If I Could : A Teenagers Guide Adhd
Available through in the USA, Canada and the Pacific  click here 
Adult ADD : The Complete Handbook :
Everything You Need to Know About How to Cope and Live Well With ADD/ADHD
Available through in the USA, Canada and the Pacific  click here 

THE LCP SOLUTION: The Remarkable
             Nutritional Treatment for ADHD, Dyslexia, and Dyspraxia
Available through in the USA, Canada and the Pacific click here 

Out of the Fog : Treatment Options and
             Coping Strategies for Adult Attention Deficit Disorder
Available through in the USA, Canada and the Pacific  click here 

Add on the Job : Making Your Add Work for
Available through in the USA, Canada and the Pacific click here 



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