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Deep inside your heart lays a hidden Treasure

Isn't it amazing the more we think about the mind the more we have to talk about. It is the most powerful component in our human body, and yet when it yields to or succumbs to the power or heterosuggestion it can become our biggest foe. We think about the most valued and least valued aspects of our being. The one and greatest things we own or possess is our life. We find contained in it our entire being.

Our thoughts, our ability to love, touch, taste, the ability to feel comforted and our incredible desire to have hope. And now lets for the sake of adventure and enlightenment take a small mental journey and see if we can just gaze upon the mind and it's ability to accomplish as well as it's weakness when over come by suggestion.

Yes the power of suggestion. First we think about how so many people do things the exact same way. Even if it isn't the best, most efficient or logical method millions of people will follow along with the crowd. There are four areas I was thinking of that we see our minds at times totally controlled by.

One is addiction, physical drugs, alcohol,. cigarettes, and these are certainly powerful agents, right?

Second is the fads or styles that are accepted by the masses at any given time, clothes, hair style, cars, even the interior decorating of your home.

Third is entertainment, sports, music, and the ever eroding power of television sitcoms, that capture the minds of billions of people for billions of hours.

Fourth is the belief system, social, religious, political, and Lord help us on this one. Just think how it has been abused it the last century alone.

Through suggesting that they were the superior race of humans Hitler lead millions on a cruel and disastrous journey. Japan once convinced hundreds of men to go on suicide missions, and Jim Jones caused many to die in his behalf. Under constant repetition and advertising methods from subliminal to promise of sex and money, the individual thinking ability has been paralyzed and the mass mind of man has become subject to the beckon call of the controllers.

Over and over we are told self defeating mantras that control and limit us. They cause us to march in time with those around us not following the leader any more but following the follower. We have become a nation of shadow people, all doing, saying, thinking and following the path that is already cleared through the jungle and hardly ever and sometimes never daring to forge our own path. We stand obediently in line taking and handing forward the same thoughts and information we receive like old town folk, fighting a house fire with buckets of water. We drive, dress, act, and march along so as to be counted as "normal" in such a controlled and for the most part unhealthy environment.

We allow our inability to challenge, understand and to face the problems of life to make us resort to conformity. We seek out those whom we know will respect us as we are, without asking us to improve. We associate with the people who are the "most like us" so we have need of the least amount of adjustment and understanding and thus we grow very little in our knowledge of those around us that are different.

We miss the excitement of going into a new store, meeting a new person, and tasting a new and exotic food as we repeat or life's habits over and over.

But the scary part comes when we think of all that man has done once the power of the suggestion has been firmly carved in his mind.
Men give up their most prized possession to protect a invisible national boundary and all the while they are prisoners in there own limited existence. As though they are being lead to the grand death march of the people with the comatose minds. Subtle force of repeated suggestions and well choreographed acts of the ones just ahead of us overcome our power of reason and cause us to act in ways that are impressed upon us emotionally and through our feelings.

National powers to be and national advertisers have found the power of supercharging our beliefs and thoughts, no matter how small and inconvenient to rule as dominate in our life. Things like "Coke is the real thing" and Rolaids is spelled r-e-l-i-e-f. Statements like "times sure are hard", and then they are, as well as "I just haven't figured it out yet, and so you haven't. And then we see the positive attitude of a single man or woman change history, and the life's of mankind forever.

We see masses of people stand by and watch as one person takes the stage and bids them to follow. Yes the power of the mind, has taken us on a simple journey and returned us to center stage, it is just a question of either we are standing with the crowds cheering or perhaps, just perhaps we are on the stage speaking. We have spent a lot of our life's listening, now it is time to speak.

So when they say "Take Me To Your Leader" you can say, "I am him"! A "Free Mind, isn't free", it takes commitment, courage, and desire. But this is a small price to pay in the annals of time too truly "own" our thoughts. To become the Blacksmiths of our individually, to pound and forge our moments into a meaningful and memorial life.

We live an average of seventy to eighty years. Yet we spend only the first most impressionable ones being taught. Then we spend the remainder of them living the way we were instructed. The time when we could use all that we have learned to build and grow if we had equal passion for knowledge and life. And thus prevent the mental plaque that has decayed our ability to learn. Our personal growth, for many, is stifled unless it is tied into an temporary but thin ice relationship between us and our business.

When we focus on what we have rather than who we are.

We have been labeled a wasteful nation, misusing water, food, natural resources and then we wonder why we might waste our mind? It is time to use our mental resources to examine, to grow, to build, and thus lead, if not others, at least ourselves. So step up to the mic, clear your throat, release your mind and take charge.

Uncle Billy

If you keep searching you will find the value of that Treasure

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