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Doris Quintana Cela 


Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1950, with a father who was a classical guitarist and an uncle who was a painter, Doris Cela’s life was always intertwined with art.  At the age of eight, Doris started studying art and painting.
Having a husband working in the Petroleum industry, Doris’ life was as fluid and dynamic as her sculptures.  She continued her study of art throughout her travels that took her away from Argentina to the United States in 1970, Mexico for two years in 1977, and back to the United States in 1979. Doris became serious about her sculpting when her travels took her to Venezuela for 12 years in 1984. Amazingly, her life and work came full circle when given an opportunity to return back to her birthland in Argentina in 1996. The artist's latest move in 1998 has allowed her to settle down on familiar ground and focus on her work in Houston, Texas.
Spending most of her early years as a painter, Doris attended several different Art Schools in Argentina, Mexico, and Venezuela.  It was during her twelve years in Maracaibo, Venezuela were she further developed and strengthened her interest and ability for sculpting.  Doris mastered her sculpting skills on various media, including various woods and plasters, yet stone has emerged as the preferred medium for her work.
Doris finds a sense of peace and fulfillment with the difficult work involved in sculpting. Managing the determination and perserverence necessary to spend hours breaking away at the rock to reveal the forms within the stones is a significant driving factor for Doris' work. Doris says: “I look at my sculptures as newborn children…born as I chisel away at the stone.”

For questions, comments, or suggestions email Doris at

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