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 After the Wedding....

Belle says: congrats you two stay happy and Zee be good to her or 
                            you will be sorrry
Bill hugs joan and shakes hand with zeeman, congrats
Java reads the message board.
Joan hugs back
Mouse hugs and kisses Joan, was so beautiful
Zeeman says: oooh I  will be anyway
Philippe hands two bottles duvel to zeeman
Joan says: yes it was
Zeeman exclaims: yes!!
Mouse grabs a bottle for herself
Lorrie smiles and leads the way to Great Hall
Lorrie heads off for adventure..
Brucefan says: Mouse that wasnt a bottle
Mouse goes
Zeeman warmly hugs Belle.
Belle goes
Zeeman bursts into tears.
Philippe throws some rice in the air
Joan hugs zeeman tightly
Bill goes to join Lorrie in the Great_Hall.
Zeeman says: I got a rise
Joan laughs
Brucefan says: hmmm those tears are rated 100 proof
Zeeman gives Joan a heart throbbing kiss.
Joan gives Zeeman a heart throbbing kiss.
Lightning fills the sky as the mist rises Philippe is gone.
Lightning fills the sky as the mist rises Kiss is gone.
Lightning fills the sky as the mist rises Java is gone.
Zeeman says: love you if you didn't know
Lightning fills the sky as the mist rises Singer is gone.
Lightning fills the sky as the mist rises Laura is gone.
Joan says: same here sweetheart 
FinnO goes
Zeeman asks: can we knock boots now?
Joan says: ohh yesss baby
Zeeman moans softly.
Joan giggles incontrollably.
Zeeman says: uh guards....
Brucefan says: Not yet - head to the great hall for a few mins for the 
                   party then you can knock boots
Zeeman waves
Zeeman says: ack
Zeeman says: damn
Joan says: ack
Brucefan goes
Zeeman says: ok ready
Joan giggles incontrollably.
Joan says: ok
Joan says: lets go
Zeeman heads off for adventure..
Joan heads off for adventure..
Philippe says: thx mouse
Lorrie chants an ancient spell...
Thunder is heard as the sky opens and Laura appears.
Mouse grins, teeth shining, welcome
FinnO enters.
Java tunes their guitar.
    _                                                                      _
  _| |_____________________Paris_Broadcasting_System______________________| |_
|    From CastleCrier: GREAT HALL                                            |
|_   ____________________________________________________________________  _|
  |_|                                                                    |_|
 (_)                                                                    (_)

Mouse whistles loudly, we want the bride and groom
Bill goes
Philippe says: i think they wanna be alone
Brucefan enters.
Zeeman has arrived.
Joan has arrived.
Zeeman drops his hankie
Java tunes their guitar.
Joan walks in hand in hand with zeeman
Philippe asks: Mouse now you lost your love, will you have dinner with me?
Zeeman cries into his pink hankie
Philippe looks at mouse
Brucefan thinks he better have some damn good cheese
Mouse has not lost her love
Mouse is gonna have her on the side
Mouse winks
Zeeman says: yea
Joan smiles
Zeeman says: Joan's still here
Mouse looks
Mouse says: whoops
Zeeman says: I'll just watch
Java says: congrats to Zeeman and Joan
Mouse nodsnods, men love that stuff
Joan says: thank you Java
Zeeman says: thanks Java
Philippe hands Mouse a glass champagne
Mouse tosses the contents down her throat
Mouse was thirsty!
Brucefan hmmm now trying to get her drunk huh
Zeeman blinks
Java says: may you both live a wonderful life as nethusband and netwife
Philippe says: you're always i think
Zeeman exclaims: you go girl!
Java says: bye ya'll
Joan goes AFK: crying
Mouse whispers...are you really preggers, Joan?
Zeeman says: for the 6th time
!! Philippe shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Zeeman exclaims: NORPLANT here we come!
Zeeman has a look of complete innocence.
Mouse cackles
Mouse says: check out MY desc, Zee
Mouse smirks to herself
Philippe looks at the duvel
Philippe asks: you want some Zeeman?
Zeeman giggles incontrollably.
Lorrie sits
Zeeman exclaims: YES!
!! Bill shouts: can someone zap me to the great hall please
Mouse exclaims: the baby is mine!
Lorrie chants an ancient spell...
Thunder is heard as the sky opens and Bill appears.
Zeeman says: lol
Philippe says: hi bill
Zeeman exclaims: hi Bill!
Philippe giggles incontrollably.
Bill says: thanks
Mouse pats Zee on the leg, now that wasn't so bad, was it?
Philippe gives zeeman some duvel
Zeeman says: thank god for that bar and sushi place
Mouse says: Soon, you'll be so busy cleaning, you won't have any free time
Lorrie starts knitting booties
Zeeman asks: what else is new?
FinnO says: bye all
Mouse whispers in Lorrie's ear...I'm praying for a boy
FinnO waves
Brucefan says: later Finno
Zeeman exclaims: FinnO!
Philippe says: byeeeeeee f
Zeeman says: ack
Lorrie says: the Father has another wedding or something
Brucefan says: more or something
Philippe says: he's busy i think
Mouse thinks . o O ( or perhaps a circumcision? )
Zeeman says: are you kidding..he has to hit the pub
Mouse fdl
Lorrie grins
Philippe asks: Zeeman??
Brucefan asks: ok Queen what are you and the padre up to??
Zeeman says: yes
Philippe asks: when do you gonna start cleaning the great hall?
Lorrie is up to nothing
Zeeman says: a week from thursday
Mouse giggles.....soon, i think
Lorrie is innocent
Mouse rubs her paws with great glee
Brucefan says: yeah right
Zeeman says: rub this
Brucefan laffs
Philippe looks at the floor
Mouse is gonna rub something alright
Zeeman says: mms
Mouse winks at Zee
Brucefan smiles
Zeeman gives Mouse a big, wet, sloppy lick!
Lorrie blinks
Mouse says: told you I'd get her all warmed up for ya
Zeeman says: I knew it
Lorrie gasps
Mouse makes wild, passionate love to Joan!
SIGN OFF: CastleCrier THE WEDDING Director
!! Philippe shouts: WOOHOO!!!
SIGN OFF: GuardTwo HereToGuardTheCastleGate
Mouse licks Joan's toes
Philippe says: ack mouse
Zeeman says: a threesome on my wedding night would be...well
Joan comes back from being AFK.
Mouse asks: what, you never heard of a foot fetish?
Joan looks
Brucefan says: more than you are going to get
Zeeman says: lol
Zeeman says: right
Zeeman says: lol
Brucefan tee hee
Zeeman giggles incontrollably.
Mouse says: she has cute little pinkies
Philippe asks: yes ?
Mouse giggles incontrollably.
SIGN OFF: GuardOne HereToGuardTheChapelDoor
Joan grins
Zeeman says: Joan
Zeeman says: get down awn it
Joan asks: yes dear??
SIGN OFF: HANGMAN HereWithRopeInHandReady
Joan says: no way
Laura wonders if Joan got her panties back
Mouse caresses Joan tenderly.
Zeeman exclaims: come on!
Joan exclaims: nooo !
Brucefan picks up mouse by the tail
Mouse mutters, ok ok
Zeeman exclaims: 90% you're getting dammit!
Philippe says: zeeman if you ever feel lonely when mouse is with joan,
                i have plenty crates with duvel ;)
Lorrie sneaks in the honeymoon suite and short sheets the bed
Mouse squeals at the top of her lungs
Brucefan thinks hmmm nice tail
Brucefan places mouse down
Zeeman says: I'll take the Duvel man
Joan looks at Philippe
Zeeman giggles incontrollably.
Mouse stuffs some smelly cheese under their pillows
Philippe laughs out loud!
Zeeman says: with a few bottles of Lambic
Philippe says: yes and some palm
Zeeman says: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Philippe says: i like palm
Mouse thinks . o O ( rosie palm? )
Zeeman cuddles up close to Joan.
Zeeman says: thats MARY palm
Lorrie waits for the undressing of Philippe
Mouse exclaims: ohhh, sorry!
Joan whisper at Zeeman..can we go now ??
Lorrie thinks . o O ( he did at my wedding )
Philippe exclaims: noooooooo!!
Mouse murmers in Joan's ear....don't forget me, Sugar
Zeeman asks: we gonna knock boots now?
!! Zeeman shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Joan says: sure
Lorrie blinks
Zeeman says: take me I'm yours
Brucefan says: again Congradulations to the new couple
Zeeman faints dead away
Zeeman says: thanks Bf
Mouse smiles, congrats, you make a lovely couple
Joan smiles: Thank you for being here Brucefan :)
Zeeman gives Mouse his Hankie
Brucefan says: wouldn't miss it
Mouse dabs at her eyes
Laura gives joan and zee a water bed
Brucefan winks 
Joan warmly hugs Mouse.
Mouse warmly hugs Joan.
Philippe says: lorrie i forget my suit for the show
Joan warmly hugs Laura.
Lorrie says: well darn
Zeeman says: I don't think we ever tried it on a waterbed
Philippe exclaims: pity!
Mouse aren't naked, are you Philippe?
Brucefan says: well you always have your birthday suit
Zeeman winks
Joan smiles: I like to thank Lorrie who did this all for us :)
Philippe exclaims: well mouse!!
Zeeman says: yes
Mouse applauds wildly for Lorrie
Zeeman says: I agree
Lorrie says: no thanks are needed
Philippe exclaims: you'll never know!
Lorrie says: was glad to
Zeeman makes wild, passionate love to Lorrie!
Zeeman giggles incontrollably.
Laura warmly hugs Joan.
Zeeman says: oops
Mouse thinks . o O ( that ain't a pretty sight )
Joan hugs Lorrie tightly
Lorrie faints
Zeeman covers Joans eyes
Mouse gives Joan a heart throbbing kiss.
Philippe exclaims: mouse!!
Joan chants an ancient spell...
Lightning fills the sky as the mist rises Zeeman is gone.
Joan heads off for adventure..
Philippe gives Mouse a heart throbbing kiss.
Lorrie says: ohoh
Mouse sobs now
Mouse says: my true love is gone, taken by another
!! Lorrie shouts: lock the door
!! Joan shouts: we did
Philippe locks the door
!! Mouse shouts: A mouse can get in anywhere
Philippe says: good idea
Brucefan hid a video camera in there
!! Zeeman shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Lorrie grins at Philippe
Mouse hi 5's BF, way to go, Dude
!! You shout: aha! Brucefan has a camera in there
!! Zeeman shouts: shes naked Mousey!
Philippe grins at lorrie
Brucefan gags the Queen
!! Mouse shouts: I've seen her naked
!! Joan poses
Lorrie mumbles
!! Philippe shouts: WOOHOO!!!

                And thus we leave the bride and groom to their privacy....

"Joan accepts gifts while Zeeman waves TaTa to everyone."