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                                  ~^       ^~
                           Father FinnO Officiating

   _                                                                      _
 _| |_____________________Paris_Broadcasting_System______________________| |_
|    From CastleCrier: will the bride please enter the chapel                |
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Mouse thinks . o O ( how did you know? )
Michel warmly hugs Lorrie.
Brucefan grins his evil grin
Kiss frowns: ohh dear :(
CastleCrier stands before the congregations ahems
Zeeman exclaims: dangling off the edge of tat g-string!
Mouse grins at BruceFan and scampers up his pantleg
Michel gives Kiss a heart throbbing kiss.
Zeeman says: ack
CastleCrier smiles: quiet please  :)
CastleCrier says: Will the Groom and his best man stand here before Father Finno
Brucefan stop that tickles
Michel coughs and clears throat
FinnO snores
Mouse leaps down and straightens her pretty red thong
Brucefan thinks ahh seems I have been here before
Laura coughs
CastleCrier nudges Father Finno
Michel sings o//~ mi mi mi mi mi miiiiiii mi mi o//~
CastleCrier says: attention
Mouse snaps to
FinnO gropes lorrie in his sleep
Brucefan waves the Irish Whiskey under the preachers nose
CastleCrier says: Singer please come down near Father Finno
Singer walks and stands by Father Finno
FinnO opens an eye
FinnO closes it
CastleCrier says: will the wedding party start slowly down the aisle
Michel asks: can i have a  nip of the whiskey Brucefan ???
Singer clears her throat
Singer pinches the Father's tush when no one is looking
Brucefan passes the whiskey
Bill tosses a piece of cheese in the aisle
Mouse begins slowly walking down the aisle, smiling at the crowd, 
      tossing peanuts here and there
Singer sings o//~ The King is in the dell, The King is in the dell o//~
!! Joan shouts: hey!! don't forget me !!
Brucefan if I could only get it out of Father Finno's hand
Mouse snatches the cheese lightening fast
Michel grabs the bottle and drink half the bottle
Singer sings o//~ Hi Ho The Derrio, The King In The Dell o//~
FinnO sings o//~ Dell .. who is she? o//~
Singer sings o//~ The King takes a wife, The King takes a wife o//~
Mouse runs the rest of the way and slides to a stop on Finno's shoe
Singer sings o//~ Hi Ho The Derrio, The King Takes A Wife o//~
Singer sings o//~ Now The King loves the wife, The King Loves the wife o//~
Singer sings o//~ Hi Ho The Derrio, the King loves the wife o//~
Jade exclaims: SAFE!
Bill asks: king?
Jade says: oops
Singer sings o//~ The Wife takes a Child, The Wife takes a Child o//~
Singer sings o//~ Hi Ho The Derrio, the Wife takes a child o//~
Mouse pats down the Preacher's leg, checking for weapons
Singer sings o//~ The King pays for life, The King pays for life o//~
Bill chuckles
Michel thinks . o O ( another child .. I am getting a sister then ???? )
Mouse gasps quietly to herself...oh MY
Singer sings o//~ Hi Ho The Derrio, the King pays for life o//~
Kiss grins
Bill says to Mouse: watch out it may go off
Singer singer smiles, pats the Father's tush again and goes to sit down
FinnO coughs
Mouse stands near the Singer now, eyes trained on the Bride
Lorrie thinks . o O ( brazen singer )
FinnO says: Before us stand King Zeeman and Queen Joan
Lorrie snuggles with Brucefan as she watches
!! Mouse shouts: Bring her ON
Zeeman exclaims: I'm here!
FinnO looks
!! Joan shouts: hey!! don't forget me !!
FinnO waits
   _                                                                      _
 _| |_____________________Paris_Broadcasting_System______________________| |_
|    From Brucefan: The queen is pregnant                                    |
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  (_)                                                                    (_)

Lorrie thinks . o O ( I better sit down he has to best man it, darn it )
Lorrie faints, not THIS Queen
Jade faints
Mouse covers her mouth, eyes streaming with the baby mine?
Zeeman says: y forget the best man 
Michel hands over the smelling salts to lorrie
Zeeman says: he's all done
Lorrie says: Brucefan is filling in as best man
Lorrie says: now get up there and get married
Zeeman exclaims: ok!
Lorrie says: no more delays 
!! Zeeman shouts: Raccy!
Kiss it normal the bride is still in her room ??
Mouse stomps on the Preacher's foot, I want the Bride here
!! Zeeman shouts: WOOHOO!!!
   _                                                                      _
 _| |_____________________Paris_Broadcasting_System______________________| |_
|    From CastleCrier: will the Bride please enter the chapel                |
|_   ____________________________________________________________________   _|
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  (_)                                                                    (_)

Joan has arrived.
   _                                                                      _
 _| |_____________________Paris_Broadcasting_System______________________| |_
|    From CastleCrier: Damsel Raccoon is here                                |
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  (_)                                                                    (_)

FinnO feeds the maid to the royal cat
Jade slaps herself awake again. Pregnant??
CastleCrier chants an ancient spell...
Thunder is heard as the sky opens and Raccoon appears.
Michel warmly hugs Joan.
Mouse darts around in circles smiling happily
Joan smiles warmly at Michel.
Raccoon smiles
Laura gets a tissue out
Java plays
Bill hugs raccoon glad you made it
Brucefan beams we are going to have our first net baby
Mouse tosses some peanuts at Raccy
FinnO waits
CastleCrier looks at Brucefan
Raccoon hugs you all. glad i could make it. sorry for being late
Zeeman exclaims: I'm on number 1
Lorrie faints again wondering who in hell he is talking about
Zeeman exclaims: 6!
Mouse thinks . o O ( this baby will my first )
Michel hands over the smelling salts to lorrie again !!
Zeeman says: not as late as my best man
Jade asks: who's the best man?
   _                                                                      _
 _| |_____________________Paris_Broadcasting_System______________________| |_
|    From CastleCrier: ok lets begin                                         |
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  (_)                                                                    (_)

Michel thinks . o O ( she better keep the bottle )
CastleCrier nods to Father....get this done before they get drunk
Mouse runs over to Zeeman and stands next to him now
Laura coughs 30 mins late
Zeeman says: toooo laaaate???
Java plays in the organ the wedding march
Raccoon says: wooers
Brucefan slides into temporary best man spot
FinnO says: Before us stand King Zeeman and Queen Joan
Mouse pelts peanuts at the Singer.....Sing it, baby
Lorrie watches her hubby's tush as he walks to the alter
Lorrie faints
FinnO says: to unite in Royal Net Wedlock.
Raccoon watches
FinnO says: King Zeeman's bestman is King Brucefan
Zeeman pinches mouses butt (for good luck ya know)
Mouse yelps
FinnO says: who carries the wedding rings.
FinnO thinks . o O ( i hope )
Mouse raises a paw, I do
Joan looks at her hubby
Mouse smirks
FinnO says: The Queen's Maid of Honor is Damsel Mouse
Joan exclaims: behave !!
FinnO says: who carries the smelling salts and scroll of Dowry
Lorrie sits regally
Mouse smiles peacefully at the bride
Bill thinks . o O ( heck he is not married, allowed that extra pinch )
Raccoon snaps a few pictures
Michel starts getting tears in his eyes
Zeeman says: dowry scroll
FinnO says to Joan: Queen Joan, please state to your groom the dowry you are 
                    presenting him with as his right.
Zeeman says: ack
Jade hands some tissues to michel There there
Lorrie listens to the dowry
Zeeman says: only half of what I type is coming out
Zeeman giggles incontrollably.
Mouse winks at the bride
Zeeman exclaims: do!
Mouse murmers.....wait til later, SugarBritches
Zeeman exclaims: save some for me!!
Bill thinks . o O ( the 19th )
Joan says: clears her throat and reads from the scroll:
Brucefan attempts to calm Zee
FinnO pokes joan
Zeeman moans softly.
Joan says:  I am presenting my groom King Zeeman with
Mouse bites Finno's ankel
Zeeman says: sushi!
Brucefan wonders what the Father poked her with??
Joan says: One Treasure Chest captured from Pirates
Zeeman exclaims: BEER!
Mouse whispers to BruceFan....his weapon
Joan says: containing lots of "ka-ching"
Zeeman exclaims: I LOVE YOU HONEY!!
Philippe gives zeeman another duvel
Joan says: One Slot Machine
Zeeman says: *hic*
Michel thinks . o O ( oh there is my child support )
Zeeman says: slots
Lorrie thinks . o O ( wow )
!! Zeeman shouts: yes!
Joan says: One Working Computer Zeeman Tamper Proof
Joan says: One new vacumn for his chores
Zeeman says: you've past the age my son..on your own
Joan says: Beer Glasses for his bar
Lorrie thinks . o O ( dont count on it )
Mouse fidgets inpatiently
Michel :(:(:(
Joan says:  Handcuffs and rope for his playroom
Zeeman exclaims: oh I love you sooooo much!
Mouse stuffs her mouth full of cheese
Lorrie arches a brow
Joan says: A years supply of food and desserts
Zeeman exclaims: YES!
Jade thinks . o O ( a treasure chest less all the taxes would leave 
                    Zeeman with the amazing amount of 5 american 
                    dollars and 32 cents.... woohoo! )
                    Raccoon sings o//~ here comes the bride here comes the groom o//~
Joan says: His own Sushi Bar/Restaurant
Joan says:  His own cellar bar/playroom
Brucefan says: sorry but the King must have his taxes
Zeeman exclaims: heaven!
Mouse gags....mice don't do sushi
Lorrie nods to her King
FinnO asks to Zeeman: Is this Dowry as presented to you acceptable?
Lorrie looks at Zeeman
Brucefan nudges Zee say Yes
Jade bites her nails waiting for the grooms answer
Zeeman exclaims: damn it!
Bill asks: is that no?
Brucefan says: no not damn it - yes
Michel looks at his "Daddy" .....
Zeeman says: sorry
Belle blinks
Zeeman says: I'm
FinnO will have Zeeman for confession later..
Zeeman says: in ping heaven
Mouse holds the bride's flowers carefully plucking petals...
      she loves me, she loves me not
Jade asks: was there a Yes before the damn it??
Zeeman says: heaven even
Lorrie holds her breath
Zeeman asks: what was the question>?
Zeeman giggles incontrollably.
Michel bops zeeman
CastleCrier exclaims: do you accept the damn dowry!
Jade rolls her eyes. Here we go
Zeeman exclaims: oh yeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
Bill chuckles softly
Joan thinks . o O ( thank god )
CastleCrier sits her royal ass back down...whew
Zeeman says: better than that empty keg of wine I got last time
Raccoon snickers
FinnO turns to the guests
Brucefan says: it wasnt empty when you got it
Laura gets a tear to her eye
Zeeman says: sure sure
Mouse sneaks over to Zeeman and scampers up, inside his pantleg
Zeeman takes a deep breath
Brucefan hmmm guess he doesnt remember drinking it - 
         and found an empty keg when he woke up
Jade thinks . o O ( the keg had only one default. It had a hole. )
FinnO asks: if Queen Joan requires that I hear King Zeeman's confession 
            due to her high status in the Royal Court?
Zeeman moans softly.
Zeeman says: wait lets take a five minute break
Lorrie says: ohhhh I do so love a good confession
Zeeman giggles incontrollably.
Mouse deposits some of her cheese there
Lorrie sits on the edge of her seat
Zeeman says: have to get this mouse out of my pants
Joan waits to hear the confession
Raccoon laffs
Raccoon says: ya ya zeeman
Zeeman asks: confession?
Zeeman thinks . o O ( Oh shit )
Brucefan says: yes 
FinnO says to Zeeman: kneel and confess your sins outloud before me and 
                      the whole congregation.
Mouse falls down with a * plop * and runs to the bride
Philippe is listening!!
Brucefan says: confess that you love her
Zeeman says: OMG
Laura nudges the person next to her can u lend me a tissue please
Zeeman says: you MUST be Joking
Mouse leans in closer....come now Zeeman, tell us all
Zeeman says: this will take hours
Lorrie whispers to Brucefan , arent you glad I didnt make you confess?
Mouse flings a box of tissues into the crowd
Lorrie thinks . o O ( we'd still be here )
Philippe says: drink that bottle and tell it her
Jade hands a box of tissues to Laura
Zeeman says: guilty of all..thats all I can tell ya
Mouse smirks at Lorrie
Brucefan says: ah but confession is good for the soul
FinnO thinks . o O ( I will be selling tapes of Joan's confession after ceremony )
Michel says: just say you love her .. that is all she want to hear
Bill says: ouch
Laura whispers to Jade thanks
Jade says: that doesnt sounds too good
Zeeman says: I confess my love for this woman
Lorrie bops Michel, I wanna hear the good stuff
Zeeman exclaims: and thats it!
Jade exclaims: WHICH ONE!!!!
Zeeman says: oh thats profess
Mouse snaps her tail around, hitting the Preacher
Zeeman says: oh well
Lorrie says: awww thats sweet
Lorrie asks: and?
Zeeman says: and what?
Philippe wants a tape with the confessions of Joan
Zeeman asks: you want me to make a speech?
Bill thinks . o O ( perhaps the name of Joan would be helpful )
Lorrie sighs no, but I was hoping for dirt
Lorrie pouts
Philippe says: yessss Zeeman
Mouse jumps up and down, we want HOT STUFF
Zeeman says: I am with out sin..cast those stones
Philippe says: speech speech speech
Lorrie shuts up
Brucefan says: I think they want you to give up the dirt - 
               but dont do it
Belle smirks
Mouse peppers Zeeman with peanuts
Bill reaches for a boulder
Belle thinks . o O ( a man with out sins )
Zeeman says: there is no dirt
FinnO asks to Zeeman: is that all?
Zeeman exclaims: I'm BORING!
Zeeman says: thats it man..I mean Father
Lorrie sighs
Mouse gasps and clutches her heart
FinnO frowns
Bill tosses the piece of cheese toward zeeman
Brucefan says: Hmmm that isnt what Joan says
Zeeman says: oh wait
Zeeman giggles incontrollably.
Mouse exclaims: Father Finno...this man is not innocent!
Lorrie sits on edge again
Zeeman says: I was just reminded
Joan looks
Lorrie ears perk up
Bill chuckles
Zeeman gives Belle back her Silk nightie
Raccoon sits back chuckling
Belle faints omg that's where it went
Lorrie gasps
Jade gasps
Joan says: omg
Zeeman says: I love silk
Zeeman giggles incontrollably.
Belle says: hey wait this one is blue where is my red one
Laura eeeks
Mouse covers her eyes
Zeeman exclaims: thats it!
Jade says: uh oh
Mouse thinks . o O ( she is all mine i tell you )
Lorrie motions to Father...
Zeeman gives Mouse her EXTRA seguined red g string
Philippe gives mouse some handcuffs
Mouse bats her eyelashes at the Bride
Joan looks at Mouse
Zeeman exclaims: thats IT I tell YA!
Mouse grins wide at Philippe and snaps the cuffs on Zeeman's ankles
Joan says: It's enough Hon 
FinnO says to Zeeman: for these terrible sins you must pay pennance
Zeeman says: oh man
Jade nods at zeeman   we believe you...
Zeeman says: come on pops
Raccoon says: sorry i have to toodle gang and get ready for work
Lorrie hugs raccoon
Zeeman warmly hugs Raccoon.
Mouse says: thanks for coming, Raccy
Brucefan says: relax Zee as King I can overide any sentence
Raccoon hugs you all and many best wishes for zee and joan
Joan warmly hugs Raccoon.
Raccoon says: ok. 
Raccoon says: catch me up later
SIGN OFF: Feisty Raccoon Lady in Red
Lorrie thinks . o O ( as king of owner that is )
Philippe winks at mouse
!! Omega shouts: sorry have to go. Congrats Zeeman and Joan :)
Zeeman exclaims: override Bf override!
Zeeman warmly hugs Omega.
Lorrie winks at Brucefan
Joan warmly hugs Omega.
Mouse watches Zeeman hop in place and snickers to herself
Jade thinks . o O ( strike one for Brucefan )
!! Omega shouts: bye all
Brucefan smiles 
Java warmly hugs Omega.
FinnO says to Zeeman: after honeymoon is over you must for your 
                      sins for the period of one year offer your 
                      self as transport for any lady who wishes 
                      it to be carried on your back, either 
                      singly or all at once
Omega warmly hugs Zeeman.
Philippe waves at omega
Omega warmly hugs Joan.
Omega warmly hugs Java.
Zeeman says: damn man
Zeeman says: that alot
Joan laughs
Lorrie roars
Michel whistles
Omega says: bye Philippe
Zeeman says: cut me some slack
Mouse takes a flying leap and lands on Zeeman's back
Lorrie thinks . o O ( I'll be first , that will end the year 
                      sentence in a hurry )
SIGN OFF: Omega "I am the end of myself"
Philippe says: bye omega ;)
Zeeman says: worse than the catholic church
Lorrie thinks . o O ( unless he has a back like a mule )
FinnO says to Zeeman: ok you have to paint yourself purple as well
Zeeman says: alright
Mouse perches on Zee's shoulder and smiles
Zeeman says: I agree
Jade woohoo Purple Zeeman LOL better than being drunk LOL
FinnO asks: Who gives this woman to this man?
Zeeman thinks . o O ( this is costing me big time )
Michel exclaims: I DO !!!!!
Zeeman looks
Joan looks at Michel
Michel says: payment will come later ;)
Lorrie blinks
FinnO says to Michel: nono you dont say that bit
Mouse stuffs Zee's ear with cheese
Zeeman says: if you were only 12 agaian
Zeeman says: I'd...
Michel says: for you .. i'm 12
FinnO turns to Zeeman
Philippe looks at Michel...12??
Michel clears throat .. I am the one who gives my Mom to Zeeman
Jade says: for only 20 easy payments of 19.95 you get a brand 
           new Joan... and as a bonus a child. what do you say 
           about this offer???????;)
Zeeman says: times 200 a month
Lorrie has a tear remembering her own sweet wedding just 3 
       months ago
FinnO asks to Zeeman: Do you King Zeeman take Bishopess Joan as your 
                      Royal netwife, to love her, to keep her, to pay 
                      child support, to clean the castle, prepare the 
                      meals,vacumn and dust, wash windows, and hand 
                      her 90% of your weeklys earnings as long as ye 
                      both shall live?
Mouse giggles at Jade
Michel says to Philippe: do i look old for my age or what
Joan agrees with that
Michel gives Joan a heart throbbing kiss.
Zeeman says: my God thats a lot man
Philippe giggles
Lorrie exclaims: you can handle it!
Zeeman says: 90%? Jesus!
Bill makes note...never get net married to much involved
Philippe asks: are you sure Zeeman??
Mouse moans to herself and jumps down to stand by Joan
FinnO adds to pennance
Brucefan says: it is either that or else
Jade mumbles something about michel ages.. then stutters.
     . N.. na nahhhh not old at all Michel
Zeeman exclaims: YES I DO!!!
Lorrie pokes Brucefan, you didnt get a "or else!"
FinnO turns to Joan
Zeeman takes another shot and kisses his ass goodbye
Philippe warmly hugs Jade.
Mouse pinches the bride's tush when no one is watching
Brucefan smiles because I am Special
LOST CONNECTION: Michel is back AGAIN !!!!!
Zeeman says: ah
Lorrie nods and smiles, that you are.
Jade warmly hugs Philippe.
Zeeman says: whoa there Mousey
FinnO asks to Joan: Do you Queen Joan take King Zeeman as your 
                    Royal nethusband, to love him, to keep him, 
                    and to make him obey in all husbandly things 
                    including but not limited to cooking , cleaning, 
                    and taking care of all his monetary assets as 
                    a good wife should?
Lorrie waits for joans turn
Zeeman says: a bit for me
Joan exclaims: I DO !!
Zeeman asks: what?
Mouse sobs openly no
Zeeman says: wait a sec
Lorrie says: oh my
Jade exclaims: that was fast!
Zeeman says: no kiddin!
Lorrie thinks . o O ( loud and clear )
Zeeman scrolls back
FinnO says to Brucefan: King Brucefan, may I have the rings please.
Joan smiles warmly at Zeeman.
Jade giggles incontrollably.
Brucefan hands the rings to Finno
Philippe exclaims: Zeeman i think they got you!!
Zeeman asks: husbandly things??
Joan fdl
Zeeman asks: who paid you off FinnO?
Philippe looks at joan
Lorrie snickers
Bill plays the taps for Zeeman
Joan has a look of complete innocence.
Brucefan says: watch it Zee next thing you they will cut off your booze
Jade says: Yeah zee.. you cook, you clean, you take care of michel and 
           Joan watches tv and gets to surf the internet LOL
Zeeman says: this is payback bid time
FinnO says: A ring is a circle with no beginning and no end.  
            It symbalizes eternity. May these circles be unbroken.  
            May your spirits be joined forever.
Mouse slides rolls of quarters up Zee's pants now
Zeeman asks: wtf does she do?
Joan says: nothing
Zeeman laughs out loud!
Mouse whispers...we gotta talk before you say I do
FinnO hands a ring to Zeeman
Zeeman says: you must be joking!
Lorrie exclaims: she beds you is enough!
Lorrie says: oops
Zeeman says: oh man
Zeeman bends over
Lorrie slinks down in her pew
Brucefan says: well now that sounds like it is a bargan Zee
Philippe exclaims: Zeeman you always can go back!!
Mouse huffs, well i'm getting her on the side so there
Zeeman says: just stick it in
FinnO says to Zeeman: Please place this ring on Queen Joans finger and 
                      speak any words you wish to say at this time
Jade says: I wanna hear this 
Lorrie sits back up to listen
Brucefan says: no Zee that is what you get to do
Zeeman says: 'takes the ring and places it on Joans finger'
Mouse cackles to herself
Zeeman says: crap
Joan asks: crap ??
Zeeman says: wait
Jade says: crap.. well that was romantic
Mouse gasps....oh my
Belle thinks . o O ( where will she put his at )
Lorrie asks: wait?
Zeeman says: I wish to say something
Brucefan says: watch out Zee you will be the one cleaning that crap
FinnO looks at crap on floor.. who did that?
Joan listens
Zeeman says: I know
Zeeman says: I'll be cleaning forever
Zeeman says: Joan
Zeeman says: My Love
Laura wonders if she will need the tissues
Zeeman says: I spend more time with you than anyone else in my life
Mouse taps one foot
Philippe bops mouse
Lorrie smiles
Mouse winces and quiets down
Zeeman says: in the last few years you have become more than my 
             best friend
Zeeman says: and I love you more than anything..
Laura thinks and anyone
Zeeman says: I can't imagine being closer to anyone..
Jade sniffles
Mouse wipes her nose on her arm
Lorrie tears up irl
Zeeman says: and there's 
Laura passes jade a tissue
Brucefan wow he is romantic 
Zeeman says: and there's no one that could ever take your place
Zeeman says: I love you dearest
Bill is totally impresshed
Zeeman says: and I'll be right back too
SIGN OFF: Mr. Zeeman is STILL grumpy !!
FinnO faints
Philippe thinks: I gave him to much duvel!!
Lorrie thinks . o O ( he has to go potty? )
Mouse blinks....
SIGN ON: Mr. Zeeman is STILL grumpy !!  
Mouse thinks . o O ( pee pee time )
Mouse says: whoops
Joan smiles: I love you too sweetheart :)
Jade ties zeeman to Joan.. Now he cant go away from you!
Zeeman has arrived.
Zeeman says: oh man
Joan smiles: I love you too sweetheart :)
Zeeman asks: where was I?
FinnO wakes up
Lorrie says: you were loving her
Zeeman says: oh yea
Mouse smiles, telling her how you were going to give her all your 
      worldly possessions
Brucefan says: Zeeman says: I love you dearest
Philippe says: and then he was gone
Zeeman says: I'd better stop there 'fore I get emotional
Lorrie thinks . o O ( he is as romantic as my BF was at our wedding.. )
Zeeman says: 
Philippe hands a tissue to zeeman
FinnO hands Joan a ring
Zeeman says: oh yes and
FinnO looks
Zeeman says: wait there Padre
Lorrie thinks . o O ( and long winded too )
Mouse nodsnods
Zeeman says: I've known it from the day we met
FinnO looks at his pennance list
Zeeman says: and thats it
Brucefan says Joan doesnt agree with you
Joan warmly hugs Zeeman.
Zeeman warmly hugs Joan.
Zeeman says: yes she does
Lorrie smiles at Zeeman, and knows that feeling
Philippe sings o//~ love is in the air o//~
Brucefan says: not you Zee but the ones who said you were long winded
Jade waves have fun!
Zeeman does a shot of Stoli
FinnO says to Joan: Please place this ring on King Zeeman's finger 
                    and say to him any words you wish to say at 
                    this time.
Lorrie listens to Joan
Mouse holds her breath
Zeeman says: me too
Joan looks at Zeeman
Philippe is listening
Zeeman says: eye
Joan says: My most dear Zeeman.
Joan says: My light in the darkness.
Zeeman says: yes'm
Joan says: Lo these many years
Joan says: Warmth in the cold of night...
Zeeman turns a deep shade of red.
Joan says: Safe haven in stormy (or troubled) times
Joan says: AND a paddler of fair maiden's soft behinds 
Mouse snickers
Zeeman moans softly.
Laura needs a tissue, TISSUE guys
Joan says: Thine heart leaps at the thought that my dearest friend 
           will also be my lifemate
Zeeman says: yes
Joan says: And I vow to thee that I will...
Brucefan passes a tissue to Laura
Joan says:  Give you my love and friendship forever
Philippe gives Laura a box with tissues
Brucefan along with the password to his room
Zeeman bursts into tears.
Joan says:  Forsaking all others
Brucefan looks at his Queen
Joan says:  And cherish this gift that you have given me.
Laura sighs thanks u two
Lorrie rolls her eyes
FinnO thinks . o O ( 3-some with lorrie? )
Joan says: As the precious jewel that it is
Zeeman says: the gift is you my love
Mouse sighs to herself, such beautiful words
Joan says:  And hold thee close to my heart...until the end of time
Philippe looks at mouse
Joan smiles: I love you Zeeman :)
Zeeman says: I love you Joan
Zeeman thinks . o O ( even though you can still .kill me )
Mouse chokes
Joan nods nods
Zeeman giggles incontrollably.
Philippe gets closer to Mouse
Zeeman warmly hugs Joan.
Joan warmly hugs Zeeman.
Mouse pegs a peanut at Philippe
Laura coughs
Philippe gives Mouse a pie of cheese
Philippe opens the bottles duvel
Mouse smirks at duvel
Philippe says: the first one is for zeeman
FinnO says: People of Castle Corners, Friends of Zeeman and Joan, this 
           is a joyous day at Castle. We are gathered here to show these 
           two our friendship and to be warmed by the fire of their love.
Zeeman lets out a loud belch.
Brucefan says: fire, more like inferno
Mouse asks: is it time to drink yet?
Zeeman exclaims: YES!
CastleCrier says: no
!! Mouse shouts: WOOHOO!!!
!! Philippe shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Zeeman says: ack
FinnO says: In pagan tradition and to seal this wedding I ask 
            you both to handfast.
!! Bill shouts: congrats
Laura is getting dry
Brucefan says: with Zee it is always time to drink
Joan takes Zeemans hand
Zeeman says: mmmmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmmmmm
Zeeman holds Joans hand
FinnO lays a broom on the floor before the bride and groom.
Mouse bursts into gales of laughter
Zeeman says: so fitting
Zeeman says: lol
Mouse thinks . o O ( a Hillbilly wedding )
Zeeman asks: is she gonna ride it now?
FinnO says: Joan and Zeeman join hands, and together, 
            jump over the broom.
Zeeman giggles incontrollably.
Laura giggles incontrollably.
Brucefan says: yeah, after you get to use that broom to clean 
               the chapel
Mouse looks at Zee and cracks up
Zeeman trips over the broom
Joan jumps over the broom
Zeeman exclaims: don't hold it so high!
Joan says: sheeeesssss
Mouse drops the end she was holding, ok ok
Joan exclaims: my dress !!
FinnO thinks . o O ( limbo? )
FinnO says: By the authority vested in me as the Great 
            Wizard of Castle Corners and its Realm, 
            I now pronounce you nethusband and netwife.  
            You may kiss your bride.
Zeeman sings o//~ daylight come and we drop de bomb o//~
Java reads the message board.
!! Laura shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Zeeman kisses Joan deeply and passionately!
Joan gives Zeeman a heart throbbing kiss.
!! Philippe shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Brucefan sings,  go on and kiss the girl
Zeeman moans softly.
Mouse scampers up Joan's dress and kisses her with gusto
Zeeman says: whoa
Joan turns a deep shade of red.
Philippe says: ack mouse
Laura says: congrats
Joan exclaims: Mouse !!
Joan says: thank you
Mouse smiles: welcome :)
Joan is madly in Love with Zeeman.
Philippe gives Joan a heart throbbing kiss.
FinnO thinks . o O ( where did she kiss?? )
Lorrie walks over and hugs the bride and groom
Brucefan says: hmmm  looks like mouse found a nest
Zeeman says: I'll meet you two in the bed chambers later
Philippe warmly hugs Zeeman.
Zeeman warmly hugs Philippe.
Mouse smiles, don't be late, Zee
Philippe exclaims: congratulations zeeman!!
Zeeman makes wild, passionate love to Joan!
   _                                                                      _
 _| |_____________________Paris_Broadcasting_System______________________| |_
|    From CastleCrier: We present to you King and Mrs Zeeman                 |
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Mouse winks at Zee, I'll get her all warmed up for you
Philippe exclaims: congratulations Joan!!
Java says: congrats
Zeeman laughs out loud!
Mouse shakes Zee's hand, congrats
Joan smiles: thanks :)
Brucefan says: Zee drinking first and the love later
Brucefan says: Congradulations Zee & Joan
Mouse cackles
   _                                                                      _
 _| |_____________________Paris_Broadcasting_System______________________| |_
|    From CastleCrier: Party is in Great Hall                                |
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