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All songs written,
performed, and recorded by

Isn't nice to see an update? Especially when it's our new recording of Quincy M.E. and Me -- a track we recorded this summer in the backwoods of Perth County, Ontario. Listen closely, you'll hear the crickets.
I should also mention the motivation behind this song: Jack Klugman, star of Quincy M.E. In case you've been living in a f*cking box, you can learn all about Klugman/Quincy by clicking here.
One last note: I made a crack a few months ago about changing 'Li'l Normie's Pick'o'the week' to 'Li'l Normie's pick'o'the Fiscal Quarter' -- and, well, I did just that. I think it's pretty goddamned catchy.

Click here to play QUINCY M.E. & ME if it doesn't open automatically..

SEPT 03/2006

Is it just a ploy to draw attention from bandmate's freshly-shaved head?

"Watch out, Toronto!" Danny Wetts shouts. "Because here comes my beard."
His enthusiasm is met with silence. Partially due to the fact that beards just don't generate much publicity, partially due to fans suspicions that Danny has grown the beard merely to counter the attention that his bandmate, Stu, has drawn over his recently-shorn head.

"Tell me," Danny demanded during a recent press conference. "Tell me why I would concern myself with stealing Stu's thunder. Honestly, it's just a head of hair -- there's no thunder to steal."
"Bullshit," Stu countered during an interview with Entertainment Tonight's 'Kojo'. "Danny sees my curly head of hair and realizes that his days are numbered -- five, ten years tops before his head is as bare and desolate as the Mojavi desert."
Stu Cappy, who shaved his head without warning not two weeks back, claims he 'saw this coming'.
"Danny isn't willing to risk shaving his precious locks -- for it could be his last harvest," Cappy chortles, sucking back a can of Fresca. "So seeing me shave my head so frivolouly, so blatantly, well...I think it pushed him over the edge."
Stu is quick to add: "His literal beard has become a meta-physical beard to disguise his own fears of aging, balding, and mortality."

"Listen, I don't know what the frig Stu has been telling Kojo, and I don't care," Danny growls, running his fingers through a weeks-worth of chin-growth. "I apologize for the use of the word 'frig', but geez, it's my beard and it doesn't have a damn thing to do with Stu and his youthful, vibrant, magical re-growing hair -- my issues with aging have nothing to do with it."
"Besides, no one in my family is bald -- and I have young, bouncy teenage girls compliment me on my good looks all time," Danny confides, throwing his curls to and fro. "Some of them even say I look like heart-throb Luke Perry."

"He isn't bald, is he?"

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